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Bilet wstępu do Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

Busch Gardens Africa w Tampa to najlepszy rodzinny park rozrywki, oferujący niezrównane połączenie spotkań ze zwierzętami, rozrywki na żywo i światowej klasy ekscytujących przejażdżek.
Miasto: Tampa
Fri 04 Oct
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $111.59
Fri 04 Oct
Zaczynać od $111.59
co jest zawarte
Bilet wstępu
Trasa i mapa
Punkt spotkania
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10165 N McKinley Dr,
Przed wizytą:
Krok 1: Zapoznaj się z Warunkami korzystania z usługi
Krok 2: Okaż eTicket wraz z dokumentem tożsamości ze zdjęciem przedstawicielowi parku przy bramkach obrotowych, znajdujących się przy głównym wejściu.

Warunki usługi:
Biletu elektronicznego nie można kopiować, przenosić ani odsprzedawać. Bilet jest ważny tylko dla osoby wymienionej na bilecie. Bilet nie podlega zwrotowi. Nieważne, jeśli zostały zmienione. Nie podlega wymianie na gotówkę. Kserokopie nie będą akceptowane. Wymagany bioskan i dowód tożsamości ze zdjęciem. Nie zostanie wymieniony, jeśli zostanie zgubiony lub skradziony. Pozostaje własnością SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment. Zostanie skonfiskowany lub unieważniony bez zwrotu kosztów za nadużycie. Obowiązuje w normalnych godzinach pracy. Obowiązują daty wyłączenia. Bilet traci ważność po roku od daty zakupu.

** Uwaga ** Jeśli kupiłeś Bilet do Multiparku, koniecznie sprawdź kalendarz funkcjonowania każdego parku, ponieważ mają one różne dni otwarcia i mogą być otwarte tylko sezonowo **

