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Visite de groupe après les heures d'ouverture du cimetière Bonaventure de Savannah

Savannah SEULEMENT après les heures d'ouverture, visite du cimetière! Dirigée par Shannon Scott, cette tournée spécialisée pour adultes plonge dans des couches de sujets de société secrète, de travail rituel de médecin racine, de gangsters, de contrebandiers, d'amants meurtriers et d'autres joyaux d'histoires clandestines que Scott définit comme «les contes tabous» de Bonaventure. Pour les fans de Midnight In The Garden of Good & Evil ? C'est le spectacle ultime alors que vous parcourez les terrains discutés dans le roman où de nombreux personnages sont maintenant enterrés et, selon les attentes, racontés d'une manière très personnelle et non conformiste par le barde de Bonaventure, Shannon Scott !
Ville: Savane
Sun 20 Oct
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $56.42
Sun 20 Oct
À partir de $56.42
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Professional local guide
Professional local guide
Information additionnelle
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant une mauvaise santé cardiovasculaire
  • Les voyageurs doivent avoir au moins un niveau de forme physique modéré
  • Déconseillé aux voyageuses enceintes
  • Les clients doivent avoir un téléphone portable sur eux et fournir un numéro de téléphone portable au moment de la réservation.
  • Fonctionne dans toutes les conditions météorologiques, veuillez vous habiller de manière appropriée
À quoi s'attendre
Shannon Scott Tours
Tour the South's most illustrious, Victorian Cemetery with 29 year, resident storyteller, Shannon Scott or one of his other premium story hosts! Bonaventure is home to poets, songwriters, actors, artists, industrialists, duelists, Confederates, and every life story under one sunny cemetery! Fans of Secret Societies like The Freemasons won't be disappointed either as Bonaventure is imprinted everywhere with their emblems! See Little Gracie, Johnny Mercer, Conrad Aiken, Noble Jones and more! Fans of "Midnight In The Garden of Good and Evil?" Get close to the characters! Talk about a personal & impacting day out! Inquire about Historic District Hotel Transportation!
Bonaventure Cemetery
During this 2.5 hour tour, you will be joining a very exclusive club of people who have seen the cemetery after it closes to the public. Not since it opened in 1846 has this been an opportunity, but thanks to your very special local host, now it is. You are literally locked in the cemetery the entire time; for the right taker, there's no price you can put on the joy of that. Imagine having the serenity, stillness, and quiet of the cemetery, uninterrupted by the living world. Stories stretch from the present day all the way back to Bonaventure's plantation beginnings in 1754. Our topics range from the funny and uplifting to the macabre at its most morbid. Some of the stories that will be covered include those of: • A "hooch runner" for Al Capone • A bizarre love story that ended in one murder and one visit to the electric chair • Savannah's role in The DaVinci Code • Lady Minerva & Jim Williams in Midnight in The Garden of Good and Evil
Visites à Shannon Scott
Visitez le cimetière victorien le plus illustre du Sud avec Shannon Scott, conteuse résidente de 29 ans, ou l'un de ses autres animateurs d'histoires premium! Bonaventure abrite des poètes, des auteurs-compositeurs, des acteurs, des artistes, des industriels, des duellistes, des confédérés et toutes les histoires de vie sous un même cimetière ensoleillé ! Les fans de Sociétés Secrètes comme Les Francs-Maçons ne seront pas déçus non plus puisque Bonaventure est imprimé partout avec leurs emblèmes ! Découvrez Little Gracie, Johnny Mercer, Conrad Aiken, Noble Jones et plus encore ! Fans de "Midnight In The Garden of Good and Evil?" Rapprochez-vous des personnages ! Parlez d'une journée personnelle et impactante ! Renseignez-vous sur le transport de l'hôtel du quartier historique !
