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Excursion partagée d'une demi-journée en montagne à Red Rocks Evergreen et Echo Lake

C'est la meilleure excursion d'une demi-journée en montagne pour sortir de Denver et voir les montagnes sans passer une journée entière à faire du tourisme. Ces visites en petits groupes sont conçues pour vous permettre de voir, d'apprendre et d'explorer, pas seulement de passer devant. Cette visite met vraiment en valeur le meilleur de notre système Denver Mountain Park. Visitez Red Rocks Park et l'amphithéâtre, puis montez dans les montagnes via Bear Creek Canyon jusqu'à la pittoresque ville de montagne d'Evergreen. Parcourez les boutiques locales ou prenez un verre dans le Saloon, la cave ou le café local. Admirez de magnifiques vues sur les montagnes Rocheuses tout en escaladant un magnifique col de montagne jusqu'au lac Echo à 10 600 pieds. Promenez-vous autour de ce magnifique lac glaciaire situé au pied du mont Evans à 14 256 pieds et profitez du paysage de montagne. Voyagez dans l'historique Genesee Mountain Park tout en observant des troupeaux de buffles et d'élans sur le chemin du retour à Denver. *Observation de la faune non garantie.
Ville: Denver
Tue 11 Mar
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $85.00
Tue 11 Mar
À partir de $85.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Water refills, please bring a refillable water bottle for your own use
Local Professional Driver/Guide
Water refills, please bring a refillable water bottle for your own use
Local Professional Driver/Guide
Water refills, please bring a refillable water bottle for your own use
Local Professional Driver/Guide
Water refills, please bring a refillable water bottle for your own use
Information additionnelle
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • Un nombre minimum s'applique. Il y a une possibilité d'annulation après confirmation s'il n'y a pas assez de passagers pour répondre aux exigences. Dans le cas rare où cela se produirait, une alternative ou un remboursement complet vous sera proposé
  • Nous recommandons une veste toute l'année car les montagnes sont toujours plus froides que Denver. En hiver, un bonnet et des gants sont également recommandés.
  • Les enfants de moins de 4 ans ne sont pas autorisés
  • L'accès à l'amphithéâtre dépend des fermetures de contrôle du son par les artistes le jour même. Nous vous recommandons de faire notre visite du matin pour avoir les meilleures chances d'accéder à l'intérieur de l'amphithéâtre lui-même pendant les saisons de concerts.
  • Masques faciaux fournis aux voyageurs
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Équipement/équipement désinfectés entre chaque utilisation
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfectés
  • Guides requis pour se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Vérifications régulières de la température du personnel
  • Politique de maintien à domicile payante pour le personnel présentant des symptômes
  • Paiements sans contact pour les pourboires et les suppléments
  • Guides et les invités porteront des masques faciaux dans la camionnette lorsque la réglementation l'exige.
À quoi s'attendre
Denver Union Station
Begin your tour at Historic Union Station located in lower downtown Denver where your local driver guide for the day will pick you up.
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See, Learn and Explore the inspiring geological rock formations and walk through the historic Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Learn about the geology, history and Music of this beautiful Denver Mountain Park and amazing natural outdoor music venue,
Evergreen Lake
Enjoy picturesque Bear Creek Canyon on your way to Historic Downtown Evergreen. This fun mountain town is full of local artisan shops, a wild west saloon, winery and the cutest coffee shops. Stop for a quick drink and to look around this quaint town with a colorful past.
Echo Lake Park
Travel up Squaw Pass where you will enjoy breathtaking views of the Continental Divide and Rocky Mountains along this Scenic Byway. You will reach beautiful Echo Lake, a glacial lake sitting at 10,600 ft at the base of Mt. Evans. Enjoy a stroll around the lake and take in the fresh mountain air and scenery.
Denver Union Station
Begin your tour at Historic Union Station located in lower downtown Denver where your local driver guide for the day will pick you up.
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See, Learn and Explore the inspiring geological rock formations and walk through the historic Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Learn about the geology, history and Music of this beautiful Denver Mountain Park and amazing natural outdoor music venue,
Evergreen Lake
Enjoy picturesque Bear Creek Canyon on your way to Historic Downtown Evergreen. This fun mountain town is full of local artisan shops, a wild west saloon, winery and the cutest coffee shops. Stop for a quick drink and to look around this quaint town with a colorful past.
