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Billet coupe-file: billet d'entrée au musée des Indiens Cherokee

Au Musée des Indiens Cherokee, notre mission est de perpétuer l'histoire, la culture et les récits du peuple Cherokee. Votre billet d'admission générale vous donnera accès à toutes les différentes expositions, y compris "L'histoire du Cherokee".
Ville: Parc national des Great Smoky Mountains
Sat 21 Sep
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À partir de $12.31
Sat 21 Sep
À partir de $12.31
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Admission ticket to the Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Incroyable guide LOCAL
Admission ticket to the Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Admission ticket to the Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Ticket d'entrée
Itinéraire et carte
Point de rencontre
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Autoroute 441 et Drama Road
Ce billet offre une entrée directe dans l'attraction
Point final
Cette activité se termine au point de rendez-vous.
Information additionnelle
  • Accessible aux fauteuils roulants
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Les options de transport sont accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Toutes les zones et surfaces sont accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de forme physique
  • Les enfants doivent être accompagnés de un adulte
  • Les masques sont OBLIGATOIRES pour entrer.
  • Masques faciaux obligatoires pour les voyageurs dans les espaces publics
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Distanciation sociale appliquée tout au long de l'expérience
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Équipement/équipement désinfecté entre les utilisations
À quoi s'attendre
Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Learn about the Cherokee people at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. Your general admission ticket includes access to the museum and the following exhibits. Story of the Cherokees: 13,000 Years Voted Top Ten best Native American Experiences by USA TODAY, you'll experience 13,000 years of Cherokee history, from the time when mastodons roamed the southern Appalachians to present day. This story is told through computer generated animation and special effects, life-sized figures, artwork and priceless artifacts. Emissaries of Peace: 1762 Cherokee & British Delegations Travel with Henry Timberlake to the Cherokee world in 1762 and see London through the eyes of Cherokee leaders who met with King George III. Timberlake’s Memoirs come to life through artifacts, archaeological treasures, period artwork, music, video and life-sized figures. Two contrasting cultures emerge from war and make peace. Special pop-up books and graphic panels help tell the story for children. The museum also hosts many traveling exhibits such as We the People. This exhibit has been featured not only at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian but also the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and the McClung Museum at the University of Tennessee. It shows the perspectives of Cherokee culture and colonial British culture through the narrative of Henry Timberlake¹s Memoirs, illustrated with artifacts, artwork, reproductions, video, and life size figures. All exhibits, restrooms, Museum Store and Education Wing are ADA accessible.  Service animals are permitted.  Handicapped parking available in front of entrance.
Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Learn about the Cherokee people at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. Your general admission ticket includes access to the museum and the following exhibits. Story of the Cherokees: 13,000 Years Voted Top Ten best Native American Experiences by USA TODAY, you'll experience 13,000 years of Cherokee history, from the time when mastodons roamed the southern Appalachians to present day. This story is told through computer generated animation and special effects, life-sized figures, artwork and priceless artifacts. Emissaries of Peace: 1762 Cherokee & British Delegations Travel with Henry Timberlake to the Cherokee world in 1762 and see London through the eyes of Cherokee leaders who met with King George III. Timberlake’s Memoirs come to life through artifacts, archaeological treasures, period artwork, music, video and life-sized figures. Two contrasting cultures emerge from war and make peace. Special pop-up books and graphic panels help tell the story for children. The museum also hosts many traveling exhibits such as We the People. This exhibit has been featured not only at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian but also the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and the McClung Museum at the University of Tennessee. It shows the perspectives of Cherokee culture and colonial British culture through the narrative of Henry Timberlake¹s Memoirs, illustrated with artifacts, artwork, reproductions, video, and life size figures. All exhibits, restrooms, Museum Store and Education Wing are ADA accessible.  Service animals are permitted.  Handicapped parking available in front of entrance.
Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Learn about the Cherokee people at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. Your general admission ticket includes access to the museum and the following exhibits. Story of the Cherokees: 13,000 Years Voted Top Ten best Native American Experiences by USA TODAY, you'll experience 13,000 years of Cherokee history, from the time when mastodons roamed the southern Appalachians to present day. This story is told through computer generated animation and special effects, life-sized figures, artwork and priceless artifacts. Emissaries of Peace: 1762 Cherokee & British Delegations Travel with Henry Timberlake to the Cherokee world in 1762 and see London through the eyes of Cherokee leaders who met with King George III. Timberlake’s Memoirs come to life through artifacts, archaeological treasures, period artwork, music, video and life-sized figures. Two contrasting cultures emerge from war and make peace. Special pop-up books and graphic panels help tell the story for children. The museum also hosts many traveling exhibits such as We the People. This exhibit has been featured not only at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian but also the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and the McClung Museum at the University of Tennessee. It shows the perspectives of Cherokee culture and colonial British culture through the narrative of Henry Timberlake¹s Memoirs, illustrated with artifacts, artwork, reproductions, video, and life size figures. All exhibits, restrooms, Museum Store and Education Wing are ADA accessible.  Service animals are permitted.  Handicapped parking available in front of entrance.
Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Learn about the Cherokee people at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. Your general admission ticket includes access to the museum and the following exhibits. Story of the Cherokees: 13,000 Years Voted Top Ten best Native American Experiences by USA TODAY, you'll experience 13,000 years of Cherokee history, from the time when mastodons roamed the southern Appalachians to present day. This story is told through computer generated animation and special effects, life-sized figures, artwork and priceless artifacts. Emissaries of Peace: 1762 Cherokee & British Delegations Travel with Henry Timberlake to the Cherokee world in 1762 and see London through the eyes of Cherokee leaders who met with King George III. Timberlake’s Memoirs come to life through artifacts, archaeological treasures, period artwork, music, video and life-sized figures. Two contrasting cultures emerge from war and make peace. Special pop-up books and graphic panels help tell the story for children. The museum also hosts many traveling exhibits such as We the People. This exhibit has been featured not only at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian but also the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and the McClung Museum at the University of Tennessee. It shows the perspectives of Cherokee culture and colonial British culture through the narrative of Henry Timberlake¹s Memoirs, illustrated with artifacts, artwork, reproductions, video, and life size figures. All exhibits, restrooms, Museum Store and Education Wing are ADA accessible.  Service animals are permitted.  Handicapped parking available in front of entrance.
Musée des Indiens Cherokee
Découvrez le peuple Cherokee au Musée des Indiens Cherokee. Votre billet d'admission générale comprend l'accès au musée et aux expositions suivantes. Histoire des Cherokees : 13 000 ans Élu parmi les dix meilleures expériences amérindiennes par USA TODAY, vous découvrirez 13 000 ans d'histoire Cherokee, depuis l'époque où les mastodontes parcouraient le sud des Appalaches jusqu'à nos jours. Cette histoire est racontée à travers des animations et des effets spéciaux générés par ordinateur, des personnages grandeur nature, des œuvres d'art et des artefacts inestimables. Émissaires de la paix : 1762 Cherokee et délégations britanniques Voyagez avec Henry Timberlake dans le monde cherokee en 1762 et découvrez Londres à travers les yeux des dirigeants cherokee qui ont rencontré le roi George III. Les mémoires de Timberlake prennent vie à travers des artefacts, des trésors archéologiques, des œuvres d'art d'époque, de la musique, des vidéos et des personnages grandeur nature. Deux cultures contrastées émergent de la guerre et font la paix. Des livres pop-up spéciaux et des panneaux graphiques aident à raconter l'histoire aux enfants. Le musée accueille également de nombreuses expositions itinérantes telles que Nous le peuple. Cette exposition a été présentée non seulement au Museum of the Cherokee Indian, mais également au Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History et au McClung Museum de l'Université du Tennessee. Il montre les perspectives de la culture cherokee et de la culture coloniale britannique à travers le récit des mémoires de Henry Timberlake, illustré d'artefacts, d'œuvres d'art, de reproductions, de vidéos et de personnages grandeur nature. Toutes les expositions, les toilettes, le magasin du musée et l'aile de l'éducation sont accessibles par l'ADA. Les animaux d'assistance sont autorisés. Parking handicapé disponible devant l'entrée.
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Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (75)
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Jul 2019
Very well done museum of the history of the Cherokee people and culture. Great exhibits and stories. My 8 year old grandson loved it as well. Very respectfully done and very interesting.
Réponse de l'hôte
Jul 2019
Thank you so much, we do hope you and your family come back to visit the Museum and enjoy one of Heritage days that we do the second Saturday of every month.
Brandy R
Jul 2019
everything from the movie to the walk threw was very educational and amazing to learn. my favorite part was all the thing they made by hand. I definetly recommend everyone should go see this
Réponse de l'hôte
Jul 2019
Thank you for visiting our Museum, I do hope you get a chance to come back and enjoy one of our Heritage days, which is always the second Saturday of every month.
Jul 2019
I have been wanting to go to this museum for a long time now and finally I was able to without regrets. It gave a basic overview of the Cherokee history in which I did learn a few things I didn't know. The museum has sparked my interest in learning more about the Cherokee People and their culture. Lots of great artifacts to be seen. The staff was friendly and the gift shop had a lot of things for everyone.

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