Let me start out by saying that I understand that we are in the middle of a pandemic and that modifications have probably been made to address said situation.
Taking that into consideration, this experience Did not meet my expectations at all.
I literally spoke to a gentleman named Bob about what to expect.
I was told that I would meet somebody named Matthew at the event site and that this was a mystery scavenger hunt that was a far more entertaining experience than the Cabo crawl,(The Cabo crawl is an Amazing Race like experience that involves drinking games/ fear Factor like challenges for ADULTS, full employee participation that includes people at every location supervising individual and group challenges at each location, decoys on the path to steer you in the wrong direction if you ask for help, a free t-shirt, and a slideshow and award ceremony at the end of the event... An absolute blast for our entire group that we gladly paid $50 a person for! And although Bob said there was no drinking in this, he knew exactly what I was referring to and said that this was a far better experience...Really Bob...Really🤬).
Upon arriving, there were instructions written on a wall and we were given a code to start the game off with via an email in the beginning.
We could not follow the directions on the wall because the liability QR code that we were supposed to scan was not loaded to receive our participants.
It stated there are no games set to start within the next hour... So I called the number and the girl on the other end, very snidely asked me, if I had read all of the directions THOROUGHLY!
Which I replied, yes!
I did however, I told her the problem we were having and then she changed her attitude a little bit and said " oh let me load the game in"..
At that time, I asked her where Matthew was ..
You know that person we were supposed to meet...
The lady on the phone(I refer to her as that because I honestly, don't recall her name), then informed me that we were not going to be meeting anybody that this was a self-guided scavenger hunt that there would be no employee interaction whatsoever ... I told her what Bob had said on the phone and she said I don't know why he said that..
That being said this is exactly what the gal said on the phone.. A self-guided scavenger hunt.
What she left out was that the scavenger hunt is probably at the level of 4th graders.
Seriously guys, this was not challenging, informative, or exciting in any way shape or form.
The prize at the end of the scavenger hunt was a $5.50 coupon to Lloyd's ice cream shop! Not even an ice cream for every person that participated in the event that was $33 a person by the way.. Did I mention that!
So for $33 a person (mind you we had nine people so I paid $297 for this wonderful waste of my life that I can never get back), You walk around Catalina looking for toddler-style clues to find an ice cream coupon at the end. Piss off!
If I had paid $5-8 bucks a person for this and had a bunch of kids in my family group, then maybe it wouldn't be so disheartening...
Yet, $33 a person for a self-guided, ill thought out unimaginative, scavenger hunt for a group of engineers, and other professionals ...in other words smart adults, who by the way, worked their asses off on a regular basis and don't get a vacation very often.
All I can say is...Well done Bob. You got me and my money and an hour and a half of our precious valuable vacation time.
This border lines on a scam and was very deceptive of Bob to describe the event in the way that he did.
It will now be my life's goal to post This review on every forum available...
And hopefully it'll save some other people from being cleverly and quite frankly cruelly scammed out of their time and money.
1,000 curses to you Bob.
May you reap what you sow times 3 ☠️
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Aug 2021
This is Larry, the thousand-times-cursed Bob's partner. We are all appalled at the experience you had. We would very much like to make it up to you and your group. When you have a moment, please contact me directly through our website - fantasticrace.com. (I don't think that Viator will let me give you my direct email address here, but I'll see any notes that go through the website, and then get back to you asap.) I look forward to hearing from you, and with luck and time having you lift the curses from Bob's very sorry head.