If you want to experience the most from your Grand Teton National and Yellowstone Park visit, Jackson Hole Wildlife Safaris are who you need to book. This is our fifth time booking with them and three times we have been guided by Dwight Vasel. All we can say is we see more, learn more and do more. There's no way a half day can fit it all. We've seen a bison bull jump a five foot fence from a standstill, a grizzly mother and her cub napping in the sun after feeding on a kill and pronghorn bucks competing to claim mating rights to a harem of pronghorn does. No matter whether viewing scenery or wildlife for the first time or the fifth, it never gets old. Dwight is a delight to be with. Having spent years observing and personally photographing the area and its habitat, he is knowledgeable, respectful and eager to pass on his enthusiam. We will always look to Jackson Hole Wildlife Safaris to guide us when we visit.