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Spectacle de la chorale du Tabernacle + visite en bus de Salt Lake City

C'est la MEILLEURE façon de découvrir Salt Lake City en une demi-journée ! Profitez d'une représentation en direct du célèbre Chœur du Tabernacle combinée à la visite en bus de Salt Lake City classée n ° 1, comprenant également un arrêt de repas.

- Écoutez le Chœur du Tabernacle dans la plus longue émission au monde
- Explorez les principales attractions de Salt Lake City lors d'une visite entièrement commentée par un expert local qui vous divertit avec des histoires et de l'humour que vous n'obtiendrez pas par vous-même ! La marche est minimale et convient à tous les âges et niveaux de capacité
Ville: Salt Lake City
Mon 10 Mar
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À partir de $78.49
Mon 10 Mar
À partir de $78.49
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Ce qui est inclu
Hear Tabernacle Choir LIVE
Hear Tabernacle Choir LIVE
Hear Tabernacle Choir LIVE
Hear Tabernacle Choir LIVE
Les endroits les plus photogéniques de Beverly Hills
Information additionnelle
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Les bébés doivent s'asseoir sur les genoux d'un adulte
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • ENFANTS DE MOINS 8 ANS ? Les concerts du Tabernacle Choir le dimanche accueilleront les enfants de moins de 8 ans dans un endroit séparé en raison de l'acoustique sensible et de l'équipement d'enregistrement sonore
  • Les fauteuils roulants pliants et les déambulateurs peuvent être adaptés, mais vous devez nous en informer par e-mail au moins 24 heures avant la visite
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfectés
À quoi s'attendre
The Tabernacle
Famous historic auditorium built in 1867, with one of the largest pipe organs in the world and home to the famous Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. *Tabernacle Choir performances are here September through May
Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail
Hear tales of the 70,000 pioneers who walked 1,300 miles to settle Salt Lake City in 1847
Governor's Mansion
Historic mansion built a century ago by silver mining magnate Thomas Kearns, now the home of Utah's governor
Utah State Capitol
Ranked the second most beautiful capitol in America
Beehive House
Home to Utah's founder and first governor, Brigham Young. Hear fantastic stories from your tour guide
Salt Lake Temple
Utah's most famous and photographed building, a towering Gothic-style cathedral constructed in 1893
City and County Building
Historic City Hall built in 1894, hear the story of the clash between religion and government that created this ornate building
Council Hall
The oldest government building in Salt Lake City is also one of the prettiest, set on a hill amidst a beautiful backdrop of the Rocky Mountains
Mormon Tabernacle Choir
A Sunday performance or Thursday rehearsal of one of the largest and oldest choirs in the world. This will be the absolute highlight of your trip to Salt Lake City!
Cathedral of the Madeleine
Mother church of Roman Catholics in Utah, built in 1909 with stunning architecture
Olympic Cauldron Park
See where the ceremonies were held for the “most successful Winter Olympics ever”
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Conference Center
See the largest "theater-style" auditorium in the world with 21,000 seats; the second home of the famous Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. *Tabernacle Choir performances are here June to September
Salt Lake City Public Library
Designed by a famous architect in a modern style, winning national awards and used for Hollywood movies
Mormon Battalion Monument
Hear tales of the only religious unit in the American military and their connection to the famous California Gold Rush
The Tabernacle
Famous historic auditorium built in 1867, with one of the largest pipe organs in the world and home to the famous Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. *Tabernacle Choir performances are here September through May
Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail
Hear tales of the 70,000 pioneers who walked 1,300 miles to settle Salt Lake City in 1847
Governor's Mansion
Historic mansion built a century ago by silver mining magnate Thomas Kearns, now the home of Utah's governor
Utah State Capitol
Ranked the second most beautiful capitol in America
Beehive House
Home to Utah's founder and first governor, Brigham Young. Hear fantastic stories from your tour guide
Salt Lake Temple
Utah's most famous and photographed building, a towering Gothic-style cathedral constructed in 1893
City and County Building
Historic City Hall built in 1894, hear the story of the clash between religion and government that created this ornate building
Council Hall
The oldest government building in Salt Lake City is also one of the prettiest, set on a hill amidst a beautiful backdrop of the Rocky Mountains
Mormon Tabernacle Choir
A Sunday performance or Thursday rehearsal of one of the largest and oldest choirs in the world. This will be the absolute highlight of your trip to Salt Lake City!
