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Pływanie manatów Crystal River w Narodowym Rezerwacie Przyrody Kings Bay

Spotkaj zagrożone wyginięciem manaty zachodnioindyjskie w idyllicznym rezerwacie przyrody Kings Bay National Wildlife Refuge w Crystal River. Twoi licencjonowani kapitanowie i przewodnicy US Coast Guard zabiorą Cię do 600-hektarowych wód schronienia zasilanych wiosną, aby oglądać i nurkować z tymi przyjaznymi, ciekawskimi, wolno poruszającymi się, łagodnymi gigantami. Cały sprzęt, opłaty i napoje są wliczone w cenę.
Miasto: Kryształowa rzeka
Tue 22 Oct
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $79.81
Tue 22 Oct
Zaczynać od $79.81
co jest zawarte
Profesjonalny przewodnik
Korzystanie ze sprzętu (maska, sprzęt do nurkowania i pianka)
Napoje (woda butelkowana, kawa i gorąca czekolada)
Film wprowadzający/instruktażowy oferowany w języku angielskim, francuskim, niemieckim, japońskim lub hiszpańskim
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Odpowiedni dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Ceny dla dorosłych dotyczą wszystkich podróżujących
  • Dzieciom musi towarzyszyć osoba dorosła
  • Pianki są dostępne w wszystkie rozmiary od małych dzieci (w wieku 2 lat i więcej) do dorosłych do 5X
  • Zaleca się, aby mieć pod ubraniem strój kąpielowy, aby przyspieszyć odprawę
  • Proszę zabrać ze sobą ręcznik i plastikową torbę do przechowywania rzeczy
  • Dzieci poniżej 3 lat nie mają wstępu na tę wycieczkę. Zadzwoń po inne opcje.
  • Zasady dotyczące okresu po COVID-19 — pamiętamy o dokładnym czyszczeniu pojazdów wodnych między gośćmi.
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Regularnie odkażane miejsca o dużym natężeniu ruchu obszary
  • Sprzęt/sprzęt dezynfekowany między użyciami
  • Środki transportu regularnie dezynfekowane
  • Przewodniki wymagane do regularnego mycia rąk
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (1000)
Alayna C
Jul 2019
We did this tour for my sisters bachelorette. We had so much fun! Our guides Gavin and Laura and our captain mariah were great. We went In The summer but were still able to have a great experience and swim with a couple manatees!! It really is a great experience! We had a group of 13 ladies and we were able to bring our own beverages on board and had a great time. The only thing I would critique is the lady that gave us the education and video viewing prior to going on the boat. She treated us like children and were scolding us as if we did something wrong. That part was not enjoyable. Everyone else involved was great and overall I would definitely recommend this adventure!
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jul 2019
Thank you very much for visiting us, we truly appreciate the feedback. In addition to enjoying the good feedback, we also can learn from the things that made you unhappy. With that said, I think it's important to note that our first priority is to follow the rules on the water, protect the animals, and protect our livelihood as we are ticketed and/or punished if our customers act inappropriately. It's important that our guests understand this and even though we want you to have fun, we have to temper that excitement with respect and awareness....and if we don't educate our visitors about the animals and eco-system than we have no right doing what we are doing! It can be difficult to get people's understanding when they show up in party-mode.....So sorry that this concern came off as treating you like children! If your group behaved on the water the way you were behaving in the would have never seen an animal. Feedback from the crew on the water was that things got a little wild on the boat, but when you were around the animals, everyone did perfectly. You were calm, quiet, and as a result had a pretty cool encounter. I'm quite confident that this would not have been the case if someone was not stern with you. It makes me sad that you felt treated like children, but I'm sure all the folks out on the water with you were glad you were instructed properly. There must be a way for me to get people's attention and make them understand the weight of what they are doing with out making them feel like we are treating them like children....I will make it my personal goal to do better on that front!!
Jul 2019
I am still in awe. We went on a last minute decision for a summer adventure and couldn't be more grateful that we did. The staff were all amazing and very friendly and helpful even at our early 6am stat time. Great facilities! Our captain Wade and water guide Trish were FANTASTIC!!! Very calm and friendy and happy. Even during the summer, which I thought would be risky to not see any, we had the most AMAZING encounter. We saw around 7 manatees and two of them were babies. One of which was so very frisky that it was obsessed with chewing on my hair and mask as well as my two boys arms and hands, who are 7 and 9 yrs old. It would hang onto my arms with it's lil flippers and just face plant me with it's mouth. They are truly the most calm and funny and graceful and SWEET animals. I am in love and we will be back for sure!!! Wade and Trish were very encouraging and wonderful to everyone and especially the kids. You can really tell they were also enjoying the experience and love their jobs. Well worth an added tip as they helped make this an experience of a lifetime! We also went to visit and swim in a small but incerdibly beautiful spring where the kids took turns trying to dive down and touch the bubbling sand. Wonderful!
Jul 2019
If we could give higher than 5 stars we would. From start to finish the tour was friendly yet professionally managed. Despite taking the tour in the summer we were lucky enough to experience excellent conditions. Crystal clear water and almost immediate interaction with Manatees. Wade was an excellent captain and kept up a near constant narration of local stories and interesting manatee info. We took the early morning tour and were lucky enough to find the manatees within 10 min. Trish was our swim guide and as we approached our first manatee you could actually see the calf interacted with her in a very familiar manner which led to our entire group having an amazing experience. Additionally, Trish had one of the highest quality underwater cameras I have seen and made sure to get unforgettable pics of the entire group! Excellent, knowledge, concern for the manatees and environment and group safety, I cannot recommend River Ventures enough ..A++

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