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Billet d'entrée au centre spatial de Houston

Le Space Center Houston est l'une des principales attractions de Houston, le centre d'accueil officiel du Johnson Space Center de la NASA, le premier affilié Smithsonian de Houston et un lauréat du certificat d'excellence de TripAdvisor. Le centre présente plus de 400 artefacts spatiaux ainsi que de nombreuses expositions permanentes et itinérantes, des attractions et des théâtres liés à l'avenir passionnant et au passé remarquable du programme américain de vols spatiaux habités - le tout pour un prix d'entrée.
Ville: Houston
Sat 21 Sep
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Sat 21 Sep
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Ce qui est inclu
Entry/Admission to Space Center Houston
All exhibits and attractions
Entry/Admission to Space Center Houston
All exhibits and attractions
Entry/Admission to Space Center Houston
All exhibits and attractions
Entry/Admission to Space Center Houston
Itinéraire et carte
Point de rencontre
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1601 NASA Parkway,
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Remarque : Apportez des bouteilles d'eau ou prévoyez d'acheter des boissons. Les sacs transparents sont fortement recommandés.
Point final
Cette activité se termine au point de rendez-vous.
Information additionnelle
  • Accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Les options de transport sont accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Toutes les zones et surfaces sont accessibles aux fauteuils roulants
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • Audioguide disponible en anglais et en espagnol (frais supplémentaires)
  • Masques faciaux obligatoires pour les voyageurs dans les espaces publics
  • Masques faciaux obligatoires pour les guides dans les espaces publics
  • Désinfectant pour les mains à la disposition des voyageurs et du personnel
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfectés
  • Guides tenus de se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Paiements sans contact pour les pourboires et les suppléments
  • Les masques faciaux sont recommandés pour les voyageurs entièrement vaccinés et obligatoires pour les invités non vaccinés et tous les invités sur Visite en tramway. Les enfants de moins de 3 ans bénéficient d'une entrée gratuite mais ont toujours besoin d'un billet d'entrée chronométré.
À quoi s'attendre
Space Center Houston
Space Center Houston is designed to engage adults and children alike. There is always something new at Space Center Houston, with an amazing array of traveling exhibits and astounding events. Space Center Houston has the world’s largest collection of moon rocks and lunar samples for public view. Known around the world as the home of NASA Mission Control, International Space Station Mission Control and astronaut training, guests are taken behind the scenes to see NASA Johnson Space Center.
Space Center Houston
Space Center Houston is designed to engage adults and children alike. There is always something new at Space Center Houston, with an amazing array of traveling exhibits and astounding events. Space Center Houston has the world’s largest collection of moon rocks and lunar samples for public view. Known around the world as the home of NASA Mission Control, International Space Station Mission Control and astronaut training, guests are taken behind the scenes to see NASA Johnson Space Center.
Space Center Houston
Space Center Houston is designed to engage adults and children alike. There is always something new at Space Center Houston, with an amazing array of traveling exhibits and astounding events. Space Center Houston has the world’s largest collection of moon rocks and lunar samples for public view. Known around the world as the home of NASA Mission Control, International Space Station Mission Control and astronaut training, guests are taken behind the scenes to see NASA Johnson Space Center.
Space Center Houston
Space Center Houston is designed to engage adults and children alike. There is always something new at Space Center Houston, with an amazing array of traveling exhibits and astounding events. Space Center Houston has the world’s largest collection of moon rocks and lunar samples for public view. Known around the world as the home of NASA Mission Control, International Space Station Mission Control and astronaut training, guests are taken behind the scenes to see NASA Johnson Space Center.
Space Center Houston
Space Center Houston is designed to engage adults and children alike. There is always something new at Space Center Houston, with an amazing array of traveling exhibits and astounding events. Space Center Houston has the world’s largest collection of moon rocks and lunar samples for public view. Known around the world as the home of NASA Mission Control, International Space Station Mission Control and astronaut training, guests are taken behind the scenes to see NASA Johnson Space Center.
Centre spatial de Houston
Space Center Houston est conçu pour engager les adultes et les enfants. Il y a toujours quelque chose de nouveau au Space Center Houston, avec un éventail incroyable d'expositions itinérantes et d'événements étonnants. Le Space Center Houston possède la plus grande collection au monde de roches lunaires et d'échantillons lunaires à la vue du public. Connu dans le monde entier comme la maison du contrôle de mission de la NASA, du contrôle de mission de la Station spatiale internationale et de la formation des astronautes, les invités sont emmenés dans les coulisses pour voir le centre spatial Johnson de la NASA.
