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Bilet wstępu do Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

Busch Gardens Africa w Tampa to najlepszy rodzinny park rozrywki, oferujący niezrównane połączenie spotkań ze zwierzętami, rozrywki na żywo i światowej klasy ekscytujących przejażdżek.
Miasto: Tampa
Mon 23 Sep
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $111.59
Mon 23 Sep
Zaczynać od $111.59
co jest zawarte
Bilet wstępu
Trasa i mapa
Punkt spotkania
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10165 N McKinley Dr,
Przed wizytą:
Krok 1: Zapoznaj się z Warunkami korzystania z usługi
Krok 2: Okaż eTicket wraz z dokumentem tożsamości ze zdjęciem przedstawicielowi parku przy bramkach obrotowych, znajdujących się przy głównym wejściu.

Warunki usługi:
Biletu elektronicznego nie można kopiować, przenosić ani odsprzedawać. Bilet jest ważny tylko dla osoby wymienionej na bilecie. Bilet nie podlega zwrotowi. Nieważne, jeśli zostały zmienione. Nie podlega wymianie na gotówkę. Kserokopie nie będą akceptowane. Wymagany bioskan i dowód tożsamości ze zdjęciem. Nie zostanie wymieniony, jeśli zostanie zgubiony lub skradziony. Pozostaje własnością SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment. Zostanie skonfiskowany lub unieważniony bez zwrotu kosztów za nadużycie. Obowiązuje w normalnych godzinach pracy. Obowiązują daty wyłączenia. Bilet traci ważność po roku od daty zakupu.

** Uwaga ** Jeśli kupiłeś Bilet do Multiparku, koniecznie sprawdź kalendarz funkcjonowania każdego parku, ponieważ mają one różne dni otwarcia i mogą być otwarte tylko sezonowo **

