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Plongée en apnée nocturne avec les raies manta à Kona

À Kona, nos visiteurs ont le plaisir rare de faire l'expérience d'un Manta Night Snorkel. L'apparition d'une accumulation de plancton au large du rivage donne lieu à un incroyable spectacle de plongée avec tuba Night Manta auquel vous participez. Comme toutes nos excursions, nous traitons le Manta Night Snorkel avec respect en ne dérangeant pas ces gentils géants dans leur habitat. Nous respectons les directives établies pour les voyagistes Manta Ray. C'est un privilège pour nous de vous emmener dans ce voyage et nous ne le tenons pas pour acquis. L'expérience de voir ces créatures massives et douces dans la nature est exaltante. Le Manta Night Snorkel est une aventure que vous devez voir par vous-même et une expérience unique. Mahalo
Ville: Grande île d'Hawaï
Mon 28 Oct
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $150.00
Mon 28 Oct
À partir de $150.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Light snack, juice and water, plus a nice warm fresh water shower. Snorkel gear, fins, mask, flotation devices and wet suits are also included. Special note: when booking your reservation please indicate any additional special needs you my require. We are always wanting to be as accommodating as possible as to make your trip as special and memorable as possible. Aloha
Light snack, juice and water, plus a nice warm fresh water shower. Snorkel gear, fins, mask, flotation devices and wet suits are also included. Special note: when booking your reservation please indicate any additional special needs you my require. We are always wanting to be as accommodating as possible as to make your trip as special and memorable as possible. Aloha
Light snack, juice and water, plus a nice warm fresh water shower. Snorkel gear, fins, mask, flotation devices and wet suits are also included. Special note: when booking your reservation please indicate any additional special needs you my require. We are always wanting to be as accommodating as possible as to make your trip as special and memorable as possible. Aloha
Pont couvert d'auvent pour l'ombre et le confort
Information additionnelle
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs souffrant de lésions de la colonne vertébrale
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs enceintes
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant une mauvaise santé cardiovasculaire
  • Convient à tous niveaux de condition physique
  • Les enfants doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte.
  • Sous réserve de conditions météorologiques favorables. En cas d'annulation en raison de mauvaises conditions météorologiques, vous aurez le choix entre une autre date ou un remboursement complet.
  • Tous les participants sont tenus de remplir et de signer une décharge de plongée avec tuba dans l'eau.
  • Masques faciaux requis pour les voyageurs dans les espaces publics
  • Masques faciaux requis pour les guides dans les espaces publics
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Distanciation sociale appliquée tout au long de l'expérience
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Équipement/équipement désinfecté entre chaque utilisation
  • Guides nécessaires pour se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Vérifications régulières de la température pour le personnel
  • Politique de maintien à domicile payée pour le personnel présentant des symptômes
  • Paiements sans contact pour les pourboires et les suppléments
  • MANTA ADVENTURES INC COVID-19 GUIDLINES 2020 REV1 une. Distanciation sociale: Si possible, une distance sociale d'au moins six (6) pieds doit être maintenue entre les individus lorsque cela est possible. b. Protocoles d'hygiène : Les membres d'équipage doivent fournir une capacité de lavage des mains ou un désinfectant sur le navire.
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (611)
Diane F
Jan 2020
We had a great time on this trip. We've never snorkeled with manta rays and this by far was a pretty cool experience, loved it! The boat crew Shawna & Peyton were awesome very knowledgeable and helpful while we were in the water snorkeling and waiting on the manta rays. We had an amazing night and Manta Adventures was 100% a perfect choice for a once a lifetime experience.
