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Bilety kolejowe Grand Canyon Railway

Wejdź na pokład Grand Canyon Railway i wybierz się na wycieczkę do majestatycznego Wielkiego Kanionu, którego nigdy nie zapomnisz. Poczuj dudnienie zabytkowego pociągu, gdy silnik przejeżdża 65 mil (około 105 km) przez piękną okolicę Północnej Arizony. Pociąg oferuje kalejdoskopowe widoki na szczyty San Francisco i toczy się przez doliny ozdobione dzikimi kwiatami, gęste lasy sosnowe, wysokie pustynne równiny i małe kaniony.
Miasto: Maszt
Sat 15 Mar
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $127.11
Sat 15 Mar
Zaczynać od $127.11
co jest zawarte
Podatek od sprzedaży
Pociąg w obie strony (autokar lub pierwsza klasa)
Opłaty za usługi w Parku Narodowym (15 USD)
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Niemowlęta muszą siedzieć na kolanach osoby dorosłej
  • Niemowlęta i małe dzieci mogą jeździć w wózku dziecięcym
  • Odpowiedni dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Pociąg może pomieścić skuter, jeśli nie jest szerszy niż 25 cali. Jest specjalna winda, aby podnieść skuter do pociągu.
  • Uwaga: Arizona nie przestrzega czasu letniego i przełącza się między MST (czas górski) i PST (czas pacyficzny) w zależności od sezonu.
  • Opublikuj aktualizacje bezpieczeństwa związane z COVID-19 — uprzejmie prosimy o powstrzymanie się od udziału w tej wycieczce, jeśli zaczniesz wykazywać jakiekolwiek objawy związane z COVID-19 lub jeśli istnieje wysokie ryzyko zarażenia choroba. Upewnij się, że 1 osoba na grupę czeka w kolejce do wymiany biletów. Maski na twarz będą wysoce zalecane. Dystans społeczny będzie praktykowany na peronie i w pociągu. Miejsca siedzące w pociągu będą ograniczone, aby zmaksymalizować dystans społeczny, a goście zostaną poproszeni o niezwłoczne zajęcie swoich miejsc, utrzymując wolne przejścia i pozostanie na miejscach, z wyjątkiem korzystania z toalet.
  • Maseczki na twarz wymagane dla podróżnych w miejscach publicznych
  • Maseczki na twarz wymagane od przewodników w miejscach publicznych
  • Środki do dezynfekcji rąk dostępne dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Dystans społeczny egzekwowany przez cały czas zwiedzania
  • Regularnie dezynfekowane obszary o dużym natężeniu ruchu
  • Sprzęt/sprzęt dezynfekowany między użyciami
  • Środki transportu regularnie dezynfekowane
  • Przewodniki wymagane do regularnego mycia rąk
  • Zwykła temperatura czeki dla personelu
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (399)
Dec 2022
Williams Railway Station which sits alongside the Route 66 in that town is the starting point for the 60 mile journey to the south rim of the Grand Canyon. Trains depart from there at 9.30 am every day in the summer and an hour earlier in November and December. You will need to get to the station quite early before departure time for reasons that I will come to. If you are thinking about making this trip it is a good idea to stay in Williams the night before. The reasons I suggest that being, first that you will need paper tickets and they are printed 24 hours in advance and available from early afternoon the day before your journey. It is wise to collect the tickets from the station ticket office then because it is usually quiet and the next morning you will find a long slow queue of people getting theirs. That will delay you and put pressure on you lining up and losing so much time that you may even miss the special free cowboy show that is laid on for you before the train departs. The train itself was a slight disappointment to me because i had hoped for a steam powered trip with a fine old locomotive but the day that we went a diesel engine was at the head of the train. That said the journey was smooth and efficient so it was all good. There are still occasional steam powered trips made but you have to look and select one if that is what you prefer. Once aboard, the train is comfortable throughout but as there a 6 different classes of ticket. I can't speak for all of them. We chose first class for our trip, which surprisingly is in the middle of the pricing structure and 3 other classes are more expensive than first. However, our carriage was clean and comfortable and we were treated to a plenty of free refreshments and several entertainers to keep us happy during the journey. Our carriage had its own dedicated attendant who looked after all in that carriage giving us information on the countryside and animals such as elk and groups of wild horses that were to be seen here and there. It takes more than two hours to get to the canyon. So after arrival the return journey is only three and three quarter hours later and so your time for a lot of exploring is very limited. The attendant explained the village and bus services to us all and because of the time that it takes to get between various view points on the rim you have to be positive and decide what you will be able to see from where in the time available. It may be worth considering a stay in one of the hotels there and going back to Williams on another day. We had not included these facts in our plans but already had a chopper ride booked and so didn't have the problem of not being able to get to more than one viewpoint. The return trip was equally efficient and more entertainment etc was provided for us. Then not far from our destination the train was boarded by those pesky outlaws with six shooters that we had seen earlier on that very morning.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Dec 2022
Dear Doug, Thank you for your review and feedback, our team is pleased to hear that your group had an enjoyable day! Regards, GCRH Team
Nov 2022
The only reason I'm giving 2 stars instead of 1 (or preferably none) was the fabulous service by Jennifer aboard the train. The scenery is nice, the seats were comfortable, and service was good. The truly terrible aspect of this trip was the blatant and unchecked racism by the "sheriff" actor. The family sitting next to us had two biracial children. After the fake robbery, the sheriff came through to ask if anyone had seen anything. One of the the children said something and the sheriff looked right at him and said, "I don't speak monkey." My husband and I could not believe he would say something so horrid to a child. It was awful. When my husband asked the sherriff about it in the parking lot after the train parked, the sheriff indicated that he was unapologetic for being a racist (which was not surprising to us). There is nothing about this that is OK. This man should no longer have a job.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Dec 2022
Good afternoon, Thank you for sharing your review and feedback. We appreciate you bringing this interaction to our attention, our management team has been forwarded this message. Regards, GCRH Team
Nov 2022
Average experience on the polar express. First of all, we appreciate all info given to us such as the conductor show etc. We hope there are better signage for tickets pick up and show location etc. Our car is missing one chef and everything seemed rushed. It took us awhile to get on the train not the 7:15 suggested on the program more like after 7:30pm. Kids can not see the books clearly when it was read. Santa visit was very fast and our car was not even full. He stopped by and politely said Hi and hand out bells. kids want to talk to him and he quickly moved on. I wish the North Pole village is bigger and they offer more entertainment for the littlest of the kids. After all, it is a long train ride in the dark and we have to entertain our preschoolers ourselves because they cannot see anything outside of the window until reaching North Pole. cookies and hot chocolate( very sweet) are decent. I feel like with the money spent, we could have more entertainment during the train ride. Train Depot seems fun however we didnt have enough time to explore and it was crowded before our train ride.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Dec 2022
Thank you! We appreciate your review and feedback regarding the signage and onboard entertainment. We will make sure your comments are seen by the management team! Regards, GCRH Team

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