Te przygody, zlokalizowane w American Dream, oferują jedyne w swoim rodzaju wrażenia premium. Podążaj za wskazówkami i rozwiązuj zagadki, aby wspólnie ukończyć misję. Możesz uciec... Będziesz się dobrze bawić!
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Recenzje (83)
Oct 2022
Really fun, a lot of options to choose from. sean, yeika, shaina, and Keisha was really friendly. Tried out the heist, i recommend to try this one sometime
Oct 2022
Really fun, a lot of the time we kept figuring out for future riddles in the room. Overran a great experience
Oct 2022
I’ve done almost all the rooms at this place and all the rooms are fun and unique on their own way and all the game guides are very helpful, including Shaina. I’ve had her multiple times and those were the times I’ve won.