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Ukryta kaskadowa wycieczka piesza w Great Smoky Mountains z Gatlinburga

**Wszyscy uczestnicy będą zobowiązani do noszenia masek w sytuacjach, w których nie można uniknąć bliskiego kontaktu. Prosimy o zabranie własnych maseczek i płynu do dezynfekcji rąk. Zostaniesz również poproszony o podpisanie oświadczenia o ryzyku i zgłoszenie wszelkich chorób w ciągu 14 dni od wycieczki.** Park Narodowy Great Smoky Mountains słynie z niesamowitej różnorodności flory i fauny, bogatej historii kultury, kaskadowych wodospadów i zachwycających widoków. Podczas tej 4-godzinnej wędrówki z przewodnikiem dostaniesz to wszystko, a przy małej grupie maksymalnie 11 uczestników, unikając dużych tłumów. Ta wędrówka jest przeznaczona dla poszukiwaczy przygód, ponieważ wiąże się z męczącymi wspinaczkami i zejściami na szlaku, a także skakaniem po skałach przez strumienie. Dla Twojego bezpieczeństwa i spokoju, wszyscy przewodnicy są certyfikowani jako osoby udzielające pierwszej pomocy w dziczy i nieśmiercionośne techniki awersji do niedźwiedzi. Podczas dokonywania rezerwacji wybierz jedną z dwóch godzin odjazdu.
Miasto: Gatlinburg
Sat 21 Sep
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $83.00
Sat 21 Sep
Zaczynać od $83.00
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Dodatkowe informacje
  • Podróżujący powinni mieć co najmniej umiarkowany poziom sprawności fizycznej
  • Ta trasa wymaga co najmniej 2 osób do obsługi. Jeśli podróżujesz w pojedynkę, możesz dołączyć do istniejącej wycieczki lub zapłacić stawkę za 2 osoby.
  • Minimalny wiek dzieci to 8 lat.
  • Dzieciom musi towarzyszyć osoba dorosła
  • Proszę zabrać: co najmniej 64 uncji wody na osobę, krem ​​do opalania i dobre buty do chodzenia. Jeśli masz dobry sprzęt przeciwdeszczowy lub ulubioną laskę, zabierz je ze sobą.
  • Zaleca się, aby zabrać ze sobą co najmniej jeden plecak dzienny. Jeśli tego potrzebujesz, możesz otrzymać powiadomienie z wyprzedzeniem.
  • Otrzymasz przekąski na bazie orzechów (mieszanka szlaków i krakersy z masłem orzechowym). Jeśli masz alergię na orzechy lub nie lubisz smaku orzechów, przynieś własną lekką przekąskę.
  • Zalecana jest napiwek w wysokości 10-20%
  • Podróżujący muszą nosić maski na twarz w miejscach publicznych
  • Przewodnicy muszą mieć maski na twarz w miejscach publicznych
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Zachowanie dystansu społecznego przez cały czas zwiedzania
  • Regularnie dezynfekowane obszary o dużym natężeniu ruchu
  • Przewodnicy zobowiązani do regularnego mycia rąk
  • Regularne pomiary temperatury personelu
  • Płatności zbliżeniowe za napiwki i dodatki
  • Od przewodników wymagane szczepienie na COVID-19
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (161)
Aug 2010
My family (2 adults, 4 kids ages 4-12) did the "Walk Back in Time" in July '10. The route was well-chosen with interesting sites and the guide was very knowledgeable; it was a good way to explore the Smokies and their history, and I'm glad we did it. That said, since I found out about it through the terrific reviews on TripAdvisor, I want to let people know where this service lost a star with me. I had emailed well in advance to ask if a 4-year-old would be okay to do this walk. I was told kids this age do these walks often and that it should be fine. However, on the day of the hike, our guide-- who was good in every other way-- paid no attention to the fact that we had a small child with us, and moved at such a pace that my husband had to carry our son on his shoulders most of the way so we could have any chance of keeping up. There were only three families on our hike (all with kids, of which our 4yo was the youngest), so it wouldn't have been that big a deal to slow down just a bit. When she stopped to talk about a site or plant, she never waited for us to catch up, so we usually missed the beginning of whatever she was saying. It made me unhappy to feel excluded from a hike we'd paid for. I felt like my husband and our son were treated like third-wheel tag-alongs, and that put a real damper on our experience. Also, although we had 6 people in our party, we were given the same amount of the "snack provided" as the 4-person families. This would mean one small cracker and a few peanuts for each person, so I skipped my part of the snack so my kids could have a bit more. It was another thing that sent the message that our "extra people" were off the radar (even though they were paid