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Wycieczka w małej grupie po oryginalnym browarze rzemieślniczym w Cincinnati

Nasza flagowa trasa, najpopularniejsza wycieczka degustacyjna browaru w Cincinnati!

Odwiedzimy cztery lokalizacje, spróbujemy od 64 do 75 uncji piwa (16 do 18 uncji na każdym przystanku), dostaniesz Souvenir Taster Glass, Servatii Soft Precel i niesamowitą wycieczkę przewodnik!

Porozmawiaj o lokalnej historii browarnictwa i baw się dobrze. Zobacz harmonogram, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje o tym, gdzie się zatrzymamy i gdzie spotkamy się na randkę. Ciesz się browarniczym renesansem Cincinnati!

numer 1 w rankingu degustacji browarów w regionie

Nazwany przez Cincinnati Magazine „Best of the City” 2018

Opublikowano w USAToday, BeerAdvocate i Cincy Czasopismo

Nasi przewodnicy przeszli lokalnie przez Program Certyfikowanych Ambasadorów Turystyki. Są również szkoleni przez same browary, aby oprowadzać po miejscach i godzinami studiować historię bogatej historii Cincinnati.
Miasto: Cincinnati
Sat 19 Oct
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $68.00
Sat 19 Oct
Zaczynać od $68.00
co jest zawarte
Otrzymasz trzy sześć uncji piwa na każdym przystanku na trasie
Szklany degustator pamiątek
Otrzymasz jeden duży pieczony precel, aby rozpocząć wycieczkę
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Środki transportu publicznego są dostępne w pobliżu
  • Niezalecane dla podróżujących w ciąży
  • Niezalecane dla osób o słabym zdrowiu układu krążenia
  • Odpowiednie dla wszystkich osób fizycznych poziomy sprawności
  • Maseczki wymagane od podróżnych w miejscach publicznych
  • Maseczki wymagane od przewodników w miejscach publicznych
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Regularnie dezynfekowane obszary o dużym natężeniu ruchu
  • Sprzęt/sprzęt dezynfekowany między użyciami
  • Pojazdy transportowe regularnie dezynfekowane
  • Przewodniki wymagane do regularnego mycia rąk
  • Regularne pomiary temperatury dla personelu
  • Kontrole temperatury dla podróżnych po przyjeździe
  • Płatna polityka pozostania w domu dla personelu z objawami
  • Bezdotykowe płatności za gratyfikacje i dodatki
  • Maski są wymagane tylko wtedy, gdy nie jesz ani nie pijesz w autobusie.
Czego oczekiwać
Kasyno JACK Cincinnati
Spotkamy się w Jack Casino w Rock Bar, a następnie udamy się do czterech różnych lokalizacji browaru. Lokalizacje browarów zmieniają się w zależności od daty, w której organizujemy wycieczkę. Rozkład jazdy można sprawdzić na naszej stronie internetowej
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (41)
Aug 2021
This was a great tour! If you're looking for a nice, relaxing time where you get to tastes a wide variety of craft beers without having to drive or get a ride, this is it! From pick up to drop off at the Hard Rock Casino, everyone (including a bachelorette party) on the bus was having a great time and the four bars we went to were very different just like the flavors of beer we tasted. The only thing I would say I wish would have happened was an explanation of the beer making process and even a tour behind the scenes. Other than that, this tour was a lot of fun!
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Sep 2021
Thank you for the kind words we really appreciate you giving us an opportunity. We are in a weird spot right now in that the locations aren't allowing behind the scenes tours and our staff is in the process of being turned over and trained to these things. We absolutely agree and we will get back there soon.
May 2021
After being greeted by our tour guide on a 90 degree day and getting loaded up on a non-air conditioned bus we were on our way. We were told another bus would be coming to replace that one somewhere along our five hour journey, but that never happened. Not to fuss, but with pollen count being super high that day my allergies were a hot mess. We visited four breweries that have some great beers, except we were primarily only served sours and light options with two dark beers. There were 12 tastings in total. There wasn’t enough variety served, and we thought our tour guide was catering to the larger group that booked. We also purchased a shirt with our booking, asked about it at the end of the tour and still...crickets. This was a bummer for my husband and I who truly love a variety of craft beers and would have preferred a balance of light and dark.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
May 2021
Absolutely 100% got to own this one. We hire out a vendor for our buses for large groups and they brought us a bus without air conditioning. I talked with the people at our vendors office and they were going to try and get us a bus that had working AC but unfortunately couldn't find one. I believe they are having some issues in their department. Our options were to roll down the windows and hope they could find one or cancel. We didn't want to cancel so we rolled the dice and sort of knew that it could potentially be not nearly the experience we typically offer. We are incredibly sorry about this and will absolutely refund a portion of your ticket price (I will see if I can find you in our booking system). As for the tastings we do understand that not everyone likes how we do the tastings. We understand that is your right as a consumer to voice your opinion about it and we track the data to see what the overall consensus is in the marketplace on how we do the tastings. We try to get 1. The more popular selections at the locations 2. A wide variety along the way. 3. Stuff that is under 7.75% alcohol. This in some ways limits us at each spot, in addition due to our experience we know which beers typically folks like/don't like and we know the quality of each beer listed. So while we definitely like to do 3-4 of the tastings on the darker side, sometimes that doesn't necessarily work out. The reason we do the tastings this way is because it makes the most sense from a timing and easy way to stay out of the breweries way while they tend to their existing guests. It also gives us a chance to monitor the guests to be sure they are not overserved at any time during the day. We are sorry the beer selection wasn't to your specific liking on this trip. With a private tour we definitely solicit more feedback from our group, but since there were 4 other people beyond your group, we select the tastings and again try to meet the three requirements as mentioned above. This is our process and while we do disclose this to folks who book through our booking system online, we understand you don't have to like it. Your review is very fair considering our AC situation on one of the big buses we rented from our vendor and couple that with the idea that you don't like how we do our tastings, we graciously take this one on the chin and will reach out to see if there is anything we can do to earn your business back.
Apr 2021
This tour was so fun and very informative! We were able to try so many different beers and have a blast and meet new people! Mike was very fun and entertaining! Highly recommend doing this tour!
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Apr 2021
Thank you for the opportunity and spending the day with us. We are so glad you enjoyed it, thank you for sharing. Hope to see you again soon!

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