Cathedral of the Madeleine
Mother church of Roman Catholics in Utah, built in 1909 with stunning architecture
Olympic Cauldron Park
See where the ceremonies were held for the “most successful Winter Olympics ever”
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Conference Center
See the largest "theater-style" auditorium in the world with 21,000 seats; the second home of the famous Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. *Tabernacle Choir performances are here June to September
Salt Lake City Public Library
Designed by a famous architect in a modern style, winning national awards and used for Hollywood movies
Mormon Battalion Monument
Hear tales of the only religious unit in the American military and their connection to the famous California Gold Rush
The Tabernacle
Famous historic auditorium built in 1867, with one of the largest pipe organs in the world and home to the famous Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. *Tabernacle Choir performances are here September through May
Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail
Hear tales of the 70,000 pioneers who walked 1,300 miles to settle Salt Lake City in 1847
Governor's Mansion
Historic mansion built a century ago by silver mining magnate Thomas Kearns, now the home of Utah's governor
Utah State Capitol
Ranked the second most beautiful capitol in America
Beehive House
Home to Utah's founder and first governor, Brigham Young. Hear fantastic stories from your tour guide
Salt Lake Temple
Utah's most famous and photographed building, a towering Gothic-style cathedral constructed in 1893
City and County Building
Historic City Hall built in 1894, hear the story of the clash between religion and government that created this ornate building
Council Hall
The oldest government building in Salt Lake City is also one of the prettiest, set on a hill amidst a beautiful backdrop of the Rocky Mountains
Mormon Tabernacle Choir
A Sunday performance or Thursday rehearsal of one of the largest and oldest choirs in the world. This will be the absolute highlight of your trip to Salt Lake City!
Cathedral of the Madeleine
Mother church of Roman Catholics in Utah, built in 1909 with stunning architecture
Olympic Cauldron Park
See where the ceremonies were held for the “most successful Winter Olympics ever”
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Conference Center
See the largest "theater-style" auditorium in the world with 21,000 seats; the second home of the famous Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. *Tabernacle Choir performances are here June to September
Salt Lake City Public Library
Designed by a famous architect in a modern style, winning national awards and used for Hollywood movies
Mormon Battalion Monument
Hear tales of the only religious unit in the American military and their connection to the famous California Gold Rush
The Tabernacle
Famous historic auditorium built in 1867, with one of the largest pipe organs in the world and home to the famous Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. *Tabernacle Choir performances are here September through May
Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail
Hear tales of the 70,000 pioneers who walked 1,300 miles to settle Salt Lake City in 1847
Governor's Mansion
Historic mansion built a century ago by silver mining magnate Thomas Kearns, now the home of Utah's governor
Utah State Capitol
Ranked the second most beautiful capitol in America
Beehive House
Home to Utah's founder and first governor, Brigham Young. Hear fantastic stories from your tour guide
Salt Lake Temple
Utah's most famous and photographed building, a towering Gothic-style cathedral constructed in 1893
City and County Building
Historic City Hall built in 1894, hear the story of the clash between religion and government that created this ornate building
Council Hall
The oldest government building in Salt Lake City is also one of the prettiest, set on a hill amidst a beautiful backdrop of the Rocky Mountains
Mormon Tabernacle Choir
A Sunday performance or Thursday rehearsal of one of the largest and oldest choirs in the world. This will be the absolute highlight of your trip to Salt Lake City!