Usługi świadczone przez
Punkt końcowy
Ta aktywność kończy się z powrotem w miejscu spotkania.
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Niemowlęta i małe dzieci mogą jeździć w wózku dziecięcym lub spacerowym
  • Dozwolone zwierzęta towarzyszące
  • Wszystkie obszary i powierzchnie są dostępne dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Odpowiedni dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Niemowlęta w wieku poniżej 3 lat (2 lata i 11 miesięcy) nie wymagają wstępu. Może być wymagany dokument potwierdzający wiek, taki jak akt urodzenia.
  • Wózki inwalidzkie można wypożyczyć na zasadzie „kto pierwszy, ten lepszy”.
  • Uwaga: data wybrana w momencie rezerwacji dotyczy planowanej daty podróży. Ten bilet jest przeznaczony tylko dla mieszkańców USA, przy bramce można sprawdzić dowód zamieszkania.
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Płatności zbliżeniowe za napiwki i dodatki
Czego oczekiwać
Ogrody Buscha
Busch Gardens, jedno z najlepszych ogrodów zoologicznych w Ameryce Północnej, pozwala spotkać się twarzą w twarz z bardziej egzotycznymi i zagrożonymi zwierzętami niż w jakimkolwiek innym miejscu poza Afryką. Przygotuj się na ekscytujące emocje z SheiKra - pierwszą w Ameryce kolejką górską do nurkowania. Odkryj kolorową wioskę położoną wśród wysokich drzew, eksploruj 3-piętrową krainę zabaw pełną sieci wspinaczkowych i tuneli eksploracyjnych, wzbij się ponad wierzchołki drzew podczas przygody na tyrolce lub wystrzel w niebo z wnętrza 35-metrowego (10-metrowego) wodospadu. Następnie stań twarzą w twarz z orangutanami i sprawdź swoje siły w przeciąganiu liny z tygrysem bengalskim, a wszystko to w Jungali - jedynej dżungli na świecie, która się z tobą bawi. Aby uzyskać dodatkową zabawę, wybierz jedną z opcji biletów łączonych z SeaWorld Orlando, Adventure Island Tampa i Aquatica Orlando! Dostępne są również całodniowe pakiety parkingowe i nieograniczone pakiety parkingowe.
Zasady anulowania
Wszystkie wyprzedaże się skończyły. W przypadku anulowania nie ma możliwości zwrotu pieniędzy.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (656)
Otwórz w Mapach Google
Feb 2022
I love bush gardens. I have been there so many times but this last time that I went, it was horrible. Lines were too damn long people wouldn’t move and the seats in the ride weren’t all full, 4 rides were closed, waited 3 hours for the cheetah hunt and on the new gwazi ride, they let the people with the gold card only ride. Just because they had that specific ticket. I’m sorry but, your job is not done in the right way. Even for the quick queue lines were too long.
Feb 2022
This is a long one! Holy cow, I couldn't stop writing! We decided at the last minute to go travel from WI to BG for my birthday for 3 days and bought a vacation package from Busch Gardens that included admission to Sea World. We were pretty excited for that because I love animals and especially marine mammals and I have only been to SW once or twice before about 20 years ago. The package clearly stated transportation to "both parks". Now, I know a little about FL geography and know Orlando and Tampa aren't exactly suburbs. I called BG vacations to question this and it was about a 30 minute phone call where I was told, no there is no transportation to Orlando. I told him that it clearly stated on the package details transportation to both parks. He took my reservation number and looked into it a little more then said, "Oh! Oh yeah, I see that now. Yes, the hotel will provide transportation to SW. Basically just let them know the night before." I think you can guess what happened. The night we checked in to the hotel (Hampton Inn Tampa North, not the HI right across from the park), we asked about the shuttle to SW and of course they looked at us like we were stupid asking for a ride to Orlando and had no idea why were told that they would provide that. Probably no hotel in Tampa will drive you to Orlando, this finally became clear to us that night. What was in writing was "both parks" so ok, SW was not specifically mentioned. Perhaps "both parks" means BG and Adventure Island but Adventure Island is closed in the winter. And as mentioned earlier, it was confirmed on the phone with BG vacations that we would have transportation to SW. Honestly, we were very disappointed and even a little outraged. So much so I swore I would get online and leave a review. We feel we were flat out lied to a few times! With no way to get to Orlando besides more money out of our pocket, we called BG vacations the next morning as soon as they opened and spent almost an hour on that phone call. We were not going to hang up until we were compensated fairly. In the end we were given the meal plan vouchers for our stay which still took some time to work out at the park. We never would have bought the combo ticket because we were not renting a car and had no way to get to Orlando except Uber which would have been ridiculous. Besides that whole fiasco, BG wasn't bad. It isn't Disney or Universal Studios, it is older and half zoo. It is a little run down compared to the Orlando parks. Not the worst zoo, the kangaroo exhibit was great because you can feed them for $6 but once you look past that, their enclosure is actually very depressing. I hope they are have a better space when the park is closed but probably not. Many exhibits were closed, the aviary was closed all 3 days without explanation, 2 of the big rides were closed, Sheikra and Montu. Congo River Rapids was open the first 2 days we were there and we thought we might do that on the 3rd day when it was a little warmer. On the 3rd day, the ride was completely drained and bone dry and the bridge was closed to that area. The tiger enclosure is actually pretty large but there is only one tiger. We were at BG only once before 12 years ago and there were 3 tigers. The Giant Flume was also closed but for some reason I wasn't surprised that was closed for the winter. Maybe this is their slow season, maybe because we were there Sun - Tues, maybe because of Covid or maybe a combo of all of that but it felt like half the park was closed. The building that had the sloths was also never open for roof repair, one staff member told us they had been working on the roof since November. It was a metal roof! Many restaurants and snack shops were closed. For the meal plan, it only seems to work for the major restaurants not for snack shops. There were only maybe 4 restaurants open when we were there. The meal plan seems excessive to allow you to eat every 90 minutes but I guess if you have kids it makes sense and considering the prices for the food, the meal plan is actually a good deal if you are going to be there all day. They stress online that you cannot bring snacks in to the park and you may be thrown out of the park if you are caught bringing in snacks but my bag was never checked any of the 3 days we were there. I don't think we would go back but would not discourage others from going. If you love roller coasters and animals, it seems to be ideal however I would recommend if you go, find out before you start planning what is closed and for how long and hope they are honest with you. If you are flying in to Tampa, don't buy the combo admission ticket that includes SeaWorld unless you are renting a car.
Feb 2022
I was so looking forward to the day at Busch Gardens, as I always remembered it as a Beautiful park with lots of rides and great shows. I took my husband for his first time on 2/15/22. It was a HUGE disappointment and we will probably never go back! Most of the rides were closed, along with the shows, restaurants, snack kiosks, and about everywhere you went it seemed!!! The fountains and water rides were drained and the sky ride looked like a deserted area with rust buckets! We spent like $250.00 to get in and rode the train and 2 roller coasters that happened to be open, and saw Ambrosia the ONE show they had that day! We were there for like 4 hours and left!! My husband asked an employee and he said that they were doing maintenance on everything and getting ready for spring break. I realize that the rides and things need to be maintained, but why not do it a couple at a time, or shut down the park for a few weeks, or do it Mon thru Thursday and be open Friday thru Sunday!!? I wish we would have known this ahead of time and not wasted our money and a day of our vacation!!!!!!!😡😠😡

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