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Visite de la ferme d'ananas de North Shore Dole - Excursion exclusive d'une journée à Oahu

Go Hawaii Tours s'est associé à Dole Food Company pour vous offrir une expérience unique à Oahu, Hawaii. Nous avons maintenant la possibilité de conduire dans les champs d'ananas de Dole et de présenter le processus d'ananas que Dole a perfectionné afin de vous offrir la qualité supérieure des ananas pour laquelle ils sont connus dans le monde entier.

Cette expérience véritablement immersive permettra aux invités de monter et de descendre du bus pour voir comment Dole plante, récolte et emballe des ananas. Nos invités verront, goûteront et ressentiront tout le processus d'ananas et pourront même emporter un ananas Dole chez eux avant de quitter le terrain.

Cette excursion d'une journée complète vous montrera également le côté culinaire et pittoresque de La côte nord d'Oahu. Les arrêts supplémentaires incluent Greenworld Coffee Farm, un arrêt sur l'une des célèbres plages de la côte nord, un déjeuner dans un food truck local, un magasin de noix de macadamia, Waialua Sugar Mill (maintenant une savonnerie), la vieille ville de Haleiwa et la statue du roi Kamehameha.

Rejoignez-nous pour une journée incroyable sur la côte nord d'Oahu.

Ville: Honolulu
Thu 24 Oct
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $149.00
Thu 24 Oct
À partir de $149.00
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Ce qui est inclu
Air-conditioned vehicle
Billet gratuit pour le LA Comedy Club au Strat (une valeur de 40 $ par personne!)
Information additionnelle
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs souffrant de lésions de la colonne vertébrale
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs enceintes
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant une mauvaise santé cardiovasculaire
  • Convient à tous niveaux de condition physique
  • Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 2 ans.
  • Les clients doivent porter un masque à l'intérieur du bus et de l'usine de traitement
À quoi s'attendre
Green World Coffee Farms
We head straight up to the North Shore after pick up in Waikiki and make a stop at Greenworld Coffee Farms which offers a wide array of coffee and tea Samples daily for guests. A great way to refresh and grab a cup of coffee made from the beans of one of the 3000+ Arabica trees on the 7 acres of Greenworld Coffee Farm before heading to the Dole pineapple fields.
Dole Plantation
Now for the first time, visitors can venture into the Dole​’s Royal Hawaiian Gold Pineapple farm with one of our local guides to ​witness skilled field workers planting and harvesting the​ sweet, iconic DOLE Pineapples. This truly immersive experience will have the guest​ both on and off the bus, walking with our guide through the fields and pineapple pack house to see the whole process Dole has perfected. This one-of-a-kind Oahu experience will even include guest sampling of Dole’s unique variety of pineapple straight from the fields. Before leaving each guest will receive a complimentary​Dole Royal Hawaiian Gold Pineapple to take home.
Old Waialua Sugar Mill
After lunch, guests can navigate The Waialua Sugar Mill, formally known as the Chamberlain Plantation, a sugarcane plantation and historical sugar mill, located in the town of Waialua. It was in operation from 1865 until 1996. Popular stops to visit are the “soap factory” and “surfboard shop” found inside the old mill.
Mokuleia Beach Park
A trip to the North Shore without a stop at the beach is not a trip to the North Shore. Our guide will take the guests to a location where they can witness the beauty of a world renown Hawaiian beach and take photos to send back to family and friends back home. (No Swimming)
North Shore Macadamia Nut Company
Next to Historic Haliewa Town lies a hidden culinary gem, a local Macadamia shop that finds itself tucked away under the comforting shade of an aged Banyan tree. The macadamia nuts here are sourced from the foothills of Oahu’s tallest peak, Mt. Kaala, from an orchid comprising of over 1200 macadamia nut trees on 24 acres. These are the freshest macadamia nuts on the whole island of Oahu, creating a wonderful edible experience as you continue your day trip into the history of Hawaiian agriculture. Other culinary delights located here include authentic North Shore Acai Bowls or tasty Kona coffee samples.
Haleiwa Town Center
