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Ta 12-godzinna wycieczka przyrodnicza oferuje dogłębne spojrzenie na najmłodszą i największą wyspę Hawajów. Poznaj różnorodne krajobrazy i cuda natury, w tym wizytę w Parku Narodowym Wulkanów, spaceruj przez lasy deszczowe do strzelistych wodospadów i spaceruj po plażach z czarnym piaskiem, skanując horyzont w poszukiwaniu zielonych żółwi morskich. Ta rodzinna wycieczka wymaga łatwego spaceru i wprowadza osoby w każdym wieku na wyspę i obejmuje lunch, przekąski, napoje i opłaty za wstęp do parku.
Miasto: Wielka Wyspa Hawajów
Sun 22 Sep
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Zaczynać od $220.32
Sun 22 Sep
Zaczynać od $220.32
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Odbiór i dowóz do hotelu
Wycieczka w małej grupie prowadzona przez profesjonalnego przewodnika
Luksusowy Mercedes Sprinter Van Transport
Wszystkie opłaty i podatki
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Niezalecane dla osób podróżujących w ciąży
  • Niezalecane dla osób podróżujących ze słabym zdrowiem układu krążenia
  • Odpowiednie dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Działa przy każdej pogodzie warunki; proszę ubrać się odpowiednio.
  • Dzieci poniżej 4 lat nie mogą brać udziału
  • Ta wycieczka rozpoczyna się tylko z Kailua Kona i Waikoloa na Big Island of Hawaii
  • Zapewnienie masek na twarz dla podróżnych
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Regularnie odkażane obszary o dużym natężeniu ruchu
  • Sprzęt/sprzęt dezynfekowany między użyciami
  • Środki transportu regularnie dezynfekowane
  • Wytyczne dotyczące regularnego mycia rąk
Czego oczekiwać
Wybrzeże Kohala
Odbierz gości z kurortów wzdłuż wybrzeża Kohala, ciesząc się wycieczką z narracją z wyjątkowym krajobrazem i malowniczym widokiem.
Molo Kailua
Przejedź przez historyczne centrum Kona, gdzie znajduje się letni pałac hawajskiej rodziny królewskiej i najstarszy kościół na Hawajach.
Farma z widokiem na zatokę
Wybierz się na wycieczkę po tej farmie kawy Kona, aby dowiedzieć się o procesie zbioru i mielenia podczas degustacji kawy i herbaty Kona.
Plaża Punalu'u z czarnym piaskiem
Zanurz palce u stóp w piasku na plaży Punalu’u Black Sand Beach i zeskanuj horyzont w poszukiwaniu zielonych żółwi morskich na brzegu
Park Narodowy Hawajskich Wulkanów
Poznaj cuda Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, w tym otwory parowe, punkty widokowe kraterów Halema'uma'u i Kilauea Iki, obok miejsc wypływu lawy i wybierz się na krótką wędrówkę wzdłuż krawędzi krateru i tunelu lawy.
Nahuku - tunel lawy Thurston
Przejdź się po moście, który daje ci dosłowne spojrzenie na Hawaje, i podążaj nim do niesamowitej Thurston Lava Tube, 600-metrowej (183-metrowej) jaskini utworzonej setki lat temu przez podziemną rzekę magmy.
Przejazd przez historyczne centrum Hilo, największe miasto na wyspie.
Tęczowe Wodospady
Ten 80-metrowy wodospad opada nad naturalną jaskinią lawową i do rzeki Wailuku poniżej. W słoneczny dzień we mgle wodospadu pojawiają się tęcze, tworząc magiczny widok.
Park stanowy Akaka Falls
Ten wysoki na 442 stopy (135 metrów) wodospad spada do bujnego wąwozu w centrum parku stanowego. Będziesz cieszyć się krótkim spacerem przez roślinność, aby zobaczyć z bliska i mnóstwo zdjęć.
Dolina Waipi'o
Widoki zatrzymują Cię w miejscu w punkcie widokowym Doliny Waipio, gdzie dramatyczne tło bujnych klifów wpada do lśniącego błękitnego oceanu
Ranczo Parkera
Jedź przez malownicze zielone pastwiska Parker Ranch, ojczyzny hawajskich kowbojów i jednego z największych rancz w USA.
