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Aventure équestre pittoresque

Profitez d'une promenade guidée à cheval d'une heure et demie avec une vue panoramique sur la vallée de Verde. Nous sommes à seulement 30 minutes de Sedona. Cette balade est adaptée aux débutants nerveux, aux débutants, aux familles et aux enfants. Le trajet vous emmène autour de l'enclos Texas Longhorn où vous pourrez voir Brutus, le gentil géant ainsi que le buffle. L'esprit vieil ouest de ce lieu, les façades occidentales, les chevaux, les poules, les chèvres et les vaches vous donneront envie d'échanger vos chaussures brillantes contre une vieille paire de bottes et votre voiture de luxe contre un cheval ! Les clients sont également invités à nourrir les moutons de la Barbade, à donner des friandises aux chevaux ou à prendre un selfie avec les minis.
Ville: Drapeau
Sun 22 Sep
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $89.00
Sun 22 Sep
À partir de $89.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Use of helmet (optional)
Horseback Ride
Use of helmet (optional)
Horseback Ride
Pourboires du guide (uniquement pour l'option privée)
Guide expert et commentaire
Information additionnelle
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Des transports en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Non recommandé pour voyageuses enceintes
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Distanciation sociale imposée tout au long de l'expérience
  • Régulièrement désinfecté zones à fort trafic
  • Équipement/équipement désinfecté entre chaque utilisation
  • Guides requis pour se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Vérifications régulières de la température pour le personnel
  • Payé politique de maintien à domicile pour le personnel présentant des symptômes
  • Vaccination COVID-19 obligatoire pour les guides
  • Il s'agit d'une activité de plein air en plein air.
Politique d'annulation
Toutes les ventes sont finales. Aucun remboursement n'est disponible pour les annulations.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (209)
Apr 2022
It was an experience to be on a horse, but the scenic trail, was not all that scenic. In addition there was a girl on a horse behind us that talked the WHOLE TIME. Silly Banter that her parents should have SHUT Down early into the ride. No reflection on the company, but maybe they should make some rules about this. I paid the same amount that they paid and she ruined our experience.
Apr 2022
Very friendly staff who took care of us beginners on an hour long trip. I went with my 8 year old and we both a great time and made great memories.
Apr 2022
I unfortunately have never been more relieved for a horseback ride to be over. We were asked to sign a waiver before the ride "denying the use of a helmet". When I said "what if I want to wear one," the response was "well, if you can find one the fits, you are welcome to wear one." It seemed they did not have enough helmets for adults. The instruction/demonstration of how to ride a horse was extremely brief and given by a rider who was difficult to understand. It seemed like they had more people show up than they were planning on (23 guests on the ride). They ended up having to use some of the guides' horses for the guests--these particular horses did not seem used to riding single file and therefore seemed on edge. My particular horse kicked the horse behind mine several times because he was getting too close. Families were separated between adults and kids. I understand them wanting to be sure the kids are toward the front, but it was very uncomfortable to be separated, especially after what happened next. Within 5 minutes of our ride beginning, a lady's horse took off running, threw her off the horse and she left by ambulance. The staff seemed to have no idea or plan of what to do for the situation. There was luckily a medical professional on the ride as a guest who took charge. This set the tone for the rest of our ride. I unfortunately was so worried for the entirety of the ride, especially for my kids, one of whom was a first time rider, that I could not enjoy the ride and view. The questions I didn't know I would need to ask, and will ask before I go on another vacation horseback ride are: 1) what is the number of guests on the ride/ratio of guide to guest (This one was at times 2 to 22 and it felt like if something happened, they would not be able to manage); 2) are there enough helmets for all riders, regardless of age, to wear a helmet; 3) do you have an orientation (even brief) in the beginning that makes sure all riders know how to stop, start, the basics? especially for 1st time riders; 5) are horses spaced out? These 23 horses were tail to nose for a long single file line and crept along; the ride before us had just finished and then the same horses were used. Cannot be fun for the horses; 4) do you have an emergency plan if someone is to get thrown off a horse. I hope the woman who was thrown off is OK. I know horses are animals and you can't always predict what they will do. It seems like alot of safety and preventative measures could have been put in place for this ride. I have gone back and forth about whether to write a review, because I think horses are amazing and love how these horses are rescued. I love for people to have the opportunity to experience their majesty and do want the company to succeed. I hope the experience with a rider being bucked off will inform some changes for this company.
Réponse de l'hôte
Apr 2022
Thank you for leaving a review as we take all of our reviews seriously and we do make any changes necessary. We have already responded to another review from that day. . I would like to start off by sayinf that our accidents are actually very far and few in between. We also pride ourselves in safety and would also like to mention that every single accident we have ever had here at the ranch has been caused by guests not listening and following the directions given in the riding demo. . You mentioned that you couldn't hear or understand the guide that was giving the riding demo. If you ever go horseback riding again, please make sure to speak up if you cant hear or didn't understand the riding demo. We always ask if our guest have any questions after the demo is done and it's very important, especially for first timers to understand throughly the instructions given. We never want a guest mounting without first feeling completely comfortable with the basic understanding on how to ride their horse. . Guest was never bucked off her horse, she actually fell off her horse that was trotting because she was giving it direction to do so. We tell everybody not to turn their horses out of line. . Protocol was done exactly the way our safety plan is set up. If Guest can get up and walk back to the ranch which was only feet away (and Guest did) then that is what we definitely encourage and hope for. There were actually four guides on your ride that day as we have a very strict 6 people per 1 guide ratio. All guides gave the same account of what happened and they all did exactly what they have been trained to do. . We can only provide band-aids and ice packs and if a guests were to get really hurt (which that didn't happen and has never happend) then medical personal would access the situation on scene, meaning, where the incident took place. This is how we have been trained by local EMT and Fire Services. We of course never want any of our guests to get injured and we want them to feel safe and comfortable at all times. Please always speak up if directions were not understood as the safety and care of our guests and our horses are a priority. We thank you for riding with us as I was informed your family decided to continue on the rest of the ride. I totally understand the "mama nerves" after witnessing such an unfortunate event. We hope you have a blessed rest of your summer.

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