Cimetière Bonaventure
Au cours de cette visite de 2,5 heures, vous rejoindrez un club très exclusif de personnes qui ont vu le cimetière après sa fermeture au public. Ce n'était pas une opportunité depuis son ouverture en 1846, mais grâce à votre hôte local très spécial, c'est maintenant le cas. Vous êtes littéralement enfermé dans le cimetière tout le temps ; pour le bon preneur, il n'y a pas de prix que vous pouvez mettre sur la joie de cela. Imaginez avoir la sérénité, l'immobilité et la tranquillité du cimetière, ininterrompu par le monde vivant. Les histoires s'étendent de nos jours jusqu'aux débuts de la plantation de Bonaventure en 1754. Nos sujets vont du drôle et édifiant au macabre dans sa forme la plus morbide. Certaines des histoires qui seront couvertes incluent celles de: • Un « hooch runner » pour Al Capone • Une histoire d'amour bizarre qui s'est terminée par un meurtre et une visite à la chaise électrique • Le rôle de Savannah dans The DaVinci Code • Lady Minerva et Jim Williams dans Minuit dans le jardin du bien et du mal
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Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (142)
Aug 2013
We took advantage of a Groupon deal and attended one of Shannon's Bonaventure tours in June. It was absolutely one of the most memorable things we have ever done while visiting Savannah. It was so wonderful, that we have visited Bonaventure a couple of times since then to explore on our own. We appreciated the personal connection that Shannon had with a few of the stops along the tour. It made it seem real, more personal, and like learning about an old friend. Shannon really know his history but at the same time makes it so personal and reflective. Also, there was a lot of ground and information to cover, so when Shannon asks at the beginning "does anyone have any questions", you better speak up...plus you will be so engrossed in the material that you will forget. However, that isn't to say that if you can match his walking speed that you can't ask questions in between each stop. As a final note: Read the fine print when using a Groupon. You must call him first to schedule a tour. He will then give you pointers on what items to bring, how to dress appropriately, and where at what time to meet. At the scheduled time, he has a clipboard were he marks your name off. This is because this is an after hours cemetery tour. We had to be let in by the grounds keeper who also locked the gate behind us. Shannon does not have the capability to let people come and go. We saw people who showed up an hour after the scheduled meeting time wanting to be let in (even trying to climb the gate) for the tour stating that they had already paid. Those people were not happy at all, but I personally witnessed Shannon check off all the names (our tour was running a bit behind because he was waiting to make sure everyone turned up). In short, read the instructions, listen to what Shannon tells you to do over the phone, and do not be late!!! This was one of the absolute best uses of our time and money while in Savannah!
Kristen M
Jul 2013
This after hours tour with Shannon was great! We had the bonus of having author Murray SIlver (author of Behind the Moss Curtain) and his friend Phoebe (jerry Lee Lewis's grand daughter) on the tour with us. Murray who is from Savannah and was on the tour to connect with his grandfather who passed and was buried at Bonaventure took Shannon aside at the end of the tour and spoke very highly of the tour. Being from Savannah, something tells me he knows his stuff. Aside from those exciting run-ins with famous Savanians, my husband and I really loved the tour. It was filled with lots of great history and oozing with Savannah charm. Shannon is not native to the city, but his heart and soul is dedicated to it. He has spent many years here and has learned the culture, stories, nuances...everything about this city. If you want a real tour of the cemetery and not just ghost stories, Shannon is your man! (BTW- there will not be any ghost stories on this tour, just history, really cooky, cool, intriguing history). BUT, Shannon will sell you his DVD that has the ghost stuff on there which is pretty cool.
Frank L
Jun 2013
Shannon Scott's passion for his subject comes through in his Bonaventure After Hours Tour. The 2-hour event is well worth the price. As a Georgian who has gone visited the cemetery over the last 31 years, I enjoyed benefitting from Shannon's personal experiences and wealth of research. If you are coming to Savannah, don't miss this journey into the gothic heart and soul of the place. "Midnight" gives a taste, but this is a satisfying experience of the real essence of place. Yes, there is more to see and do, and you should, but make time for an after hours visit to a Victorian masterpiece.

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