Show 8 więcej przystanków
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (1000)
Apr 2022
The trip started off on the wrong foot. We were supposed to have a 6:55am pickup from Kohala Suites but don't get a call until 6:52am that the bus will be approximately 20 minutes late. That in itself is fine. It broke down, things happen. However, you knew this when it was still a ways away, so why didn't you call when it happened knowing it would be late? We could have stayed in our rooms, found coffee, something, but we didn't have time to do anything as it was only 20 minutes away now. After about 35 minutes we call back because the bus still has not arrived, they don't know anything about it. I was told to tell the driver my concerns about how maybe they should call us when it breaks down right away to let us know. not RIGHT when they should have *already been there and are now just on their way. 45 minutes later the bus arrives. The tour guide greets us warmly (almost childlike) and completely sidesteps acknowledging the lateness at all instead of getting ahead of it. I told her that I was told to tell her. She was not pleased and said she cant be on the phone while driving. No one was asking you to do that-just that we all be informed as soon as the bus broke down and before you head out, not when it's already time to be there. Other passengers expressed the same frustration upon pickup so it wasn't just me being :extra", and I hope they write reviews as well. We also called ahead to make sure there were gluten-free options for the food as my friend has celiac disease and cannot have any contamination. We were explicit about this and they said they could honor the request. She asked to see and test the food and the driver again got irritated so my friend went to speak to the worker where the food waS picked up and they basically said yes, everything is cooked in the same place-no separation-ok, so NOT safe to eat with celiac. She had her own snacks but no meal. While my friend was inside talking to the food place, the tour guide called whoever she answer to to complain. She must not have been aware that we could hear her from the bus because she was extremely rude about the situation and her voice *completely changed from her overly friendly tour guide voice (this isn't an opinion, other people on the tour mentioned it to her that she spoke to us like we were 2nd graders) but claim all you want that that was your voice, it's amazing how much it changed when she was talking crap about my friends inconvenient eating issues *which no one else on the bus had a problem with). We can't seem to find her any food that's not contaminated and she ultimately has to pay for food at a grocery store herself. Not only that, but the guide makes it a point to state and complain at each and every stop how we don't have as much time to do anything because we have to try and find her food, meanwhile that took all of maybe 15 minutes when we were at places already, but has nothing to do with the fact that you were 45 minutes late and then wouldn't just let her look at the food in the pack real quick to test it, right? At some point when she's talking she just completely breaks down. Is something going on? And we are all concerned. I'm the first one to notice and we try to HELP. Ask of she needs to pull over (THIS is how someone having a breakdown should be responded to and we did not spite her even though she had been rude to us all day). She says she is fine and stops crying but is then radio silent for like 40 minutes. So much for interesting historical information along the way for the drive. Overall the rest of the passengers made the trip pleasant and our stops were nice, if not a little rushed. Honestly, there is so much more I could write as well but it is honestly a little frustrating even to relive it. They offered no refund for the food portion and for the cost of the trip, it was absolutely ridiculous.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Apr 2022
Aloha Pamela, Thank you for the feedback of your tour. First and foremost, we want to apologize for the less than satisfactory experience you had with us. The safety of our guests is our priority, and we strive to be on time for our pickups. However, when the vehicle malfunctioned on the initial departure, we did our best to get another vehicle on route to pick up you and the other guests on tour, in addition to contacting everyone with an estimated time of arrival as quickly as we could. Again, we apologize for the inaccurate arrival time and the tour guide’s lack of addressing her tardiness when greeting you. Regarding the gluten-free meal option your friend had requested, we have a standard gluten-free meal that includes plain chicken, steamed white rice, and sweet potatoes, and that was discussed with you prior to the day of the tour. When the guide called our office to explain the food situation, she was not complaining nor being rude, but was simply seeking advice on what to do next to ensure your friend received a meal that was appropriate for her. Our goal was to satisfy your friend's need to get a gluten-free meal when the initial meal option was not sufficient. We used the company credit card to purchase a salad for your friend at Volcano House, Your friend then measured the meal with a device she had and said it contained gluten, and therefore could not eat the salad. The tour guide then stopped at a natural food store where your friend purchased some fruits and drinks. Despite the delayed start due to unforeseen circumstances and multiple stops to get your friend a suitable gluten-free meal, every stop on this tour was completed with plenty of time for guests to enjoy their day. On behalf of our tour guide, we apologize for the way she handled her emotions on that day. With the combined events of the day, it was surely a stressful situation for everyone involved. We have addressed this incident in-depth with her and provided necessary additional training for her to handle similar situations more appropriately in the future. As a company, we have implemented additional measures to better serve guests with dietary restrictions. Sincerely, Jay
Apr 2022
We had a wonderful day exploring the island! Robert was full of information about the island’s history and sites.
Apr 2022
Tyler was an awesome guide. The places that we visited were unbelievably beautiful. Seeing the turtles on the black sand beach was my favorite! He even had a little chocolate macadamia treat for us at the end of our journey!

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