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„ALL INCLUSIVE” Grand Loop Yellowstone Wildlife and Photo Tour

Nasi profesjonalni przewodnicy zapewnią Ci 5-gwiazdkową obsługę klienta podczas wycieczki all inclusive po Parku Narodowym Yellowstone. Nie marnuj wakacji, stojąc w kolejkach, aby zamówić obiady, przekąski i napoje, kiedy możesz zjeść pyszny lunch w pięknym miejscu na piknik .Od około 7 rano będziemy rozwijać dla Ciebie czerwony dywan, a wszystko, co musisz zrobić, to usiąść wygodnie i cieszyć się jazdą. Zapewniamy przekąski (batoniki granola, mieszanka szlaków, krakersy itp.) napoje i delikatesy lunch.Głównym celem tej wycieczki jest szeroka gama dzikich zwierząt, bogate zabytki Yellowstone, a także fascynująca sceneria utworzona przez superwulkan Yellowstone przez ponad miliony lat.Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś fotografem amatorem, miłośnikiem nauki lub historii, czy po prostu chcesz zwiedzać na świeżym powietrzu, ta wycieczka jest idealna dla Ciebie. Nasi zabawni, ale profesjonalni przewodnicy zapewnią Ci wycieczkę pierwszą klasą w bardzo wygodnym, nowszym modelu tranzytu. Przystanki mogą się różnić w zależności od obserwacji dzikiej przyrody.
Miasto: Cody'ego
Sun 23 Feb
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Zaczynać od $299.00
Sun 23 Feb
Zaczynać od $299.00
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Dodatkowe informacje
  • Dozwolone zwierzęta towarzyszące
  • Odpowiednie dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Sprzęt/sprzęt dezynfekowany między użyciami
  • Środki transportu regularnie dezynfekowane
  • Wytyczne dotyczące regularnego mycia rąk
Czego oczekiwać
Wielki Kanion Yellowstone
To taka piękna strona do zobaczenia. Wybierz się na krótki spacer, aby zobaczyć ten niesamowity kanion. Formacje skalne i wodospady z rzeki Yellowstone z pewnością dadzą Ci jedne z najbardziej malowniczych zdjęć, jakie dostaniesz podczas tej wycieczki. Tutaj możesz usiąść i cieszyć się widokami. Może zobacz obszary migracji dzikich zwierząt. Możesz też wybrać się na spacer wokół krawędzi kanionu. To trzeba zobaczyć!
Stary Wierny
Old Faith to najpopularniejsza atrakcja Yellowstone. Nazwany przez generała Washburna, przez setki lat był geologicznym cudem, który wszyscy widzieli. Chociaż wszyscy o tym słyszeliśmy, wiedza o tym, dlaczego to zjawisko występuje, jest fascynująca. Wybierz się na wycieczkę, aby poznać historię pierwszych osadników, którzy po raz pierwszy zobaczyli Old Faithful, i poznać naukę, która za tym stoi.
Napęd Firehole Canyon
To jeden z moich osobistych ulubionych. Firehole Canyon ma takie piękne miejsca. Rzeka Firehole przecina wulkaniczną skałę w tym niesamowitym kanionie. W kanionie znajduje się kilka pięknych wodospadów, takich jak Firehole Falls. Kanion Firehole ma jedno z niewielu kąpielisk w parku Yellowstone. Oglądaj wędkarza muchowego, zanurz stopy w wodzie i ciesz się widokami.
Dolina Haydena
W Hayden Valley będziesz miał wielką szansę zobaczyć różnorodne dzikie zwierzęta. Ta dolina, która została utworzona przez cofające się lodowce, jest malowniczym widokiem. Z płynącymi rzekami po prostu wzywa dziką przyrodę, aby przyszła się napić i znaleźć jedzenie. Obszar ten jest popularny wśród łabędzi trębaczy z Yellowstone, kojotów, watahy wilków Wapiti, ton żubrów i czasami niektórych niedźwiedzi.
Dolina Lamaru
Ten piękny obszar Parku Narodowego Yellowstone jest znanym miejscem deptania dzikich zwierząt. Tutaj będziesz miał okazję zobaczyć łosie, wilki, żubry, łosie i wiele innych.
Łuk Roosevelta
Udaj się tam, gdzie przy tym słynnym łuku powitano pierwszych turystów z Yellowstone. Theodore Roosevelt położył pierwszy kamień w tym historycznym zabytku w 1903 roku.
Mamutowe Gorące Źródła
Ciesz się malowniczą wycieczką po historycznym mieście Mammoth. To miejsce jest pełne historii, pięknych krajobrazów i mnóstwa dzikich zwierząt, w tym stada łosi spędzających czas na trawnikach.
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Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (19)
Jul 2022
Seth was an amazing tour guide! His wealth of knowledge of Yellowstone and the surrounding area was so extensive! He was very accommodating and made the tour personalized to our family!
Jun 2022
Just finished the Grand Loop Yellowstone Wildlife and Photo Tour with Kim as our guide and driver. Fantastic experience starting with a pickup at my hotel with a wonderful smile. The tour couldn’t have been better, we saw elk, bison, deer, geysers, bears and some of the most beautiful scenery God has created! Kim was very knowledgeable and caring, always asking if we needed anything, asking our input on stops and opening the windows on the van. The deli-style lunch was just right with sandwich, fruit, dessert and a drink. Kim was the icing on the cake. I highly recommend the tour and asking for Kim to be your guide!!
