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Wycieczka przygodowa — Grand Canyon West Rim ze Skywalk (ADV)

Podróżuj samolotem bezpośrednio na zachodnią krawędź Wielkiego Kanionu, aby przez 10 minut przelecieć helikopterem na płaskowyż w pobliżu dna Wielkiego Kanionu.

Następnym przystankiem jest słynny na całym świecie Skywalk. Ten cud architektury rozciąga się 65 stóp nad krawędzią kanionu, z głębokością 4000 stóp tuż pod twoimi stopami.

Tuż poza Skywalk doświadczysz kultury Indian Hualapai poprzez występy rdzennych Amerykanów (okazjonalne) i wioskę indiańską ze starożytnymi mieszkaniami zbudowanymi tradycyjnymi metodami przez lokalne plemiona. Ten obszar Kanionu, znany jako Eagle Point.

Następnym przystankiem na trasie będzie Guano Point. Ta lokalizacja oferuje jedno z najbardziej malowniczych miejsc na lunch (w ramach wycieczki) w jadalni na świeżym powietrzu na płaskowyżu otoczonym z trzech stron wspaniałym Wielkim Kanionem. Po obiedzie wybierz się na spokojny spacer szlakiem prowadzącym do kanionu i podziwiaj spektakularne widoki i możliwości robienia zdjęć
Miasto: Feniks
Sat 26 Oct
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $985.00
Sat 26 Oct
Zaczynać od $985.00
co jest zawarte
Lot w obie strony samolotem
Szklany chodnik
Transfer z West Rim
Lot helikopterem
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Niemowlęta muszą siedzieć na kolanach osoby dorosłej
  • Niezalecane dla osób podróżujących ze słabym zdrowiem układu krążenia
  • Podróżujący powinni mieć co najmniej umiarkowany poziom sprawności fizycznej
  • Minimum 3 pasażerów na wycieczkę. 2 pasażerów może zarezerwować, ale może podlegać dodatkowej opłacie w wysokości 275 USD, jeśli minimum nie zostanie spełnione.*
  • Wszystkie wagi pasażerów MUSZĄ zostać podane w momencie rezerwacji Pasażerowie ważący 285 funtów lub więcej są zobowiązani do uiszczenia opłaty dodatkowa dopłata w wysokości 200 USD bezpośrednio przy zameldowaniu.
  • Żadne przedmioty osobiste, takie jak telefony komórkowe, aparaty fotograficzne, plecaki i torebki, nie są dozwolone na Skywalk; dostępne są bezpłatne schowki do przechowywania
  • Ta wycieczka nie jest odpowiednia dla pasażerów, którzy mają trudności z chodzeniem.
  • Niezalecane dla podróżujących mających problemy z poruszaniem się
Czego oczekiwać
Skywalk nad Wielkim Kanionem
Malowniczy lot samolotem na Zachodnią Krawędź, helikopter do wnętrza kanionu, helikopter na szczyt, Glass Skywalk, obiad w Guano Point i powrót samolotem do Phoenix
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (141)
Johnny C
Apr 2018
Having this on the 'must do List' for many years, to finally see the Grand Canyon, in all its splendor, was very awe inspiring to be very honest. The Skywalk info center was more informative than the Skywalk attraction to me; the glass walk was less impressive than the hype. The actual standing on the West Rim or the jutting rock formation was definitely the MOST exciting part of the tour. Thousands of feet above the Colorado River! Truly Spectacular!
Tara K
Apr 2018
This trip was amazing start to finish. Upon arrival at the airport we were greeted and given an overview of our day by a vibrant and friendly staff member. We were given free snacks (choices of Rice Krispie treats, pop tarts, granola bars, peanuts, trail mix, crackers etc.)and water to pack and take with us for the day. Got our pic taken in front of the plane and 5x7 prints given to us when we got back (ours came out a little blurry so you may wanna take some on your cell or personal camera too just in case). Bill our pilot was exceptional. He was friendly and informative and guided us throughout the day. The flight from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon was smooth and the plane was roomy. We had one stop in Sedona to pick up another family joining us on our tour and getting to see the red rocks of Sedona was an unexpected treat...the air strip was on top of a rock/mountain so quite the experience landing and taking off. Upon arrival at the canyon we went to the helicopter ride first. Exhilarating! First time on a helicopter and it was great. Ride was short to the base of the canyon then we got on a boat to ride in the Colorado for a bit. Our boat driver Jared was GREAT. He took the best pics of our group and did a 360 with the boat to get killer panoramic pics. After the boat ride it was back to the helicopter for another short ride back to the top of the canyon. From there we went to the Skywalk via a bus ride. Got suckered into buying all the pics since you can’t take your own camera but the pics are great—got all 14 on a jump drive for around 68 dollars. They do have lockers to put your stuff in free of charge since you can’t take them with you on the attraction. The skywalk was great but not as big as we expected. There is also a great ledge out front when you get off the bus to get some good pics. From there off to lunch...only disappointing part of trip. Was cafeteria type lunch with choice of meat, corn on cob that was dry and instant mashed potatoes with gravy. Salad, roll, and cookie included. Personally I would rather pack a lunch but it was included so really can’t complain. After lunch you can climb on the rock formations or hike for a bit at Guana point. Cool opportunity to take pics where it looks like you are hanging off the cliff. From there back to the bus and then the flight home. Left around 7:15 am and back around 2:45 pm....again had the extra stop in Sedona to drop off the other family. Got our pics given to us from the AM upon arrival and had a fresh brownie that was in the lobby while we waited for our Uber ride back to hotel. Overall great experience and I highly recommend. Tips— 1. Bring a small bag that fits on your shoulder to carry water/snacks—we did small drawstring ones and it was perfect. 2. Load up on a few snacks and water provided upon arrival at Westwind so you don’t have to pay for them while at the canyon 3. Check weather. Parts of tour were cold so a light jacket was perfect. 4. Wear tennis shoes. Terrain is rocky/gravel and we saw way too many people in sandals or heels. 5. Wear sunscreen...especially on face, bring a hat if you like. 6. Sunglasses are a must.
Apr 2018
Our family of 5 thoroughly enjoyed the Adventure trip. The trip itself is amazing and spectacular, something to truly be seen in person; pictures don't capture the scale of the canyon (4,000 ft to the bottom!). Westwind service was excellent, with particular emphasis on our pilot, Mark. Mark made the trip very enjoyable. Professional, engaging, humorous and patient. However, the highlight was the helicopter tour to the bottom of the canyon. (The helicopter tour is booked through a separate company that Westwind hires.) Also, the staff at the Canyon is mostly local tribe people and they were also very friendly and offered very good service. A few suggestions: Westwind offers water and snacks at the departure airport. Take plenty as there was only a fixed lunch offered. We had a back-pack to stuff items in and it came in handy. I would have taken more as we didn't stop for water except at lunch. Arrive early/or at least on time. The area up at the Canyon gets very busy with tourists (primarily Chinese) from Vegas. Westwind has planned the trip to get there a few hours before the tour groups descend on the area. Our group was delayed (we were put with another family) about an hour and we saw how things could really get busy. It worked out OK, but something to keep in mind.

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