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Aloha Circle Island Tour - całodniowa przygoda

Jesteśmy lokalną firmą oferującą wycieczki po wyspach dla grup dowolnej wielkości. Chcemy zapewnić Ci intymne i ekscytujące wrażenia z Hawajów, które zawsze będziesz pamiętać.

Uwielbiamy Hawaje i chcemy podzielić się z Tobą wszystkimi miejscami, które ta piękna wyspa ma do zaoferowania. Odwiedzamy wszystkie malownicze punkty widokowe i oglądamy wszystkie piękne plaże podczas zabawy.

Jeśli chcesz się popływać, weź ze sobą ręcznik i sprzęt plażowy.
Miasto: Oahu
Sun 20 Oct
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $109.95
Sun 20 Oct
Zaczynać od $109.95
co jest zawarte
Klimatyzowany pojazd
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Niemowlęta i małe dzieci mogą jeździć w wózku dziecięcym lub spacerowym
  • W pobliżu dostępne są środki transportu publicznego
  • Wszystkie obszary i powierzchnie są dostępne dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Odpowiednie dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Snorkeling nie jest obowiązkowy
Czego oczekiwać
Bezpłatny odbiór Waikiki jest wliczony w cenę naszej wycieczki. Stań w wyznaczonym punkcie odbioru od 8 rano.
Stanowy pomnik Diamentowej Głowy
Zatrzymaj się w słynnym na całym świecie punkcie widokowym Diamond Head i podziwiaj scenerię pluszowego East Honolulu, Beverly Hills na Hawajach. Z punktu widokowego roztacza się niesamowity widok na lokalnych surferów i zatokę Maunalua.
Halona Blowhole
Podziwiaj naturalne piękno naszych wysp, robiąc zdjęcia „jak z pocztówki”, aby pochwalić się znajomym.
Park Piaszczystej Plaży
Przejedź przez malowniczą linię brzegową Kaiwi z zapierającymi dech w piersiach widokami na dolinę Kalama, krater Koko i osławiony lokalny park Sandy Beach. Jeśli będzie fala, podziw dla surferów i bodyboarderów, którzy zostaną uderzeni przez surowe, monstrualne fale.
Punkt Makapu'u
Zrób niesamowite zdjęcia klifów i krateru Wyspy Królików, które zdmuchną wszystkich Twoich przyjaciół z powrotem do domu! Podziwiaj epickie piękno Oahu i w pełni zrozum, dlaczego kręcono tutaj wszystkie filmy.
Udaliśmy się do lokalnego pit stopu na lód do golenia, lody i toaletę tuż przed zanurzeniem się w Kualoa Mac Nut Farm.
Wietrzne Wybrzeże Oahu
Po Waimanalo przejedź przez Kailua i Kaneohe, kierując się do Kualoa. Poznaj historię Hawajów od swojego przewodnika, podziwiając widoki na wodospady, ostre klify i lasy deszczowe z klimatyzowanego promu. To jest pit stop na lód do golenia w toalecie i prezenty.
Tropical Farms (wyprzedaż farmy orzechów makadamia)
Żadna wycieczka po O'ahu nie jest kompletna bez wizyty w Mac Nut Farm, gdzie można kupić darmowe próbki kawy, orzechy mac i zobaczyć lokalne atrakcje. Zrób zdjęcie przed Statuą Kamehameha, a następnie ciesz się próbkami i smakołykami.
Park Regionalny Kualoa
Przejedź przez „Jurajską Dolinę” i podziwiaj malownicze widoki na „Chińczyka Kapelusza” - kolejną z atrakcji Ohio.
Polinezyjskie Centrum Kultury
Przejdź obok jednej z największych atrakcji Hawajów, Polinezyjskiego Centrum Kultury. Znajduje się obok świątyni w Laie.
