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Billet d'entrée au centre spatial de Houston

Le Space Center Houston est l'une des principales attractions de Houston, le centre d'accueil officiel du Johnson Space Center de la NASA, le premier affilié Smithsonian de Houston et un lauréat du certificat d'excellence de TripAdvisor. Le centre présente plus de 400 artefacts spatiaux ainsi que de nombreuses expositions permanentes et itinérantes, des attractions et des théâtres liés à l'avenir passionnant et au passé remarquable du programme américain de vols spatiaux habités - le tout pour un prix d'entrée.
Ville: Houston
Sat 21 Sep
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À partir de $24.95
Sat 21 Sep
À partir de $24.95
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Ce qui est inclu
Entry/Admission to Space Center Houston
All exhibits and attractions
Entry/Admission to Space Center Houston
All exhibits and attractions
Entry/Admission to Space Center Houston
All exhibits and attractions
Entry/Admission to Space Center Houston
Itinéraire et carte
Point de rencontre
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1601 NASA Parkway,
Les heures d'ouverture peuvent être modifiées sans préavis en raison d'événements ou de circonstances imprévus. Vérifiez auprès du fournisseur local pour confirmer les heures d'ouverture le jour choisi.

Remarque : Apportez des bouteilles d'eau ou prévoyez d'acheter des boissons. Les sacs transparents sont fortement recommandés.
Point final
Cette activité se termine au point de rendez-vous.
Information additionnelle
  • Accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Les options de transport sont accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Toutes les zones et surfaces sont accessibles aux fauteuils roulants
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • Audioguide disponible en anglais et en espagnol (frais supplémentaires)
  • Masques faciaux obligatoires pour les voyageurs dans les espaces publics
  • Masques faciaux obligatoires pour les guides dans les espaces publics
  • Désinfectant pour les mains à la disposition des voyageurs et du personnel
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfectés
  • Guides tenus de se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Paiements sans contact pour les pourboires et les suppléments
  • Les masques faciaux sont recommandés pour les voyageurs entièrement vaccinés et obligatoires pour les invités non vaccinés et tous les invités sur Visite en tramway. Les enfants de moins de 3 ans bénéficient d'une entrée gratuite mais ont toujours besoin d'un billet d'entrée chronométré.
À quoi s'attendre
Space Center Houston
Space Center Houston is designed to engage adults and children alike. There is always something new at Space Center Houston, with an amazing array of traveling exhibits and astounding events. Space Center Houston has the world’s largest collection of moon rocks and lunar samples for public view. Known around the world as the home of NASA Mission Control, International Space Station Mission Control and astronaut training, guests are taken behind the scenes to see NASA Johnson Space Center.
Space Center Houston
Space Center Houston is designed to engage adults and children alike. There is always something new at Space Center Houston, with an amazing array of traveling exhibits and astounding events. Space Center Houston has the world’s largest collection of moon rocks and lunar samples for public view. Known around the world as the home of NASA Mission Control, International Space Station Mission Control and astronaut training, guests are taken behind the scenes to see NASA Johnson Space Center.
Space Center Houston
Space Center Houston is designed to engage adults and children alike. There is always something new at Space Center Houston, with an amazing array of traveling exhibits and astounding events. Space Center Houston has the world’s largest collection of moon rocks and lunar samples for public view. Known around the world as the home of NASA Mission Control, International Space Station Mission Control and astronaut training, guests are taken behind the scenes to see NASA Johnson Space Center.
Space Center Houston
Space Center Houston is designed to engage adults and children alike. There is always something new at Space Center Houston, with an amazing array of traveling exhibits and astounding events. Space Center Houston has the world’s largest collection of moon rocks and lunar samples for public view. Known around the world as the home of NASA Mission Control, International Space Station Mission Control and astronaut training, guests are taken behind the scenes to see NASA Johnson Space Center.
Space Center Houston
Space Center Houston is designed to engage adults and children alike. There is always something new at Space Center Houston, with an amazing array of traveling exhibits and astounding events. Space Center Houston has the world’s largest collection of moon rocks and lunar samples for public view. Known around the world as the home of NASA Mission Control, International Space Station Mission Control and astronaut training, guests are taken behind the scenes to see NASA Johnson Space Center.
Centre spatial de Houston
Space Center Houston est conçu pour engager les adultes et les enfants. Il y a toujours quelque chose de nouveau au Space Center Houston, avec un éventail incroyable d'expositions itinérantes et d'événements étonnants. Le Space Center Houston possède la plus grande collection au monde de roches lunaires et d'échantillons lunaires à la vue du public. Connu dans le monde entier comme la maison du contrôle de mission de la NASA, du contrôle de mission de la Station spatiale internationale et de la formation des astronautes, les invités sont emmenés dans les coulisses pour voir le centre spatial Johnson de la NASA.
Show 3 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Toutes les ventes sont finales. Aucun remboursement n'est disponible pour les annulations.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (701)
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Patrick R
May 2019
I live just across the street from this fantistic venue. No matter how many times I attend a visit to the facilities, there is always something new and exciting to see. After all, the USA has been to the Moon and back and is now working towards going to Mars!!! How cool is that. Take a date, take the family take a bus load of kids. You and all concerned will not be disappointed.
Dave A
May 2019
I went with my 12 year old grandson. We arrived 10 minutes before opening and recommend that to all. We took the Orion tram ride and it was terrific. All exhibits were informative and well presented. We opted for the Lunch with an Astronaut upgrade. It was not cheap but Col Duffy was great. My only regret for the day is that we did not allow enough time to view everything as we had to be downtown at 3:00. The cab ride from downtown was expensive ($70 each way), so you may want to seek alternative transportation.
May 2019
We are travelling across the U.S.A. and decided to pass by Houston for the only reason of visiting the Space Center, as we really enjoyed the visit at Cape Canaveral a few years ago. First, although it is never fair to compare two attractions visited in a lifespan of a few years, expectations after Cape Canaveral caused some disappointment. The most bothering factor was the presence of thousands of kids making lots of noise and running around, making impossible to enjoy the visit and access to many exhibits. The bus tours were also pretty disappointing, as after a total of about 2 hours (about 1 hour for each tour i.e. 50% of the total tour duration) waiting for the bus, we first "visited" the training control room standing behind a large glass window looking at various screens and a few people in the room and then the training center walking along large glass windows looking at several equipment with less then five people in total mostly sitting at their computer. In both cases, the explanations provided by the guide were excellent! However, I wonder whether the whole hassle of the tour bus could be simply replaced by a max screen film and presentation showing real simulations and training exercises.

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