Your last stop on the North Shore is a step back in time to one of Oahu’s oldest towns. Originally built as a home for immigrant sugar plantation workers, Haliewa is now a quaint surf town, filled with a variety of boutique shops, surf shops, and shaved ice stops. As time has passed, the state has set up architectural guidelines requiring the design of existing buildings and newly erected buildings to reflect the plantation-style architecture of the early years of Haleiwa’s sugar industry which makes it a refreshing stop away from the bustling streets and tall buildings of Waikiki.
King Kamehameha Statue
Before returning to Waikiki and dropping off the guests, our guide will stop to see the King Kamehameha Statue. A perfect way to tie in some additional Hawaiian history on top of the agricultural lineage that they have just experienced through the day on the North Shore Dole Pineapple Tour.
Fermes de café du monde vert
Nous nous dirigeons directement vers la côte nord après la prise en charge à Waikiki et faisons un arrêt à Greenworld Coffee Farms qui propose quotidiennement une large gamme d'échantillons de café et de thé pour les clients. Un excellent moyen de se rafraîchir et de prendre une tasse de café à base de grains de l'un des plus de 3 000 arbres Arabica sur les 7 acres de Greenworld Coffee Farm avant de se diriger vers les champs d'ananas de Dole.
Plantation de Dole
Maintenant, pour la première fois, les visiteurs peuvent s'aventurer dans la ferme d'ananas Royal Hawaiian Gold de Dole avec l'un de nos guides locaux pour voir des travailleurs de terrain qualifiés planter et récolter les ananas sucrés et emblématiques de DOLE. Cette expérience véritablement immersive permettra à l'invité de monter et de descendre du bus, marchant avec notre guide à travers les champs et la maison de conditionnement d'ananas pour voir tout le processus que Dole a perfectionné. Cette expérience unique à Oahu comprendra même un échantillon invité de la variété unique d'ananas de Dole directement des champs. Avant de partir, chaque invité recevra un ananas Dole Royal Hawaiian Gold gratuit à rapporter à la maison.
Ancienne sucrerie de Waialua
Après le déjeuner, vous pourrez naviguer dans le Waialua Sugar Mill, anciennement connu sous le nom de Chamberlain Plantation, une plantation de canne à sucre et un moulin à sucre historique, situé dans la ville de Waialua. Il a fonctionné de 1865 à 1996. Les arrêts les plus populaires à visiter sont la « fabrique de savon » et le « magasin de planches de surf » qui se trouvent à l'intérieur de l'ancien moulin.
Parc de la plage de Mokuleia
Un voyage sur la Côte-Nord sans arrêt à la plage n'est pas un voyage sur la Côte-Nord. Notre guide emmènera les invités dans un endroit où ils pourront admirer la beauté d'une plage hawaïenne de renommée mondiale et prendre des photos à renvoyer à la famille et aux amis à la maison. (Ne pas nager)
North Shore Macadamia Nut Company
À côté de la ville historique de Haliewa se trouve un joyau culinaire caché, un magasin local de Macadamia qui se trouve caché sous l'ombre réconfortante d'un vieil arbre Banyan. Les noix de macadamia ici proviennent des contreforts du plus haut sommet d'Oahu, le mont Kaala, d'une orchidée comprenant plus de 1200 arbres de noix de macadamia sur 24 acres. Ce sont les noix de macadamia les plus fraîches de toute l'île d'Oahu, créant une merveilleuse expérience comestible alors que vous continuez votre excursion d'une journée dans l'histoire de l'agriculture hawaïenne. D'autres délices culinaires situés ici comprennent d'authentiques bols d'açai de North Shore ou de savoureux échantillons de café Kona.
Centre-ville de Haleiwa
Votre dernier arrêt sur la côte nord est un retour dans le temps dans l'une des plus anciennes villes d'Oahu. Construit à l'origine comme une maison pour les travailleurs immigrés des plantations de canne à sucre, Haliewa est maintenant une ville de surf pittoresque, remplie d'une variété de boutiques, de magasins de surf et d'arrêts de glace pilée. Au fil du temps, l'État a mis en place des directives architecturales exigeant que la conception des bâtiments existants et des bâtiments nouvellement érigés reflète l'architecture de style plantation des premières années de l'industrie sucrière de Haleiwa, ce qui en fait une halte rafraîchissante loin des rues animées et hautes bâtiments de Waikiki.
Statue du roi Kamehameha
Avant de retourner à Waikiki et de déposer les invités, notre guide s'arrêtera pour voir la statue du roi Kamehameha. Un moyen idéal de lier une histoire hawaïenne supplémentaire à la lignée agricole qu'ils viennent de vivre tout au long de la journée lors du North Shore Dole Pineapple Tour.