Usługi świadczone przez
Punkt końcowy
Ta aktywność kończy się z powrotem w miejscu spotkania.
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Niemowlęta i małe dzieci mogą jeździć w wózku dziecięcym lub spacerowym
  • Dozwolone zwierzęta towarzyszące
  • Wszystkie obszary i powierzchnie są dostępne dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Odpowiedni dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Niemowlęta w wieku poniżej 3 lat (2 lata i 11 miesięcy) nie wymagają wstępu. Może być wymagany dokument potwierdzający wiek, taki jak akt urodzenia.
  • Wózki inwalidzkie można wypożyczyć na zasadzie „kto pierwszy, ten lepszy”.
  • Uwaga: data wybrana w momencie rezerwacji dotyczy planowanej daty podróży. Ten bilet jest przeznaczony tylko dla mieszkańców USA, przy bramce można sprawdzić dowód zamieszkania.
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Płatności zbliżeniowe za napiwki i dodatki
Czego oczekiwać
Ogrody Buscha
Busch Gardens, jedno z najlepszych ogrodów zoologicznych w Ameryce Północnej, pozwala spotkać się twarzą w twarz z bardziej egzotycznymi i zagrożonymi zwierzętami niż w jakimkolwiek innym miejscu poza Afryką. Przygotuj się na ekscytujące emocje z SheiKra - pierwszą w Ameryce kolejką górską do nurkowania. Odkryj kolorową wioskę położoną wśród wysokich drzew, eksploruj 3-piętrową krainę zabaw pełną sieci wspinaczkowych i tuneli eksploracyjnych, wzbij się ponad wierzchołki drzew podczas przygody na tyrolce lub wystrzel w niebo z wnętrza 35-metrowego (10-metrowego) wodospadu. Następnie stań twarzą w twarz z orangutanami i sprawdź swoje siły w przeciąganiu liny z tygrysem bengalskim, a wszystko to w Jungali - jedynej dżungli na świecie, która się z tobą bawi. Aby uzyskać dodatkową zabawę, wybierz jedną z opcji biletów łączonych z SeaWorld Orlando, Adventure Island Tampa i Aquatica Orlando! Dostępne są również całodniowe pakiety parkingowe i nieograniczone pakiety parkingowe.
Zasady anulowania
Wszystkie wyprzedaże się skończyły. W przypadku anulowania nie ma możliwości zwrotu pieniędzy.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (656)
Otwórz w Mapach Google
Beth A
Jul 2022
There’s a lot in the park but summer is probably not the best time to go between school vacations and thunderstorms. I didn’t get to do most of the rides because storms shut things down from 2:15 onwards — everything is outdoors, rides and animals — and there’s only so many shows to keep you busy. I called it by 5:30pm, so for starting at 10am I didn’t really get my money’s worth.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Aug 2022
We certainly apologize for the impact inclement weather had on your visit. Our weather procedures are for the safety of all our guests and Ambassadors and our attractions are reopened as soon as it is safe to do so. We are happy to offer a rainy day ticket valid for up to one year at our Guest Relations should inclement weather impact your day. We recommend reaching out to our Guest Correspondence team at [email protected] for further assistance if you were unable to obtain this rainy day ticket. -CL
Kris M
Jul 2022
My daughter and I really enjoyed Busch Gardens. It was the first time for both of us. We drove over from Fort Lauderdale and stayed at the nearby Hampton Inn, which was very reasonably priced and had Lyft shuttle service to the park. We upgraded to the Quick Queue pass which I HIGHLY recommend. We went on all the coasters we wanted to experience from 10 am - 2pm. It appears that alot of the crowd leaves the park at noon because the food is so expensive. This made the lines even shorter for us! When we left to have late lunch at 2, there was a really long line of people waiting to get in to the park. We came back to the park at 6 pm. Most of the people with small kids left and the lines were short again. We went on all the rides in the park again until the park closed at 10 PM. The fire works at 9:15 pm were really nice. They shut the rides down during that time, so you have to plan ahead for that. We didn't have time to do much shopping other than upon exiting rides and we weren't able to do any shows or the safari ride. I think that next time, we'd not put so much emphasis on the coasters. My favorite coaster BY FAR was the Cheetah Hunt. Gwanzi and SheiKra are overrated in my book. A few of the staff were not friendly and we were verbally assaulted by a drunk guy who was trying to cut the line at SheiKra toward the end of the night (we had to call park staff to ask him to leave), but other than that people were nice. I definitely DON'T recommend getting the two day two park package - Adventure Island was a huge disappointment!
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Aug 2022
We are thrilled to read about this visit to our park! Thank you for taking the time to share your experience on our thrilling coasters and with our new fireworks show. We certainly apologize for any poor behavior you may have encountered with other guests at our park. The safety of our guests and ambassadors is our top priority and we are happy to read our security team was able to assist with this interaction. We hope to see you again soon! -CL
Jul 2022
Our family absolutely loves amusement parks, and we manage to have a great time everywhere we go—except here. This place is quite literally the worst amusement park we have ever been to. First of all, though we already had tickets, we waited in line for over an hour just to get IN—with three small children in the blazing sun. The entry line was so long that they didn't even bother running the tram from the distant parking lot because the line actually backed up all the way to the lot!!! To make matters worse, the entire wait happened in the unshielded, blazing sun! Now, this is Florida, which means it's either pouring rain or blazing sun—there's very little in between. So why on earth isn't this walkway covered? Small children and the elderly were really struggling, and it was unpleasant for all. Hoping this was a fluke, I spoke to several employees, who all informed me that this happens every day. To me, this kind of disorganization is unforgivable: it's not like they opened a week ago and are still figuring out the kinks...they've been open for decades and should have this more than figured out by now. It's obvious that they simply don't care. When we finally got inside, we were horrified to learn that the average wait for every ride was two hours! Find me a three year old who can wait two hours in line for ANYTHING, much less a 45 second ride—I dare you. Hoping to let our little ones have at least some fun, we took them to the Sesame Street children's area...where they were forced to wait in long lines just to go on the playground! The cranky woman guarding the toddler trampoline kept yelling at the little ones in line, and would only let five children in at once—even though this enclosed trampoline is absolutely enormous and there was a line around the building. Unable to get on anything, we decided to have lunch and try again later—except that 90% of their eating establishments were closed for unspecified reasons. The only one we could find that was open (a BBQ joint) had lines even longer than the park entry lines! I haven't even mentioned the price-gouging yet. Keep in mind that admission to this place is inexplicably more expensive than Disney, though it offers none of the value (if Disney is a 10, this place is a 1). Nonetheless, when you finally get inside, they nickel and dime you to death. It cost us $30 to rent a stroller that was not even a stroller: it was literally a shoddy plastic wagon with wheels that was impossible to steer, had no seat belt or rain cover, and was so low to the ground that my toddler kept getting his foot run over by the wheel! The rides require you to remove all loose items, as is typical for roller coaster parks, but unlike every other park on earth, they don't have cubbies at the ride locations where you can stash your stuff while on the ride and then grab it afterward. Instead, they force you to rent a crappy locker for way too much money. The food is unbelievably expensive (a basic chicken nuggets and fries kid meal was $20) and pretty terrible quality. They have the audacity to charge you for animal encounters inside the park (and not even super cool, up close ones—they literally charge you to do things like get within 10 feet of the kangaroo exhibit!). The animal enclosures were dirty, run down, and very stinky (and the animals seemed sad and unwell). The park is dirty and unkempt, with litter everywhere, and everything desperately needs updating. Oh, and mamas—the bathrooms were filthy, which is a pet peeve of mine. I ended up changing my son't diaper outside in the grass because the changing table was so nasty. We ended up leaving less than two hours after we arrived because our kids were begging us to go home! And as if all that wasn't bad enough, we stood in line for another 40 minutes to catch the tram back to the parking lot, because unlike Disney, who has trams lined up back to back that run all day, these fools were running a SINGLE tram back and forth, even though there were several empty ones parked nearby. This is completely typical of Busch Gardens: lazy, inconsiderate, and happy to inconvenience you once they have your money. With the millions of dollars they are clearly making, one has to wonder where it's going, because it clearly isn't being used to improve anything at the park. They clearly don't care about their customers at all, and though we bought the annual Fun Passes, we will never go here again. Save your money.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Aug 2022
Thank you for taking the time to share some details regarding your recent visit to Busch Gardens Tampa. We apologize for any frustration caused by this experience. Due to some recent changes to our front gate entrance, guests may experience a delay trying to enter the park. The delay you experienced during your visit was longer than we had anticipated. As we continue to improve our park, we want to thank guests for their continued support and patience. Despite our efforts to create a seamless transition to this park change, we do understand that this has created a negative impact on your visit. Additionally, we regret to hear that the products that you have purchased did not meet the value you had anticipated. We have forwarded your comments to the appropriate leadership for further review and improvement going forward. We would be happy to review this experience further with you. Please contact us at [email protected], for further assistance. -EM

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