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Każdy krok to historia! Zanurz się w rewolucyjnych historiach amerykańskiej historii. Z ponad 300 akrami kultowych miejsc, zabytkowymi tawernami i światowej klasy muzeami sztuki, historia naprawdę ożywa w największym na świecie żywym muzeum historii. Spotkaj się z naszymi ekspertami odkrywającymi przeszłość, aby lepiej kształtować naszą przyszłość, ciesz się występami na żywo, poznaj utalentowanych rzemieślników uprawiających rzemiosło charakterystyczne dla epoki i odkryj nasze XVIII-wieczne miasto na skraju rewolucji. Każda wizyta w Colonial Williamsburg pomaga kontynuować naszą misję — zapewnić, że przyszłość może uczyć się z przeszłości.
Miasto: Williamsburg
Sat 19 Oct
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Sat 19 Oct
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101 Visitor Centre Drive
Proszę WYDRUKOWAĆ kupon i wymienić go w Colonial Williamsburg Visitor Centre, 101 Visitor Centre Dr., Williamsburg, VA 23185.

Poziom odkupienia: 104

Numer księgi miasta: 34290
Punkt końcowy
Ta aktywność kończy się z powrotem w miejscu spotkania.
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Niemowlęta i małe dzieci mogą jeździć w wózku dziecięcym lub spacerowym
  • Dozwolone zwierzęta towarzyszące
  • Środki transportu publicznego są dostępne w pobliżu
  • Niemowlęta muszą siedzieć na kolanach osoby dorosłej
  • Środki transportu są dostępne dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Podróżujący powinni mieć co najmniej umiarkowany poziom sprawności fizycznej
  • Działa w każdych warunkach pogodowych, prosimy o odpowiedni ubiór
  • Wieczorne programy obejmują wycieczki, przedstawienia, tańce, koncerty i rekonstrukcje.
  • Wieczorne posiłki w kolonialnych tawernach obejmują spacerujących muzyków i XVIII-wieczne taryfa
  • Regularnie dezynfekowane miejsca o dużym natężeniu ruchu
  • Środki transportu regularnie dezynfekowane
  • Instrukcje dotyczące regularnego mycia rąk
  • Wymagane szczepienie na COVID-19 dla przewodników
Czego oczekiwać
Kolonialny Williamsburg
Wycieczki z przewodnikiem po Pałacu Gubernatora, Kapitolu i Gmachu Sądu z przewodnikiem tłumacza kostiumowego Wstęp do miejsc handlowych, aby zobaczyć i porozmawiać z doświadczonymi mistrzami, czeladnikami i uczniami zajmującymi się XVIII-wiecznymi rzemiosłami Wstęp na codzienne przedstawienia na scenie Charlton i w Hennage Auditorium Wstęp do naszych dwóch światowej klasy muzeów sztuki Bezpłatny parking w Visitor Center Bezpłatny transfer
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (237)
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Mar 2022
There is so much to do, if you want to visit all the shops, tour buildings, attend many performances. We used a few days to walk around town and stop into most of the shops and buildings. Costumed actors/skilled professionals were quite knowledgeable about the professions and happy to be engaged in discussion. What an education is available here. Highlights of some of the more interesting (and educational) stops we made: Custis Sq. Archeology Project: This home/plantation belonged to Martha Custis Washington's father. The guide shared stories, history and an explanations of current excavations Cooper: I learned how barrel making is done Governor's Palace Kitchen: how to manage a kitchen in the 1700's Randolph Yard: stories of slaves and the difficulties they faced, and a bit about the Randolph family too Prentis Field: met a worker was preparing raw flax for weaving into linen Cabinet Maker; Carpenter's Yard; Joinery: learned the differences of what they each do with wood Public Goal (jail): prison life was tough and the jailers had to live right next door Wig Maker: they used horse, human and goat hair, depending on the type of wig and who it was for, and very labor intensive Charlton's Stage; here we 'met' Patrick Henry, the 1st person history lesson was excellent! Open Field: we met General Lafayette, passing through on his horse, another excellent portrayal There are more buildings, shops , reenactors, shows to see, leave time to not rush.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Mar 2022
Thank you so very much for all of the detail you provided in the review. You provided a vivid picture of the experience here at Colonial Williamsburg. We hope you return again and also visit our Arts Museum. They have more than art - with collections that include textiles, antique guns, maps, furniture and more. We expanded the museum by 65,000 square feet. To learn more, visit Be sure to check out our Facebook page for online experiences and future program announcements. . Best wishes to you.
Linda A
Mar 2022
There is so much history in Colonial Williamsburg. Not all the buildings were open when we were there, but the ones that we were able to see were fantastic. Everyone we encountered throughout the site was friendly and helpful.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Mar 2022
Hello Linda - thanks for visiting and taking the time to leave a review. We value all customer feedback and are committed to the continuous improvement of our guest experience. Be sure to check out our Facebook page for online experiences and future program announcments
Mar 2022
First---I'll say We Love Colonial Williamsburg. But it gets more and more like mass production and an assembly line every time we go. And that lessens the eperience a little more each time. We got very little out of the Governor's Palace because of the pace. Same with the Capital. We went there 2x because they rush you through. And the only reason we would repeat is because the wait at the Capital was minimal; the wait at the Palace was too long. At these prices, I'm not wasting time waiting. I'll go see something else. And the CoffeeHouse---we came back 4 times. Finally we went through the last thing of our visit---and only waited 20min. The wait is not just because of the people there---it was because they only allow 10 people. After going, I'm sure 15 would not be too much of a stretch and increase the tour accessibility by 50%. Same with the Capital. For the price---Nothing should be closed! Certainly not more than 1 day at a time. There are a couple of places, that w/ our 3 day pass, were not open on any of those 3 days. Also, and the bigger issue---the food: On the first day, we had lunch before we got there so there was no question. On the second day, we wanted to have lunch---a 2! hour! wait! at Chownings. It was the Only Place Open to eat. No thanks. So we walked all the way to the merchant's shopping area and got lunch there. By the time I realized how long it would be before lunch, my blood sugar was falling too low and we settled on the first place open. On the third day, nothing was open for lunch in the historic area. Hardly anyplace at the Merchants shopping, either. We allowed extra time to find a place but almost nothing was open there that day. We settled again---and again w/ blood sugar low enough that it was an even risk if I could find food or need an ambulance. How they can justify NOT having a meal easily located In The Historic Area is beyond me, or even in the visitors' center. If the place has any guests at all, a min. of 1 place should always be open, and with any guests beyond the absolute minimum, at least 2 places should be open for lunch. It looks like there is only 2 of the 4 places open---ever. Next time we come, and we will come again I'm sure because we do like the historic elements of it all, we'll bring sandwiches in our bags with our own chips/fruit/beverages. Really, though, it'll be a grumpy/hungry guests, no need for medical care and we'll NOT spend $50 - $100 for lunch. If you have kids, or any kind of health issue---diabetes, pregnancy, etc., DO NOT plan to eat on site. Finally, the shopping is not at all what it was in other years. Variety of inventory has declined to the degree that there are only a few kinds of things to choose from (Danford, esp.) and the prices have skyrocketed (tea shop). We bought one loaf of bread from Raleigh Bakery and didn't spend any other $$$ on stuff. In the three days we were there. It's a shame, really. I would have liked souvenirs for me and gifts for the grandkids.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Mar 2022
Hello, thank you for the feedback and taking the time to reach out to us. We are very sorry to hear about your experience. We'd love the opportunity to connect with you personally and learn more about your recent experience. Could you please email us directly at [email protected] so that a member of our team can assist?

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