for). I might not have noticed this small issue if it hadn't been for the fact that I felt sorry for my husband and kid for being ignored. I would do this activity again, but definitely not with a child under age 7. The guide was very good and knew a great deal, but despite what I was told, it was made clear to me that there is a "keep up or get out" approach to these hikes. On the way back down the mountain, there were numerous times when all the kids (not just mine) were trying to stop to see a very interesting bug, or a pile of rusted equipment just off the trail (still have no idea what that was), or a butterfly sitting on a rock, and the guide just kept going without ever turning around, so we all had to rush the kids away from what we were looking at to follow her. I understand if she was working on a tight schedule, but it's something to keep in mind if you sign up for one of these hikes. If you want to move at the pace of your own children, you're probably better off walking this same trail on your own. Wish I could give a better review, but that's my experience, sorry to say.
Jul 2010
I have to start by saying that I was really on the fence about this one and I have never been a fan of any sort of "guided" trip. I went on this "hike" because some one of my friends that I was vacationing with really wanted go. I would have never gone if I was just on my own but for the most part I had a good experience. We had Andrea as a guide for the Clingman's Dome hike. It was rated as a "moderate" hike but was really easy. I have an 8 year old daughter that didn't miss a beat along the way, but we are an "outdoorsy" type of family. Andrea was very informative and did a terrific job along the trail. She took the time to explain a lot of information about the flora and geographical formations we encountered along the walk. She had a great way of setting up her information through introductory questioning and did not just read from the script. As far as guides go, we could not have asked for a better guide. There was one thing wrong with our experience. We had another group that booked the same hike that we did and I believe that they were not honest with A Walk in the Woods when they set it up. There were two Mothers who basically dropped their 4 high school aged kids off for the trip and did not accompany us on the hike. They were put out that A Walk in the Woods was not providing transportation for their children from the visitor center up to the trail head. It seemed that they were looking forward to having a babysitter for three hours while they went shopping. Andrea seemed a bit surprised at this but almost at a loss as to what to do as there is supposed to be no one under 18 going unescorted. Two of the children behaved well along the hike but two others were just knuckleheads the entire time. Andrea did a good job managing them but you could tell that she was frustrated by the end of the trip and wanted to get rid of those kids. That did detract from my groups overall experience. Not actually her fault but if I was in her position I would have refused to take them. I do not know what A Walk in the Woods has told their guides to do in this situation. Overall I was pleased with the trip but felt it was overpriced. If you are someone who has some outdoor experience you will probably feel like I did at the end of this trip but if you are someone that is not used to hiking mountain trails then I highly recommend this trip. The situation with the unescorted minors is the reason I cannot give this trip a rating of 5.
Jun 2010
My daughter and I just completed a hike in the Great Smokey Mountain National Park to the top of Mt. LaConte. We went up the Alum Cave rounte and returned down the Rainbow Falls route with the expert assistance of our guide, Andrea, from A Walk in the Woods . This is the second year in a row that we have chosen A Walk in theWoods. Each time, our experience has been great. Having such a helpful guide added so much to the trip, as we learned so much about the history, flora and fauna, and various trail options. Our guide, Andrea, was very professional, patient and friendly, and showed us so many places with awesome views that were off the beaten path. We would not have found them without her. I would very highly recommend this guide service and our particular guide if you are considering hiking in the Great Smokey Mountain National Park. Seymour_IndianaTom

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