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Visite de la Statue de la Liberté et d'Ellis Island : toutes les options

Les visites du monument national de la Statue de la Liberté et d'Ellis Island sont incontournables dans la Grosse Pomme. Lors de cette visite guidée, vous embarquez sur le ferry depuis Manhattan pour visiter les deux sites historiques importants. Visitez les terrains de Liberty Island et entrez dans le musée de la Statue de la Liberté. Ensuite, montez à bord du ferry pour Ellis Island et découvrez les millions de personnes qui sont arrivées ici entre 1892 et 1954 dans l'espoir de vivre le rêve américain.

Pour l'option complète de 4 heures, vous aurez une visite guidée des deux Liberté et Ellis Island.

Pour l'option Express 2 heures, vous aurez une visite guidée de Liberty Island et vous pourrez visiter Ellis Island par vous-même.

Pour la visite Essential de 30 minutes, vous obtiendrez les informations essentielles avant l'embarquement et l'accès aux audioguides sur l'île.

Avec toutes les options, vous aurez des billets de ferry aller-retour pour Liberty et Ellis Islands et entrée dans les musées. Vous pouvez rester aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez après la visite. Pas d'accès au socle.
Ville: La ville de New York
Sun 28 Jul
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $44.00
Sun 28 Jul
À partir de $44.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Access to the new Liberty Island Museum
Expert English speaking guide
Access to the Immigration Museum at Ellis Island
Round trip ferry ticket for Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island
Access to the new Liberty Island Museum
Expert English speaking guide
Access to the Immigration Museum at Ellis Island
Information additionnelle
  • Accessible aux fauteuils roulants
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • Veuillez arriver 15 minutes avant le début de la visite. La visite part rapidement et en cas de retard, vous ne pourrez PAS rattraper votre retard et manquerez la visite. Il n'y a aucun remboursement si vous manquez la visite.
  • Veuillez noter que la visite la plus précoce aura le moins d'attente. Les visites ultérieures connaîtront des temps d'attente plus longs.
  • La partie guidée de la visite dure environ 0,5, 2 ou 4 heures.
  • Nourriture disponible à l'achat sur le ferry, à la Statue de la Liberté et sur Ellis Island
  • Fonctionne dans toutes les conditions météorologiques. Veuillez vous habiller convenablement.
  • Le contrôle de sécurité aura lieu avant d'entrer dans le ferry. Les visiteurs du parc sont tenus de se soumettre à un contrôle de sécurité de type aéroport.
  • Les photographies sont autorisées, mais les trépieds et les monopodes sont interdits.
  • Enfants de 3 ans et moins gratuits avec un billet adulte payant.
  • Les guides portent des chapeaux orange ET/OU des chemises ou des vestes bleues.
  • Masques faciaux requis pour les voyageurs dans les espaces publics
  • Masques faciaux requis pour les guides dans les espaces publics
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfectés
  • Les masques faciaux sont actuellement requis au poste de sécurité et sont nécessaires pour passer la sécurité.
À quoi s'attendre
Battery Park
See the old fortress that once was a theater and immigration center
Statue of Liberty
Enjoy a guided tour of Liberty Island as well as access to the new Statue of Liberty Museum!
Ellis Island
Enjoy a guided tour of the Ellis Island grounds!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Guests will have access to the Immigration Museum. The tour ends on Ellis Island so guests can spend longer in the museum if they wish.
Battery Park
See the old fortress that once was a theater and immigration center
Statue of Liberty
Enjoy a guided tour of Liberty Island as well as access to the new Statue of Liberty Museum!
Ellis Island
Enjoy a guided tour of the Ellis Island grounds!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Guests will have access to the Immigration Museum. The tour ends on Ellis Island so guests can spend longer in the museum if they wish.
Battery Park
See the old fortress that once was a theater and immigration center
Statue of Liberty
Enjoy a guided tour of Liberty Island as well as access to the new Statue of Liberty Museum!
Ellis Island
Enjoy a guided tour of the Ellis Island grounds!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Guests will have access to the Immigration Museum. The tour ends on Ellis Island so guests can spend longer in the museum if they wish.
Battery Park
See the old fortress that once was a theater and immigration center
Statue of Liberty
Enjoy a guided tour of Liberty Island as well as access to the new Statue of Liberty Museum!
Ellis Island
Enjoy a guided tour of the Ellis Island grounds!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Guests will have access to the Immigration Museum. The tour ends on Ellis Island so guests can spend longer in the museum if they wish.
Battery Park
See the old fortress that once was a theater and immigration center
Statue of Liberty
Enjoy a guided tour of Liberty Island as well as access to the new Statue of Liberty Museum!
