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Wycieczka rowerem elektrycznym z przewodnikiem po Central Parku

Fakt, który może Cię zaskoczyć: Central Park ma wiele wzgórz, z których niektóre są dość strome!

Zwiedzanie parku na rowerze elektrycznym pozwala przejechać przez cały park o powierzchni 843 akrów bez potu!

Zdobądź jedyne w swoim rodzaju wrażenia z jazdy na elitarnym rowerze ze sprzętem przez kultowe miejsce zwiedzania Nowego Jorku, Central Park, z entuzjastycznym i pouczającym przewodnikiem.
Miasto: Nowy Jork
Sat 08 Mar
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $60.00
Sat 08 Mar
Zaczynać od $60.00
co jest zawarte
Mapa Central Parku
E-rower do jazdy
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Środki transportu publicznego są dostępne w pobliżu
  • Odpowiednie dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
Czego oczekiwać
Fontanna Bethesda
Zobacz tę piękną fontannę i taras w Central Parku.
Park Centralny
Poznaj Central Park, jedną z największych atrakcji Nowego Jorku.
Woda Konserwatywna
Podziwiaj uroczy staw w Central Parku, położony bardzo blisko Museum Mile.
Igła Kleopatry
Igła Kleopatry to najstarszy artefakt w parku. Ten egipski relikt pochodzi sprzed ponad 3000 lat.
Truskawkowe Pola, Memoriał Johna Lennona
Ten pomnik Johna Lennona znajduje się bardzo blisko miejsca jego śmierci. Zawiera mozaikę z Włoch i piękną scenerię.
Show 2 więcej przystanków
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (12)
Sep 2022
Architecture was amazing! Great weather! Not a lot of people so easy to navigate. Ebikes made it easy
Jul 2022
Not being NYC natives we made it there by the skin of our teeth. We called several times to confirm directions. The girl was nice and provided the precise location. However, when we arrived it was as if they did not know we were suppose to be there. Went to the desk signed us in. Was told to go outside and tell them we are apart of the tour. Given bikes we never rode before. No explanation how to work the e-bike. No helmet given. People standing next to us we did not know we were apart of their tour. When they took off, we were told to go with them the tour started. We did even have helmets. They said you should have grabbed them. Tour took off I hurried grabbed two helmets for my kids. Finally, caught up to the group...thank goodness for that light. The tour guide said oh you apart of our group we said yes and we were new NYC and never been to Central park before. We asked for directions on the function of the bike. He spewed some bike jargon. Proceeded with the rest of the group. We still trying to figure out how to work the bike. He took the group with him leading the pack saying they were going to the "mall" in Central park. We had no clue where that was. And he sped off not checking to see if all the group was with him. I still dealing with a nervous daughter about her bike. We were finally able to take off and somewhat get him in our sights. However, we got stuck at a crossing light for pedestrians. Lost the group. Got to a fork in the road when trying to catch up and took the wrong rode. Called the office to explain what happened. They did not know who we were and what tour we were on. Finally, id the right tour and guide. They said they would call him. We explained where we were. They sent him to the wrong place. We felt so bad for ourselves and the rest of the group. I just wanted to go back and get my money. To let the group continue on. We did not want to mess up anyone else's experience. They said no refunds. And said we can keep bike for an additional hour and be on our own. The whole point was to have a guided tour. From the trails you have no clue where to go or to know what you are looking at. We just turned back around and turned our bikes back in and took the lost. Being too upset and frustrated to continue riding around possibly getting lost on our own. Central park was the largest part of what we wanted to do on our vacation and it was ruined. They offered 50% discount when we ever came back. Really, no way are we giving money to these people again. Tour sooo not recommended with them.
Jun 2022
Insightful story telling, efficient itiniery. The electric bikes were really great, wasn't tiring at all. Very much recommended.

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