Show 11 plus d'arrêts
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Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (211)
Jun 2022
For starters, the check in process was chaotic as our pickup point was the same as three other tours. We walked up and there were just people everywhere from all the different tours and had we not walked around trying to ask questions we wouldn’t have found the tour guide. Our bus was completely full with no extra spots (which was fine) butttt it made the bus feel insanely cramped and superrrrr hot during the last 3/4 of the trip. My husband and I were in the back which had the hump of the bus in that seat and our seats were directly in the sunlight the whole trip so I spent most of the time in the bus cramped and struggling to get out at each stop and sweating an insane amount because no air reached you unless you had your head into the aisle. The first coffee stop was small and not worth seeing honestly. I had this idea that it would be a large coffee farm with some sort of tour but it was literally just a coffee shop with a gift shop attached and a small area of coffee plants you could walk through. The dole pineapple portion was actually very interesting and my favorite part of the tour. However, it was also the BIGGEST letdown of the trip for me because I went for the Dole whip/wanted to see the gift shop/ take a picture in front of the pretty dole plantation front and that didn’t happen. DO NOT BOOK THIS TOUR IF YOU WANT DOLE WHIP YOU WONT GET IT! I was so disappointed that the largest part of the tour said the dole plantation and we literally didn’t get to go to the other side that had all of the awesome dole products to try. Instead of spending literally an hour in the pineapple fields we could have been fine with 30 minutes and 30 minutes to shop and try foods. After this you drive to the beach and just basically look at it for 15 minutes then leave again to go eat lunch. The town was so crowded( it was Memorial Day so I understand) that we spent most of the time stuck in traffic on the Main Street. The lunch options here really aren’t the greatest and we spent almost the whole time walking back and forth trying to see what was even available. It would have been nice if the tour provided us with the names of the places and the type of food they had to minimize the search time since you only get 1 hr 15 min there. The good shave ice place is in this town but the line is so long you don’t have a chance to get it once you have to wait and eat your lunch. After this you go to the macadamia nut farm which again, I thought we would get like a little tour of a farm but really it’s just an outside gift stand that has samples to try and nuts to buy. Definitely a let down. After this you go back towards downtown and stop at a statue which was not worth seeing in my opinion. We did this on our last day of our trip and I will say it was a waste of our last day in Hawaii which was sad and disappointing as I had high hopes for this tour. Our tour guide was very knowledgeable about Hawaiian history and information and I enjoyed that when we would get it but he spent wayyyyy too much time filling in with his personal stories that were a bit obnoxious especially since he used the word “literally” probably over 200 times. Some Hawaiian music in the background in between information would have been nice so that every moment of our trip wasn’t filled with non stop talking. The pictures in the reviews were definitely misleading of the things included in this tour.
May 2022
What an amazing tour. I am born and raised in Hawaii and have never had the opportunity to get up and close in the plantation. The timing was perfect !! Our family and out of guests all loved it. Great Experience!!!
Réponse de l'hôte
Jun 2022
We are very happy to hear that you enjoyed the tour. Thank you for choosing us.
May 2022
Rocky was an excellent tour guide. He knew the history of the area very well and made us feel like we were apart of a diverse family on our tour. I really enjoyed learning the history behind the Dole Pineapple Tour and the history behind Haleiwa as well. Definitely recommend this tour especially for the surprise towards the end.
Réponse de l'hôte
May 2022
We are very happy to hear that you enjoyed the tour.. We will let Rocky know that you enjoyed his company. Mahalo for the awesome review!

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