Północne wybrzeże
Nie bez powodu nazywa się to „Siedmiomilowym cudem” — przekonaj się z pierwszej ręki, dlaczego Hawaje są kolebką surfingu. Przechodząc przez North Shore, podziwiaj malownicze widoki na Left Overs, Waimea Bay, Log Cabins, Rockpile, Off The Wall, Backdoor, Banzai Pipeline i Sunset Beach.
Park przy plaży Haleiwa
Wejdź do parku plażowego, który znajduje się bezpośrednio na znanym na całym świecie wybrzeżu North Shore. Jest również bardzo popularny wśród żółwi. Jeśli chcesz popływać lub ponurkować, jesteś mile widziany. W przeciwnym razie ciesz się plażą taką, jaka jest, przy drinku ze znajomymi. Jest odosobniony i oferuje wspaniałe widoki na faunę wodną i pasmo górskie Waianae.
Centrum miasta Haleiwa
Przejedź przez zabytkowe farmy i miasto surferów Hale'Iwa, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o kulturze surfingu na Hawajach i zawodach na dużych falach.
Plantacja Dole
Hawaje słyną z obfitości soczystych ananasów. Spróbuj świeżego soku ananasowego lub słynnych lodów Dole Whip. Sprawdź największy na świecie labirynt ananasów lub poszukaj prezentów, które przywieziesz do domu!
Wysiadanie w Waikiki odbywa się zwykle między 17:00 a 18:00, w zależności od pogody, natężenia ruchu i innych warunków.
Show 12 więcej przystanków
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (1000)
Mar 2019
Our tour guide Cousin Maiya led us on a great adventure that gave us taste of everything and helped to shape our agenda for the rest of our time on Oahu. I would emphasize that this tour is ideal for first time island goers, especially at the beginning of your trip. Some of the stops are short, some were at places that are decidedly tourist traps, and some were awe inspiring views of the island. Through all of them Cousin Maiya was full of interesting information about the island and what we were seeing. He provided great tips on the best way to come back and spend more time at stops that we enjoyed or other locations that we were just cruising past. He even knew the bus route numbers for several locations. I really can't say enough about how amazing a tour guide he proved to be. I found the trip exactly as advertised. It is a tour of a substantial part of the island. It is not an in-depth tour of any one location listed on the agenda. It helped us to figure out parts of the island that we wanted to go spend more time at and other locations that we now knew we wouldn't want to waste our time on. For those that are interested, a more detailed play-by-play of the tour is below. The tour started at 7:00 and we had to walk about 4 blocks from our hotel to the pick-up point. Cousin Maiya was cracking jokes as we walked up with the glazed over look on our faces of a tourist that has no idea what they are doing. He very quickly put us at ease. First stop was to catch the sunrise, followed by quick trip to the viewpoint at Diamond Head. After a few more stops at places like Lanai Lookout, Eternity Beach, and Halona Blowhole, we wound our way north to Makapu'u Lookout then on to a shopping/restroom stop where Cousin Maiya provided us with complementary Poi donuts, water, and coffee. Feeling refreshed we continued on to Kualoa Point for views of Chinaman's hat then on to a macadamia nut farm, where the wild chickens outnumber the tourists. Here again there was free coffee and enough mac nut samples to make anyone think twice about the need to hit an ABC store to get your fix. Here Maiya also handed out menus and had us make our lunch selections. Lunch was at a roadside shrimp shack called Fumi's. The food was great and fresh as the shrimp shack is also a shrimp farm. Thanks to Cousin Maiya's calling in the order ahead of time, we just had to saddle up to the window and our food was waiting. This was also the our first opportunity to get Dole Whip which I failed to capitalize on much to my chagrin. Post lunch we hit another roadside attraction for some fresh fruit, coconuts, and deep fried bananas. Cousin Maiya also pointed out a must visit of Joe's Bakery. Fortunately for those that don't have a car Joe's is available in most grocery stores. The haupia chocolate cream pie is ridiculously good. As was their Shoyu chicken. Next up was a snorkeling stop for about an hour and half in Waialua Bay. The reef had tons of fish and the odd sea turtle here and there. For those not interested in snorkeling, Cousin Maiya took them into Haleiwa for some shopping or a stop at Matsumoto Shave Ice. After getting picked up from snorkeling we headed to our final stop at the Dole plantation. Here we finally encountered Dole Whip. Pro-Tip: Go to counter #3. It is on the back side of the concession area. Everyone crowds in for the lines of counters #1 & #2 and spends 20 mins just waiting in line. We waited about three minutes for pineapple sorbet that is worth the price of the flight to Hawaii. This was really the only stop that I wish we had a little more time at, but overall my needs for the plantation experience were met. After that we headed back to Waikiki. We were back at the hotel by 3:00 PM with the rest of the afternoon to enjoy sea, sun, and suds.
