This is a great cruise if you’re in large group and looking to celebrate a special occasion. Majority of the parties on board were 4 or more in size. My wife and I were looking for something quiet and intimate. Between the band and loud dancing and cheering tourist groups, you almost needed ear plugs. This is not the cruise for intimate romance. The food was typical banquet style food. The type of food you would expect at a wedding. Be careful of the menu, because most of the top tier items are an extra charge. Despite the rain we experienced, the views are spectacular and it is a great way to see the Statue of Liberty and other water front landmarks. The service is average. Our hostess was good, but she seemed overwhelmed with the amount of tables she was overseeing. Lastly, I selected a window table during booking. Be careful with this aspect of booking. Your receipt won’t show that you paid for a window table, and they won’t have a record of it at the host stand. I witnessed a man tip the hostess an $50 for window table and he got it. I wasn’t about to pay extra on top of what I already paid. Moral of the story, don’t pay extra in advance. Just arrive early and bribe the host when you arrive.