Echo Lake Park
Travel up Squaw Pass where you will enjoy breathtaking views of the Continental Divide and Rocky Mountains along this Scenic Byway. You will reach beautiful Echo Lake, a glacial lake sitting at 10,600 ft at the base of Mt. Evans. Enjoy a stroll around the lake and take in the fresh mountain air and scenery.
Denver Union Station
Begin your tour at Historic Union Station located in lower downtown Denver where your local driver guide for the day will pick you up.
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See, Learn and Explore the inspiring geological rock formations and walk through the historic Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Learn about the geology, history and Music of this beautiful Denver Mountain Park and amazing natural outdoor music venue,
Evergreen Lake
Enjoy picturesque Bear Creek Canyon on your way to Historic Downtown Evergreen. This fun mountain town is full of local artisan shops, a wild west saloon, winery and the cutest coffee shops. Stop for a quick drink and to look around this quaint town with a colorful past.
Echo Lake Park
Travel up Squaw Pass where you will enjoy breathtaking views of the Continental Divide and Rocky Mountains along this Scenic Byway. You will reach beautiful Echo Lake, a glacial lake sitting at 10,600 ft at the base of Mt. Evans. Enjoy a stroll around the lake and take in the fresh mountain air and scenery.
Denver Union Station
Begin your tour at Historic Union Station located in lower downtown Denver where your local driver guide for the day will pick you up.
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See, Learn and Explore the inspiring geological rock formations and walk through the historic Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Learn about the geology, history and Music of this beautiful Denver Mountain Park and amazing natural outdoor music venue,
Evergreen Lake
Enjoy picturesque Bear Creek Canyon on your way to Historic Downtown Evergreen. This fun mountain town is full of local artisan shops, a wild west saloon, winery and the cutest coffee shops. Stop for a quick drink and to look around this quaint town with a colorful past.
Echo Lake Park
Travel up Squaw Pass where you will enjoy breathtaking views of the Continental Divide and Rocky Mountains along this Scenic Byway. You will reach beautiful Echo Lake, a glacial lake sitting at 10,600 ft at the base of Mt. Evans. Enjoy a stroll around the lake and take in the fresh mountain air and scenery.
Denver Union Station
Begin your tour at Historic Union Station located in lower downtown Denver where your local driver guide for the day will pick you up.
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See, Learn and Explore the inspiring geological rock formations and walk through the historic Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Learn about the geology, history and Music of this beautiful Denver Mountain Park and amazing natural outdoor music venue,
Evergreen Lake
Enjoy picturesque Bear Creek Canyon on your way to Historic Downtown Evergreen. This fun mountain town is full of local artisan shops, a wild west saloon, winery and the cutest coffee shops. Stop for a quick drink and to look around this quaint town with a colorful past.
Echo Lake Park
Travel up Squaw Pass where you will enjoy breathtaking views of the Continental Divide and Rocky Mountains along this Scenic Byway. You will reach beautiful Echo Lake, a glacial lake sitting at 10,600 ft at the base of Mt. Evans. Enjoy a stroll around the lake and take in the fresh mountain air and scenery.
Denver Union Station
Begin your tour at Historic Union Station located in lower downtown Denver where your local driver guide for the day will pick you up.
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See, Learn and Explore the inspiring geological rock formations and walk through the historic Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Learn about the geology, history and Music of this beautiful Denver Mountain Park and amazing natural outdoor music venue,
Evergreen Lake
Enjoy picturesque Bear Creek Canyon on your way to Historic Downtown Evergreen. This fun mountain town is full of local artisan shops, a wild west saloon, winery and the cutest coffee shops. Stop for a quick drink and to look around this quaint town with a colorful past.
Echo Lake Park
Travel up Squaw Pass where you will enjoy breathtaking views of the Continental Divide and Rocky Mountains along this Scenic Byway. You will reach beautiful Echo Lake, a glacial lake sitting at 10,600 ft at the base of Mt. Evans. Enjoy a stroll around the lake and take in the fresh mountain air and scenery.
Denver Union Station
Begin your tour at Historic Union Station located in lower downtown Denver where your local driver guide for the day will pick you up.
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See, Learn and Explore the inspiring geological rock formations and walk through the historic Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Learn about the geology, history and Music of this beautiful Denver Mountain Park and amazing natural outdoor music venue,
Evergreen Lake
Enjoy picturesque Bear Creek Canyon on your way to Historic Downtown Evergreen. This fun mountain town is full of local artisan shops, a wild west saloon, winery and the cutest coffee shops. Stop for a quick drink and to look around this quaint town with a colorful past.
