This is our fourth trip to this museum and each time that we have come, there is always more to see! We brought my daughter’s 68 year old uncle to see this museum for the first time, since he is a huge “I Love Lucy” fan. He enjoyed his first visit tremendously! He was very impressed with how much memorabilia there was, and how very well done the museum set up was.
My daughter is leaving home to attend her first year of college, and we have all been extremely sad to see her go. However, being at the Lucy/Desi Museum helped to put smiles on our faces, and brought us happiness for that day! We were so thankful that we were able to get to Jamestown, New York before our lives begin to change and also before our hectic week ahead! Thank you all for helping to bring so much joy into people’s lives! We will continue to keep visiting the Lucy/Desi Museum for many years to come!