Cathedral of the Madeleine
Mother church of Roman Catholics in Utah, built in 1909 with stunning architecture
Olympic Cauldron Park
See where the ceremonies were held for the “most successful Winter Olympics ever”
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Conference Center
See the largest "theater-style" auditorium in the world with 21,000 seats; the second home of the famous Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. *Tabernacle Choir performances are here June to September
Salt Lake City Public Library
Designed by a famous architect in a modern style, winning national awards and used for Hollywood movies
Mormon Battalion Monument
Hear tales of the only religious unit in the American military and their connection to the famous California Gold Rush
Le Tabernacle
Célèbre auditorium historique construit en 1867, avec l'un des plus grands orgues à tuyaux du monde et abritant le célèbre Chœur du Tabernacle à Temple Square. *Les représentations du Chœur du Tabernacle sont ici de septembre à mai
Sentier historique national des pionniers mormons
Écoutez les récits des 70 000 pionniers qui ont parcouru 1 300 milles pour s'installer à Salt Lake City en 1847
Manoir du Gouverneur
Manoir historique construit il y a un siècle par le magnat des mines d'argent Thomas Kearns, aujourd'hui résidence du gouverneur de l'Utah
Capitole de l'État de l'Utah
Classé deuxième plus belle capitale d'Amérique
Maison Ruche
Maison du fondateur et premier gouverneur de l'Utah, Brigham Young. Écoutez des histoires fantastiques de votre guide
Temple du lac salé
Le bâtiment le plus célèbre et le plus photographié d'Utah, une imposante cathédrale de style gothique construite en 1893
Bâtiment de la ville et du comté
Hôtel de ville historique construit en 1894, écoutez l'histoire de l'affrontement entre la religion et le gouvernement qui a créé ce bâtiment orné
Salle du Conseil
Le plus ancien bâtiment gouvernemental de Salt Lake City est également l'un des plus beaux, situé sur une colline au milieu d'une magnifique toile de fond des montagnes Rocheuses
Chœur du Tabernacle mormon
Une représentation le dimanche ou la répétition du jeudi de l'un des plus grands et des plus anciens chœurs du monde. Ce sera le point culminant absolu de votre voyage à Salt Lake City !
Cathédrale de la Madeleine
Église mère des catholiques romains de l'Utah, construite en 1909 avec une architecture époustouflante
Parc de la vasque olympique
Découvrez où se sont déroulées les cérémonies des "Jeux olympiques d'hiver les plus réussis de tous les temps"
Centre de conférence de l'Église de Jésus-Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours
Découvrez le plus grand auditorium "de style théâtre" au monde avec 21 000 places ; la résidence secondaire du célèbre Chœur du Tabernacle à Temple Square. *Les représentations du Chœur du Tabernacle sont ici de juin à septembre
Bibliothèque publique de Salt Lake City
Conçu par un célèbre architecte dans un style moderne, remportant des prix nationaux et utilisé pour les films hollywoodiens
Monument du bataillon mormon
Écoutez les récits de la seule unité religieuse de l'armée américaine et de leur lien avec la célèbre ruée vers l'or en Californie
Show 67 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (251)
Dec 2022
Good tour. The itinerary was re-sequenced and not what I expected but worked out OK. The Tabernacle Chior was very Good, but in the very big performance center, was a little bit quiet. Still very good concert. The tour of civic and religious buildings in Salt Lake City was good and I learned a few thing. The tour guide was good and very friendly. All and all a good tour to get you started in Salt Lake City. Also the tour guide gives you insight into the Wasatch Corridor of Wasatch Front. This is the long metropolitan area that extends from about 60 miles mother of Salt Lake City to 60 miles south of Salt Lake City. This is where most of Utahs population lives. I think the Wasatch Front has the same microclimate. An interesting area.
Dec 2022
Getting to hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir was a once in a lifetime experience for us. Since it was near Christmas, we also got to hear the bell choir. The experience did not disappoint. The rest of the tour was pretty much an overview that we could go back and explore later in more depth. I wish we had more time at sone of the places. The State House was absolutely beautiful inside. I learned a lot from our guide about the history of the area. I would recommend this tour.
Dec 2022
Seeing the Choir live was spectacular and moving. It was very well organized and very easy to get in and out. The city bus tour was also excellent. Our guide was knowledgeable and very personable. A+

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