Ellis Island
Enjoy a guided tour of the Ellis Island grounds!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Guests will have access to the Immigration Museum. The tour ends on Ellis Island so guests can spend longer in the museum if they wish.
Battery Park
See the old fortress that once was a theater and immigration center
Statue of Liberty
Enjoy a guided tour of Liberty Island as well as access to the new Statue of Liberty Museum!
Ellis Island
Enjoy a guided tour of the Ellis Island grounds!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Guests will have access to the Immigration Museum. The tour ends on Ellis Island so guests can spend longer in the museum if they wish.
Battery Park
See the old fortress that once was a theater and immigration center
Statue of Liberty
Enjoy a guided tour of Liberty Island as well as access to the new Statue of Liberty Museum!
Ellis Island
Enjoy a guided tour of the Ellis Island grounds!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Guests will have access to the Immigration Museum. The tour ends on Ellis Island so guests can spend longer in the museum if they wish.
Battery Park
See the old fortress that once was a theater and immigration center
Statue of Liberty
Enjoy a guided tour of Liberty Island as well as access to the new Statue of Liberty Museum!
Ellis Island
Enjoy a guided tour of the Ellis Island grounds!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Guests will have access to the Immigration Museum. The tour ends on Ellis Island so guests can spend longer in the museum if they wish.
Battery Park
See the old fortress that once was a theater and immigration center
Statue of Liberty
Enjoy a guided tour of Liberty Island as well as access to the new Statue of Liberty Museum!
Ellis Island
Enjoy a guided tour of the Ellis Island grounds!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Guests will have access to the Immigration Museum. The tour ends on Ellis Island so guests can spend longer in the museum if they wish.
Battery Park
See the old fortress that once was a theater and immigration center
Statue of Liberty
Enjoy a guided tour of Liberty Island as well as access to the new Statue of Liberty Museum!
Ellis Island
Enjoy a guided tour of the Ellis Island grounds!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Guests will have access to the Immigration Museum. The tour ends on Ellis Island so guests can spend longer in the museum if they wish.
Battery Park
See the old fortress that once was a theater and immigration center
Statue of Liberty
Enjoy a guided tour of Liberty Island as well as access to the new Statue of Liberty Museum!
Ellis Island
Enjoy a guided tour of the Ellis Island grounds!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Guests will have access to the Immigration Museum. The tour ends on Ellis Island so guests can spend longer in the museum if they wish.
Parc de la batterie
Découvrez l'ancienne forteresse qui était autrefois un théâtre et un centre d'immigration
Statue de la Liberté
Profitez d'une visite guidée de Liberty Island ainsi que d'un accès au nouveau musée de la Statue de la Liberté !
l'île d'Ellis
Profitez d'une visite guidée des terrains d'Ellis Island !
Musée de l'immigration d'Ellis Island
Les clients auront accès au musée de l'immigration. La visite se termine sur Ellis Island afin que les clients puissent passer plus de temps dans le musée s'ils le souhaitent.
Show 45 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (1000)
Dec 2022
Alex Parrish is an incredible tour guide. You can tell that he truly loves the history and the story of the the Statue of Liberty as well as Ellis Island. He spoke clearly and concisely which I appreciate. It was FREEZING cold outside but we stuck it out with Alex because he did such a great job and kept it interesting. The only thing I’d say is the tour company itself (not Alex) needs to make it clear at the time of booking that this is a 2 hour tour of Liberty Island BUT when boarding the boat and getting to to island takes 1 hour of that time, and you still want to see Ellis Island after (without your guide) it’s really about 3.5 hours or so and we rushed our un-guided part. I made a 2:30 ticket reservation for the 9/11 memorial museum and we were a half hour late. Maybe inexperience around how long transportation etc takes in NYC but wouldn’t it be safe to assume that most tourists are quite possibly inexperienced? Any of you keep that note in mind, I’d highly recommend and I’d look for Alex Parrish.
shay l
Dec 2022
Charlie was an excellent host. He was knowledgeable about the history of the city and made our time very memorable. My son and I bumped into him after the tour and he continued to give us great insight to the city while we walked. Looking forward to our next trip.
Dec 2022
We did the 30 minute tour guide and the guy did a great job in summarizing the highlights/history for the trip. There’s coffee and snacks for sale in the ferry and there are restrooms in the ferry and the islands for use. We had a great experience!

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