Mar 2019
The review by Amylperkins reflects a lot of my concerns with this trip. To add my views. My tour guide was not rude but he didn’t give an intro or explain the itinerary for the day. On the plus side he did give us a lot of information about the island and was pretty friendly generally. We had a lot of unnecessary stops - gas station, a shop for the rest room, a number of random beaches (but without time to explore them). I was also bemused at the stop to show us the Mormon church although it was the first one I’ve seen so at least it was new! I thought we would get some kind of tour of the nut farm but it’s basically just a shop with free nut samples. I didn’t see the point. We also only got about 15-20 minutes for snorkelling due to the other stops taking so long. The beach chosen wasn’t great because a loud family group didn’t want to stop at the normal place as they’d been there the day before. There was no consultation with the rest of the group on this. We also got limited time at the Dole Plantation so couldn’t do the maze etc. Overall it just felt like a lot of wasted time and the tour could have been more focussed on some key points of interest.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Mar 2019
Who was your driver?
Mar 2019
List of reasons not to waste your money 1. Not an accurate description of the stops you will make .... here were our stops 2. Our tour guide was TERRIBLE Description of tour stops: 1st - diamond head lookout point (you are only there for 5 minutes) 2nd - blowhole lookout point ( you are only there for 5 minutes) 3rd - a gas station gift shop FOR 25 MINUTES - completely unnecessary and a waste of time 4th - Macadamia Nut Farm - actually cute and worth is because you get to taste test ... but we were only given about 25 minutes here - had about the same time at the stupid gas station 5th - lunch - good but they pass by the more famous trucks ( lunch not included in price you need to pay cash for lunch) 6th - a fruit stand on the side of the road (5 minute stop) 7th - snorkeling: has the potential of being cool... it was just too cold to fully enjoy on our day ( only get to spend about 45 minutes there) 8th - Doke plantation : basically just a gift shop with food. You only get 45 minutes there so you can’t do the train ride or maze. You basically only have time for ice cream and some photos Here is a list of my complaints about our tour guide 1. Right after we got on the bus- When people were talking casually to each other he said to them “lower your voices” in a harsh tone. (Then he got on the speaker to welcome everyone) he could have handled that better. 2. When ever someone would ask a question he would tell then that they were wrong and belittle them. 3. When a woman asked a question about if the trolley ran late ... he somehow did not answer that question and instead responded with “they seem to be more for the Asian culture. The trolley caters to them”. Making seem like a racist comment 4. He was texting and driving 5. When the first four guests got off the bus he said (over the loud speaker) “wow they didn’t tip me ... 7 hours and they talked so much. Thought I’d get a tip” 6. Was overall rude and had no customer service qualities *** I already called and filled a complaint and suggested that our guide gets more customer service training before he interacts with more visitors. Ruined our day. I was looking forward to this tour and now my Mother and I have just spent 7 hours hating it and trying to smile through it. HOPEFULLY THIS IS HELPFUL AS YOU PLAN YOUR TRIP ***** there are other Circle Island Tours - try another one! Just don’t waste your money or time on this company
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Mar 2019
Yikes, who was your driver?

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