Réponse de l'hôte
Feb 2021
Aloha, Thank you for choosing Manta Adventures and taking the time to review your experience. We're thrilled that we could provide you with such an exciting and informative first time encounter with the mantas. Please don't hesitate to contact us during your next visit. We look forward to providing you with another great adventure in the future! Mahalo, Manta Adventures
Jan 2020
My Wife and I traveled to Kona in 2019 to scout out a location for our 2020 wedding. We met several people along the way, whom all recommended the night dive. At first, it seemed terrifying to us. Who in their right mind would jump out of a perfectly good boat let alone at night! No way, No how. Well, I can tell you having gone and jumped out of said boat. This is that once in a lifetime adventure that will change your life. I have traveled quite a bit. I have seen the popular sights, been exclusive and rare places, hiked to vistas, climbed mountains, checked out the famous national parks, etc. This tops it all. All of it. Nothing comes close, or even pales in comparison to watching these massive, elegant, peaceful fish come right up to you. We had the pleasure of attending this trip after our wedding in Kona. My Wife, Sister, Brother in Law, Nephew, and myself all in a group with about 12 other attendants. Captain Bill, and deckhands Ocean and Riley, were our Crew. We had done research and watched youtube videos leading up to deciding if this trip was for us. Pictures and videos still just don't do this experience any justice. To be there, inches from the Rays, is just something that can't be captured or translated in an online review. You just have to be there! Captain Bill and Crew were amazing. They provided drinks and fresh pineapple to snack on which was a really nice touch. Ocean was the more experienced deckhand and did an incredible job explaining key points, instructions, and what to expect in the water. He had a great informative portion where he educated us on the Manta Rays. We even had time to solo snorkel and swim before actually getting in with the Rays. They let us test our gear and just relax in the ocean for a bit which was really nice too. As the sun went down, we were briefed on what to expect. The sunset from the ocean was stunning and beautiful. Anticipation grew as the light boards and platforms were set out. We were instructed to slowly enter the water and carefully swim over to the stations so we did not disturb any fish that may be nearby. The water was cold, but tolerable. We were warned in advance that it would be cold, but we were asked to tough it out if at all possible. I can tell you this - it will be cold and you have to tough it out. It is worth the money, the cold, everything, to just tough it out. Within minutes of having the boards out - plankton clouded the water. Visibility was still great, but you could see the ocean coming alive. Plankton began to build into a hazy cloud all around us. Smaller fish known as "aHolehole" came to feed first. It was like you were in a lifesize aquarium! Hundreds and hundreds of these fish darted around everywhere you looked! Ocean and Riley would periodically yell out that a Manta Ray was coming. When they signaled you could pop your mask back down in the water to wait. The first Ray that came in was about 10 feet across and weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,000lbs. It glided into the plankton cloud with this smooth cool collective, before turning up, and angling into our light board. With effortless control the Manta Ray did a barrel roll within 3 inches of our masks. Before diving that night, we were strictly told that we could not under any circumstance touch the fish. Otherwise - we could be kicked off the tour for compromising the fishes protective coating which could fatally harm the Ray. But if we could have - we could have kissed one of these beautiful creatures :) it was seriously that close! Having been told to check this out by the locals, to actually doing the tour, and now writing a review. From my family to yours - please - book with Manta Adventures. The boat, the equipment, the light board setup, the professionalism of the Captain and Crew, it all stood out from the other tours in the area. You might pay a little more with this group - but there just isn't an amount that I wouldn't pay to go do this again and again and again with Manta Adventures.
Réponse de l'hôte
Feb 2021
Aloha, Thank you for choosing Manta Adventures and taking the time to review your experience with amazing detail! It is a great honor that we could provide you and your family with such an unforgettable and unique experience getting up close and personal with these lovely gentle giants that bless our waters. Thank you for trusting us to guide you on this new experience while keeping you safe and informed along the way. Please don't hesitate to contact us during your next visit. We look forward to providing you with another great adventure in the future! Mahalo, Manta Adventures
Jan 2020
So Majestic! This tour was great fun - beautiful boat ride up the coast, amazing animals up close and personal, and friendly service. Captain Bill, Shawna, and Ocean took such good care of us! My husband was an observer and still got to see a lot of the action. Oh, and the wet suits were a nice touch in the chilly, choppy water.
Réponse de l'hôte
Jan 2020
Aloha. Thank you for reviewing and for choosing the Manta Adventures family. If you find yourself in Kona again please call us up and book a fun new adventure. Mahalo, Manta Adventures

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