Echo Lake Park
Travel up Squaw Pass where you will enjoy breathtaking views of the Continental Divide and Rocky Mountains along this Scenic Byway. You will reach beautiful Echo Lake, a glacial lake sitting at 10,600 ft at the base of Mt. Evans. Enjoy a stroll around the lake and take in the fresh mountain air and scenery.
Denver Union Station
Begin your tour at Historic Union Station located in lower downtown Denver where your local driver guide for the day will pick you up.
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See, Learn and Explore the inspiring geological rock formations and walk through the historic Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Learn about the geology, history and Music of this beautiful Denver Mountain Park and amazing natural outdoor music venue,
Evergreen Lake
Enjoy picturesque Bear Creek Canyon on your way to Historic Downtown Evergreen. This fun mountain town is full of local artisan shops, a wild west saloon, winery and the cutest coffee shops. Stop for a quick drink and to look around this quaint town with a colorful past.
Echo Lake Park
Travel up Squaw Pass where you will enjoy breathtaking views of the Continental Divide and Rocky Mountains along this Scenic Byway. You will reach beautiful Echo Lake, a glacial lake sitting at 10,600 ft at the base of Mt. Evans. Enjoy a stroll around the lake and take in the fresh mountain air and scenery.
Denver Union Station
Begin your tour at Historic Union Station located in lower downtown Denver where your local driver guide for the day will pick you up.
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See, Learn and Explore the inspiring geological rock formations and walk through the historic Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Learn about the geology, history and Music of this beautiful Denver Mountain Park and amazing natural outdoor music venue,
Evergreen Lake
Enjoy picturesque Bear Creek Canyon on your way to Historic Downtown Evergreen. This fun mountain town is full of local artisan shops, a wild west saloon, winery and the cutest coffee shops. Stop for a quick drink and to look around this quaint town with a colorful past.
Echo Lake Park
Travel up Squaw Pass where you will enjoy breathtaking views of the Continental Divide and Rocky Mountains along this Scenic Byway. You will reach beautiful Echo Lake, a glacial lake sitting at 10,600 ft at the base of Mt. Evans. Enjoy a stroll around the lake and take in the fresh mountain air and scenery.
Gare Union de Denver
Commencez votre visite à la gare historique Union située dans le bas du centre-ville de Denver, où votre chauffeur-guide local pour la journée viendra vous chercher.
Parc et amphithéâtre Red Rocks
Voyez, apprenez et explorez les formations rocheuses géologiques inspirantes et promenez-vous dans le parc et l'amphithéâtre historiques de Red Rocks. Découvrez la géologie, l'histoire et la musique de ce magnifique parc de montagne de Denver et de l'incroyable salle de musique naturelle en plein air,
Lac Evergreen
Profitez du pittoresque Bear Creek Canyon sur votre chemin vers le centre-ville historique d'Evergreen. Cette ville de montagne amusante regorge de boutiques d'artisans locaux, d'un saloon du Far West, d'un domaine viticole et des cafés les plus mignons. Arrêtez-vous pour prendre un verre et faire le tour de cette ville pittoresque au passé coloré.
Parc du lac Écho
Remontez le col de Squaw où vous profiterez d'une vue imprenable sur le Continental Divide et les montagnes Rocheuses le long de cette Scenic Byway. Vous atteindrez le magnifique lac Echo, un lac glaciaire situé à 10 600 pieds au pied du mont Evans. Profitez d'une promenade autour du lac et profitez de l'air frais et des paysages de la montagne.
Show 37 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (335)
Dec 2022
This tour was a half day tour as that was all I had time for on my quick trip to Denver. The tour was just wonderful and our guide was excellent!! She was knowledgeable and kept on schedule as well. She also drove so well up and down all the steep curves and I normally get nervous in all that and I never got nervous at all. Thank you for making my first tour in Denver a great experience!!
Dec 2022
Our guide Emily. She is so amazingly knowledgeable, fun and kind. I could have just drove in van and it would have been great.
Dec 2022
This was by far the best tour I have been on. Love all the fun facts I learned on this trip. Most of all the friends I made on the bus will be lifetime friends for ever and ever! Emily is the best!

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