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Commentaires (701)
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May 2019
After having been to Kennedy space center in Cape Canaveral twice you can see clear differences between the two. If you understand the purposes of the sites you can understand some of the differences and why, but at Johnson where a lot of development, training etc goes on I feel they could do so much more at this site and make it an even better more spectacular educational and space experience for those who just have a passing interest to those who are truly fascinated. The display of the 747 with a training shuttle on it is the 1st impressive main display and they have done a great job in letting you get feeling of what it was like and to see it in the aircraft through multiple dimensions from how the actual construction of the aircraft works, by displaying sections of the aircraft nornally hidden so you can see how the controls work and constructed, which is not space orientated but aerospace still and normally something not seen even at aircraft museums, so very interactive. Also great displays and story of development of the 747 lifting aircraft and the the shuttle on top on the 747. Next to the 747 make sure yo see the space shuttle gantry as it's tucked away next to the main building and can be missed but it's was good to walk down it and get a little bit of the experience of trying to imagine what the astronauts felt and thought as they approached the entry to the shuttle. It doesn't look like much bit I found it interesting. Inside there are some excellent displays such as Skylab mock up made from the bottom section of the Saturn V rocket which allowed you to see Skylab but secondly just appreciate how huge the internal tank of just one part of that rocket was its just mind blowing , but from there it becomes a bit weak in some areas. With the amount of mock ups produced at the site and flown craft and returned vehicles from space it's disappointing not see more real articles from the R&D, prototypes, actual flown programs as Kennedy does extremely well. The rocket park is more of a display of the most impressive machine man developed to allow humans to exit the earths orbit the mighty Saturn V and no matter how many times you see it you still look at it and wonder in amazement just the awesome power of that vehicle and the technology of the day to make it fly. As you can clearly see the old way wiring and other parts were manufactured and assembled back then compared to circuit boards in everything today. The rocket park should almost be the 2nd main highlight of the tours but with just a escape test rocket and a Redstone rocket and 3 or so rocket engines that's about it, it would have been great to see more examples of the types of rockets used to test and involved in the programs. At Kennedy they have the story of the program in display through the rockets on display and interaction like what's it like to sit in a gemini capsule and really feel how small it was yet these early astronauts had live in them for days and longer and just that alone is impressive. The tours are the where big improvements to waiting times could be made. Warning first go to the toilet before lining up as on the tours except right at the end at the rocket park there are no toilet breaks. So be prepared as they make NO EXCEPTIONS for this and they tell you this on the tram in the brief just before you go so if you dont want to wait another hour lining up be prepared. Secondly make sure you have plenty of fluids with you as it will be a min of an hour so more on tour in reality and nowhere to get a drink. First of all they need staff to watch for line jumpers we witnessed over 15 people jump the queue and a lot of people protested and yet no staff member even acknowledged the problem. Then the staff walk around and around then start letting little handfuls of guests get on but it could be done so much quicker and efficiently with safety still top of mind. For example safety brief could be given repeatedly at timed intervals while waiting in line via signs, tv and announcements, as trams sit there for 5 minutes or longer after loading while staff give the brief and then some talk more delaying the next vehicle filling. The tram line is long enough to fill multiple vehicles at once to speed up lines and get more guests through. Another idea probably done but not happening on this day is to play movies or educational programs to entertain people while waiting, thus taking focus of the time you have to wait. There was one short video played on repeat rotation no sound just captions and it was extremely hard to read so not very engaging. The tours are bit confusing as you go to the loading station and tours are there but it doesn't classify which tour you will end up on it's a bit of a lucky draw unless I missed something, but I asked staff what to do so I didn't mess up and wait.longer than I had to but I clearly missed something as I had no clue what tour I was on just lucky I got one that I was keen to see. The tours should be identical and go to the main displays as there are a couple of diffetent tours but it appears the need to go line up again to try see say mission control as your tour took you to see the module training center( very impressive by the way and highly recommend this tour) but disappointing couldn't see mission control ( Orion I think) that would have been great or I am sure with Mars very much a focal point tours to see the control rooms for rovers for instance, it may not be possible for certain things due to space restrictions etc I can understand that, but there could be others as not sure of everything there but this appears to be one of the hearts of the NASA centers for major programs and brings to life what we see on tv and other media which then makes it real and engaging which provides the support and interest from the public. The science interaction stations are a great attraction for kids with teachers or educator at the stations to engage the kids or even saw interested adults at the displays and pop up science tables and these are great ideas. The Lunar vault was fantastic as again at Kennedy you can touch a moon rock you couldn't see soil samples which i found extremely interesting and to find out we can grow certain plants in the soil with a little help the types of rocks displayed and the mars rock was great. The price of entry is extremely reasonable for the offering. Parking was $5 at the entry gate. Uber and lyft were no problem getting a ride to and from and from Galleraia section of Houston and it was only about $35 each way and between 35 to 50 mins depending on traffic. Allow at least 3 to 4 hrs to have time to look around at a good pace and time in queues. It was a hot day when I went and they center did a good job of trying to keep you cool while outside waiting for tours and the 747 exhibition external stairs to gain entry. Overall if you never been to a NASA site you should enjoy it and they do well to make it appealing to the youngest of children to adults so it's definitely worth a visit and you can make it as interesting as you choose from there. But hopefully over time they will add more as they go and it will really become truly a great exhibition of NASA's past, present and future endeavours.
cheryl w
May 2019
Back in 2017 we visited here and on the way in I noticed my boyfriend's rollator wheel was crooked. Upon inspection we found the wheel had lost a nut. We asked the security attendant if they might happen to have a nut and bolt, how fortunate to be there when this happened. Maintenance man ran back 4 times to find a solution. No problem too big for NASA. We finally got it fixed and on our tour. If they had scooters to rent there we wouldn't have noticed the wheel. But It would be helpful to have those to rent there. That place is huge. Most people have lived with the space program for years and this is one of the places that happens. Please take your family to see it. It would be remembered forever.
May 2019
Lots of informative displays for the space travel enthusiast. Some displays needed a little maintenance but overall the experience was excellent. Best part was boarding the 747 aircraft that holds the space shuttle and viewing the interior.

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