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jun 2022
Good morning, Thank you so much for the great review.Kim is so good.She definitely tries very hard to ensure that her guests have a great time.I’ve even heard she does back massages at the end of her tours…😁.Thank you so much for taking the time to write in and Kim will be so happy to hear this. I hope the rest of your vacation went well. Safe travels in the future, Sunny
Jun 2022
Unfortunately, the weather in Yellowstone for Memorial Day Weekend was very cold and there was a lot of snow. When we first got into the park on our tour, there was heavy snowfall. We were told that the south road was closed and that Old Faithfull was closed also. All of us guests were concerned about moving on. There were 2 tour guides, one was training. They were apprehensive about the weather and never reassured any of us or ever said that it would be safe to carry on. All they would say is "this weather wasn't supposed to be here until later tonight". None of us had a sense of reassurance from them with this situation to carry on or not. If the tour guides were more aggressive and took charge, I think we all would have felt better about it. Instead, they left it up to the guests to decide if we should turn back or not and they took a poll. There were 5 in the other party which included the grandparents, parents and a 4 year old. So it was 4 vs. 2 (my husband and I) adults for the decision. They took a poll. My husband and I agreed and my answer to the poll was that we’d prefer to “err on the side of caution”. The mom of the child expressed she also felt better to go back because of the young child. The grand parents did not say much except they said “we don’t care, we’ve been to Yellowstone before, we were just doing it for them” pointing to their children. No one put up any kind of resistance about going back. That was the whole poll and all agreed to go back. I messaged the business owner, Sonny, to request a partial refund due to the trip being cut short and not seeing much of anything in Yellowstone. I guess the other guests asked for a refund due to the weather before I asked for ours. Sonny pushed back about giving them a refund just for the bad weather. I know this because we met the people in the airport when flying out. They said to us at the airport "we probably wouldn't have been able to see anything anyway". Sonny also told me that she does not refund just because we hit some bad weather as she says she states on her website. As you will see below, it seems as if the other party used us as an excuse to enhance their plea to try and get their money back. Seems as if Sonny fell for it. Sonny wrote me back saying "I was told that this tour could have continued but didn’t because of you guys were scared". The other guests in the van were very upset because they do not get to finish their tour because of your actions". "I feel bad for the other guests because they were not able to continue their tour because of your actions which is very sad because they missed their vacation". "This was your decision to stop. I felt bad for the other guests in the vehicle because their tour was shorted because they were doing what you wanted. I did give them a partial refund because of the situation that they were put in and I felt bad. It was your decision to stop the tour and go back. You could have still seen everything. But you chose not to". "From what the other guests and guides said was that you were acting extremely nervous and freaking out a bit and then the other guests were put into an awkward situation because you were afraid". HOW WAS THIS JUST MY CHOICE AND MY DECISION? WHY WOULD I HAVE SO MUCH POWER? And, I was not acting "extremely nervous" and if anyone knows me, I don't freak out, it's not my nature. As the business owner, throwing in our faces that the decision to turn around was all of my fault and accusing me of ruining the other tourists’ experience is so wrong and unfair. I was unjustly accused of happenings that did not happen the way it was conveyed to me. Furthermore, this was all concluded without Sonny ever chatting with me about what happened. It's so wrong that Sonny decided to give them a refund and we did not receive one. To put this so heavily on me and accuse me of behaving a certain way is just wrong without ever talking to me and terrible customer service. So, in conclusion, I don't know what the tour would have been like in a different situation and I never will, but I would not recommend handing any money over to this tour company when there are so many other tour companies to choose from that may handle any problems that could arise more professionally, more fair and with better customer service.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jun 2022
I ALWAYS REFUND GUESTS IF ITS SOMETHING THAT I CAN CONTROLI don’t even know what to say to you.I already told you a million times that unfortunately I can not control the weather.During this day I was keeping an eye on the weather because I had more than one tour in the park.I was given information from the National park sevice,2 guides,a totally separate vehicle that was in the park as well as the other 5 people in the vehicle that this tour could have continued.Unfortunately I can not control what happens in nature.If you go on an outdoor excursions you may be faced with rain,snow,heat,wind,etc.You could have gotten stuck in a bison jam for 4 hours and wouldn’t have been able to see things because of that.I have went over all of these points with you several times because you have been harassing me constantly when you were the one that had went on the tour and then decided that you didn’t want to continue the tour due to snow.It really doesn’t matter what anybody else in the vehicle told me but the plain fact is that the tour could have been completed.The tour was discontinued after already being in Yellowstone because of it was snowing.If the roads were impassable and the snow was that bad then Yellowstone would have shut the roads down.So no I will not refund anybody that I has already been into their tour and they decided to not continue due to a small snow fall.If it was a blizzard or something really bad of course.But these tours are in nature.As I say on my site.You would get a 100% refund if you cancel 24 hours prior to booking,100% refund if the tour is canceled due to weather.For all other situations I can not control what happens in nature,I can not control the wildlife,the weather or the actions of others. You chose to discontinue your tour after you were already in it.There’s no refund after you’ve already been in your tour.

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