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Lekcja graffiti na Brooklynie

Informacje o warsztacie: Te wyjątkowe warsztaty praktyczne umożliwiają uczestnikom stworzenie własnego projektu sztuki graffiti z pomocą autentycznego artysty graffiti z Nowego Jorku. Poznaj wskazówki i techniki sztuki aerozolowej, od wypełnień po arcydzieła, zanurzając się w kulturze sztuki graffiti. Warsztaty odbywają się w naszym pięknym brooklyńskim studiu artystycznym w sercu Bushwick Brooklyn. Kultywowanie kreatywnego myślenia i przyjaznego środowiska, to doświadczenie jest przeznaczone dla wszystkich grup wiekowych i poziomów talentów. Wyjdź z tego warsztatu z większym zrozumieniem tego wciąż niezrozumianego rzemiosła i oczywiście ze swoją nowo stworzoną pracą.
Miasto: Nowy Jork
Sat 08 Mar
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $45.00
Sat 08 Mar
Zaczynać od $45.00
co jest zawarte
Wszystkie podatki, opłaty i opłaty manipulacyjne
Dodatkowe informacje
  • W pobliżu dostępne są środki transportu publicznego
  • Odpowiednie dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Dzieciom musi towarzyszyć osoba dorosła
  • Maseczki na twarz wymagane podróżni w miejscach publicznych
  • Maseczki wymagane od przewodników w miejscach publicznych
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Zachowanie dystansu społecznego przez cały czas zwiedzania
  • Przewodnicy zobowiązani do regularnego mycia rąk
  • Płatna polityka pozostania w domu dla personelu z objawami
  • Płatności zbliżeniowe za gratyfikacje i dodatki
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (112)
Susan S
Nov 2018
Four of us took the Bushwick Graffiti tour and were all totally disappointed. We must have covered less than a block (although guide offered to walk more when tour ended?!). We expected to walk all around the area but instead stood before just a few chosen pieces for what was always a longer than necessary time. I watched Style Wars after tour so I can learn more and found that 500% times more interesting.
Sep 2018
Unfortunately, I did not enjoy this experience as much as other reviewers. My friends and I went on the Brooklyn Bushwick tour. I have been on free street art walking tours in London and I'm sorry to say in comparison, this experience was so disappointing. Firstly, to me, the guide wasn't very knowledgeable. The guide showed us pieces she knew nothing about, why? What a waste of time if you can't tell us anything about it. For a $20 tour, when shown a piece, I would've expected an introduction of the artist, interpretation of inspiration behind the piece, brief explanation on techniques used, why the piece/artist is significant, and where I might be able to see other works.The session turned into the guide showing off all the street artists she knew, all I learned was "that artist is a good guy". That being said, she gave a good background explanation of the history of hip hop and how street art was part of this. Secondly, questions were answered inadequately. Her answers evasive, like street art is some kind of secretive club where she couldn't reveal too much. It came off as egotistical. Basic questions were asked which she was unable to answer, or answered in broad terms which was unhelpful. For example, painting techniques. She was able to name a few techniques, but unable to say how they look when used, and for what purpose different techniques served. Thirdly, the guide didn't tailor the tour at all to her audience. The guide didn't ask our level of knowledge of street art. She didn't even explain what the Bushwick Collective was. She starting saying words such as "throwy" and "crew" assuming that her audience knew what this was. As a professional company/tour guide, I feel like a basic awareness and understanding of your audience is not a lot to ask for. I was extremely disappointed in this experience and the quality of tour guide. I feel like this tour was not genuine and that my friends and I taken advantage of. We walked 2 square blocks looking at pieces the guide liked without any meaning or purpose. In the past, pay what you wish street art tours I've attended led us around large areas of Shoreditch and Brixton. I'm sorry to say that it feels to me that this tour company targets unknowing tourists who they believe will be impressed by edgy tour guides who know relevant jargon. Perhaps this tour was a one off bad experience, but it would be helpful if your tour guides were actual street artists who know the topic inside and out, and could speak more knowledgeably. Basic training for tour guides on understanding the audience and starting from basics would've also improved the experience.
Aug 2018
Booked a private tour and workshop for family with teens. Great activity. Definite highlight of our trip to NYC. Learned about graffiti and saw some great street art. Teenager really enjoyed the workshop where he produced his own piece of art to take home.

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