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Wstęp na kolonialny Williamsburg

Każdy krok to historia! Zanurz się w rewolucyjnych historiach amerykańskiej historii. Z ponad 300 akrami kultowych miejsc, zabytkowymi tawernami i światowej klasy muzeami sztuki, historia naprawdę ożywa w największym na świecie żywym muzeum historii. Spotkaj się z naszymi ekspertami odkrywającymi przeszłość, aby lepiej kształtować naszą przyszłość, ciesz się występami na żywo, poznaj utalentowanych rzemieślników uprawiających rzemiosło charakterystyczne dla epoki i odkryj nasze XVIII-wieczne miasto na skraju rewolucji. Każda wizyta w Colonial Williamsburg pomaga kontynuować naszą misję — zapewnić, że przyszłość może uczyć się z przeszłości.
Miasto: Williamsburg
Sun 20 Oct
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Sun 20 Oct
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101 Visitor Centre Drive
Proszę WYDRUKOWAĆ kupon i wymienić go w Colonial Williamsburg Visitor Centre, 101 Visitor Centre Dr., Williamsburg, VA 23185.

Poziom odkupienia: 104

Numer księgi miasta: 34290
Punkt końcowy
Ta aktywność kończy się z powrotem w miejscu spotkania.
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Niemowlęta i małe dzieci mogą jeździć w wózku dziecięcym lub spacerowym
  • Dozwolone zwierzęta towarzyszące
  • Środki transportu publicznego są dostępne w pobliżu
  • Niemowlęta muszą siedzieć na kolanach osoby dorosłej
  • Środki transportu są dostępne dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Podróżujący powinni mieć co najmniej umiarkowany poziom sprawności fizycznej
  • Działa w każdych warunkach pogodowych, prosimy o odpowiedni ubiór
  • Wieczorne programy obejmują wycieczki, przedstawienia, tańce, koncerty i rekonstrukcje.
  • Wieczorne posiłki w kolonialnych tawernach obejmują spacerujących muzyków i XVIII-wieczne taryfa
  • Regularnie dezynfekowane miejsca o dużym natężeniu ruchu
  • Środki transportu regularnie dezynfekowane
  • Instrukcje dotyczące regularnego mycia rąk
  • Wymagane szczepienie na COVID-19 dla przewodników
Czego oczekiwać
Kolonialny Williamsburg
Wycieczki z przewodnikiem po Pałacu Gubernatora, Kapitolu i Gmachu Sądu z przewodnikiem tłumacza kostiumowego Wstęp do miejsc handlowych, aby zobaczyć i porozmawiać z doświadczonymi mistrzami, czeladnikami i uczniami zajmującymi się XVIII-wiecznymi rzemiosłami Wstęp na codzienne przedstawienia na scenie Charlton i w Hennage Auditorium Wstęp do naszych dwóch światowej klasy muzeów sztuki Bezpłatny parking w Visitor Center Bezpłatny transfer
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (237)
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Oct 2021
One can easily spend a complete day or two visiting Colonial Williamsburg, which we proved during our day and a half visit, which left a number of sites yet to be explored. The highlights for us included the presentation by Martha Washington, which perfectly captured that noble lady's sense of responsibility to the nascent nation and to her husband, General Washington. The topic she chose was daring and, frankly, quite brilliant. The parallel between concerns and promise of the smallpox inoculation and today's corollary, COVID-19, was obvious, and handled with great sensitivity and insight. The quality of the performance was among the very best I have seen, on and off the stage. We also enjoyed our visits to the Indian encampment, the walking tour "Freedom's Paradox" conducted by Erik, I believe (10:00 Monday, Oct. 4), and visits to the foundry, carpenter's yard, cabinetmaker, and blacksmith. We almost missed the foundry, which would have been a shame. The young woman at the gate was so busy with her phone that we thought she was a tired teen tourist. We asked about the large and impressive garden in the yard and she said she didn't know about it and to go inside to ask, then went back to her phone. Fortunately, she was the exception to otherwise very informed, engaging, and professional staff. We were a bit disappointed that there appeared to be fewer open buildings and fewer "townspeople" and historic figures walking around and discussing the times than we recall from previous visits, and that there were fewer food options (which we attribute to COVID complications). In any event, we loved our visit and have recommended it to a number of friends who have said they will definitely add Colonial Williamsburg to an upcoming trip.
Oct 2021
While as picturesque as always, the experience was nothing like we’ve had in the past. In retrospect we wish we didn’t purchase the expensive tickets as the ticket admission did not cover much that you could get for free in just walking through. The tours were extremely limited, super short, and les than 25% of the attractions were available even though we went on the weekend. Staff was more interested in enforcing masking than playing their roles or engaging with visitors. It was very warm and yet there wears only two locations to even get a drink and the only food available was outside when we desperately needed a break from the heat and all the walking. We watched a theatrical performance by a supposed historian named Michelle. While her theatrical piece was well done, her commentary as herself afterwards was clearly a wokefied version of slavery and women causing us to question if she was really a historian at all. Fortunately one of the guides at the capital building made up for her lack of knowledge by presenting realities of life at the times and dispelling commonly held ideas. We suggest that they lower prices by half until they have things up and running again. As is, it is not worth the fees. Jamestown offered so much more of an experience!
Oct 2021
I booked a stay at the Williamsburg Lodge because it included admission to Colonial Williamsburg. I traveled with my mother who uses a rollator. When I booked the stay online with the hotel nothing was said about Covid changing anything about Colonial Williamsburg. I had our tickets printed by the concierge at the hotel and asked her about the surfaces my mother would need to roll the walker over. She did not mention at all about many things being closed due to Covid or the lack of handicap access. We often had to go over surfaces that I had to lift the rollator while my mother held onto it. I am guessing that out of 50 buildings 15 were open. Out of those 15 five of them were stores to buy things at, so no historical value in my eyes. Out of the 10 left only 5 had handicap access. I tried hauling the rollator up and down the stairs getting into places but my mother had a hard time getting up and down those same stairs and asked me to stop. I was pleased with the few places we DID have access to but Colonial Williamsburg needs to do more to make places handicap accessible and should advise people when booking a tour about so many places being closed and not handicap accessible. If they do not want to change the fronts of buildings I understand, but put in a ramp at the rear then.

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