I hate to leave a rate of 3 because that doesn't represent the company or how I would rate our tour guide, Irish Dave. I had done a tour before on the Homosassa and during the week, instead of the weekend. There was a stark contrast between the two, at least for during the week vs the weekend and the number of manatee's.
The positives: The facility was nice and clean. There was a smooth flow of how things were done/instruction. Irish Dave was very personable, helpful and informative. He loved sharing his knowledge, which I love because I'm a "sponge". I love learning! Captain Seafus was quiet but nice and was very good at navigating through the mess of people and boats that were in the water.
The negatives: (1). I've learned not to go on the weekend because the crowds of swimmers, boats and kayakers would be enough to give anyone an anxiety attack. It was horrible! You could not move without bumping into a stranger. I got a few charlie horses from trying to keep my legs balled up to keep from hitting people. I've NEVER had a charlie horse in or out of water in my life. (2) I've also learned not to go after 12pm because the manatee's are less active. We literally spent all are time looking at one manatee sleeping the whole time right in front of us (and MANY others). There were many other manatees in a safe area but they were sleeping too. As much as I enjoy seeing manatee's, it's not too fun seeing one sleep for the entire time that we are there. And bumping into people or people bumping into you the whole time on top of that. (3) I can't imagine that with the amount of traffic on the water, this can't be good for the manatee's stress levels.
My husband and two adult nephews were with me and didn't care for this tour too much. They didn't get to experience what I had experienced a few days prior on the Homosassa River on a Thursday.
My husband, my sister in law and I did the Three Sister's boardwalk the next day (Monday), and there was literally just two kayakers, no swimmers and no boats. I thought, "Wow, what a difference the weekend vs the week makes."
Again, this rating is not a reflection on Irish Dave or the company. I would recommend going during the week, instead of the weekend.