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Półdniowy rejs z Key West ze spływami kajakowymi i snorkelingiem

Nie przegap jednej z najważniejszych rzeczy do zrobienia w Key West — półdniowej wycieczki żeglarskiej, podczas której możesz odkrywać wody Florida Keys. Popłyniesz do ekosystemu namorzynowego, aby popływać kajakiem po płytkich wodach, będących domem dla szerokiej gamy ptaków, a następnie będziesz miał okazję nurkować w czystym morzu. Przekąski, piwo, wino i korzystanie ze sprzętu są wliczone w cenę. Podczas rezerwacji wybierz wycieczkę poranną lub popołudniową. Prosimy o przybycie 30 minut przed odlotem w celu odprawy.
Miasto: Key West
Thu 24 Oct
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $106.00
Thu 24 Oct
Zaczynać od $106.00
co jest zawarte
Wygodne kombinezony na zimowe miesiące
Lekkie przekąski
Profesjonalny przewodnik
Świeże owoce, zdrowe przekąski, woda i napoje bezalkoholowe
Korzystanie ze sprzętu do nurkowania
Nielimitowane piwo, wino i napoje bezalkoholowe
Dodatkowe informacje
  • W pobliżu dostępne są środki transportu publicznego
  • Odpowiednie dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Minimalny wiek do picia to 21 lat
  • Proszę zabrać ze sobą własny ręcznik i ochrona przed słońcem
  • Regularnie dezynfekowane obszary o dużym natężeniu ruchu
  • Sprzęt/sprzęt dezynfekowany między użyciami
  • Regularnie dezynfekowane środki transportu
  • Pomożemy odseparuj grupy dzięki ograniczonemu procesowi odprawy i ustawieniu na świeżym powietrzu. Będziemy używać artykułów spożywczych jednorazowego użytku w usługach gastronomicznych, a nakrycia twarzy oraz fajki są dostępne do zakupu.
Czego oczekiwać
Key West
Poznaj cudowne i tajemnicze wyspy namorzynowe z jednym z naszych bardzo kompetentnych przewodników przyrodniczych. Dowiedz się wszystkiego o ekosystemie namorzynowym, wiosłując przez labirynt kanałów i strumieni porośniętych namorzynami, które są domem dla niesamowitej tropikalnej gamy ptaków, płaszczek, rekinów, ryb sportowych i nie tylko. I nie martw się, jeśli nigdy wcześniej nie pływałeś kajakiem; nasze kajaki są bardzo stabilnymi kajakami morskimi, którymi nowicjusze w wieku od 6 do 90 lat i starsi mogą z łatwością wiosłować, wykonując kilka prostych instrukcji od przewodnika.
Key West
Twój półdniowy rejs z Key West rozpoczyna się w Opal Key Resort Udaj się na wody Key West National Wildlife Refuge, gdzie będziesz mógł wziąć udział w wycieczce kajakowej z przewodnikiem po siedlisku namorzynowym i nurkować w czystych wodach tego chronionego środowiska. Twój przewodnik zawiera instrukcje dotyczące spływów kajakowych i nurkowania z rurką, a także opowiada trochę o historii tego obszaru. Korzystanie z całego sprzętu jest wliczone w cenę, a także przekąski i napoje na pokładzie.
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (914)
Oct 2018
My brother and I set sail with 20 other individuals for a day of snorkeling, sailing, and kayaking with Danger Charters on October 6, 2018. All three crew members were friendly and extremely personable right off the bat. My brother and I were initially worried that we had forgotten our sea sick meds back at the airbnb, but this sailboat is not the type of boat to make you sick, nor did we ever feel sick along the day's journey. After a quick meet and greet with all the crew and other families aboard the boat, we set sail into the Florida Straits. We learned about the area's history and continued to bond before we anchored to kayak. No worries if you do not want to do portions of the trip (kayak and/or snorkel). They allow you to skip whatever you do not feel comfortable doing, though I do highly suggest doing it all. My brother and I are very different when it comes to body types. Not only am I a measly 5'3" compared to his 6'3" frame, but I am also 250 pounds lighter. He was very concerned about kayaking and snorkeling at his weight, but rest assured, ALL body types can do this! He thoroughly enjoyed both. We kayaked through the mangroves for around 45 minutes, breaking into two groups- each manned by a different crew member while the captain stayed aboard with those who did not want to participate. The things we learned about this area was quite fascinating and we saw a lot of neat animals. We even passed around a jelly fish that isn't harmful. Never EVER did I think I would do something like that. The waters were shallow - as in 2-4 feet deep and completely clear, so you could see everything that was in the water. It was a very neat and unique experience. As strenuous as you would think kayaking in the middle of a large body of water would be, it was not too difficult to steer or move through the water. I was not a bit sore the following day. Upon return to the boat, we began our lessons on how to snorkel. Don't worry if you cannot float! They have literally anything and everything to assist you. I had no shame in taking one of the noodles to help me stay afloat. After all, I wanted to enjoy the experience and not be worried about staying level on the water. All passengers were helpful during this part of the trip. When we would see something neat - sunfish, lobster, giant jellyfish in the face, shark (jk, we didn't see one)- one would scream it out so that the rest of us could enjoy it with them. After three run-ins with a jellyfish, I decided to head back to the boat and dry off. Once snorkeling was over, passengers were able to start indulging in wine or beer. If you don't plan on snorkeling you can start sooner, but don't miss out on this part. The ride back to the dock was about 45 minutes to an hour. They not only had beer and wine, but also provided sodas, sparkling water, water, and an array of snacks (hummus, fruit, crackers...). Everyone as up and having such a good time by now. The crew members, minus the captain who was still steering the boat, were finally able to enjoy themselves a bit more (they did not drink alcohol). It would have taken a lot of energy to try and have a bad time on this trip. I have ABSOLUTELY no complaints, and I recommend taking this company's excursions any time you get a chance down here. The skies were very cloudy, which was disappointing, but after such a beautiful day, I was happy to just be on a boat with wonderful people and reflect on the day. Luckily, the clouds split just as the sun hit the horizon, and we were blessed with one of the most beautiful sunsets that I have ever seen in my life. If I close my eyes, I can still see it. Danger Charters had a professional, friendly, welcoming staff who allowed 22 of us to have a wonderful adventure in Key West. It was an experience I will never forget. Come see for yourself the beauty that the Keys has to offer in a very intimate setting. You will NOT be disappointed.
Oct 2018
We did the 1/2 day cruise with kayaking and Snorkeling on the last full day of our vacation and it was the perfect way to end out trip to Key West. The Captain and her mate were friendly, knowledgeable, and made the trip so fun. My daughter loved getting to help raise the sails and made the trip the best time ever for her. Plenty of time to snorkel and kayak without feeling rushed. We ended the trip with beer, wine, and a beautiful sunset. Booking was easy, you can book online or call them directly. We booked about 2 hours before the trip and didn't have any problems. To make things even more convenient I was able to leave my tip for the captain and her mate in advance since I hardly ever carry cash. I would highly recommend Danger Charters and I look forward to sailing with them again.
Alexis A
Oct 2018
We sailed with Captain Janet and First Mate Molly for the half-day snorkeling and kayaking. The crew was welcoming, helpful and knowledgable, making it not only a fun trip, but one where we learned things too. Safe and clean accommodations, plenty of snacks and drinks. Recommend it to anyone - couples, friends or people traveling with kids of solid swimming age.

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