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LUCKY LADY – poranna wycieczka z rurką typu deluxe na Pali

Całkowity dzień zwiedzania wybrzeża Nā Pali, które naprawdę oddaje piękno wyspy Kauai. Nasz certyfikowany kapitan straży przybrzeżnej poprowadzi Cię podczas rejsu wzdłuż wybrzeża do Parku Stanowego Nā Pali. Posłuchaj historii i legend wybrzeża, podczas gdy nasza załoga zapewni Ci pełną obsługę najbardziej
ikonicznych linii brzegowych na wszystkich wyspach hawajskich ~ jednej z największych atrakcji Kauai na naszej „Wyspie Ogrodowej”! Indyk lub Veggie Wraps na lunch (zadzwoń do nas 48 godzin wcześniej, aby złożyć zamówienie) z frytkami, ciastkami i smakołykami. Sok, napoje gazowane i woda. Piwo Wino i Mai Tai's!
Miasto: Kauai
Sun 20 Oct
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $210.82
Sun 20 Oct
Zaczynać od $210.82
co jest zawarte
Napoje wyspiarskie, napoje gazowane i woda z lodem
Chipsy, ciastka i smakołyki
Obiad: Opcjonalnie Indyk lub Veggie Wrap **Zadzwoń do nas z 48-godzinnym wyprzedzeniem, aby złożyć zamówienie**
Statek z inspekcją komercyjną zaprojektowany na zamówienie dla wybrzeża Neapolu.
Prysznice ze świeżą wodą
Załogi przeszkolone w zakresie CPR /pierwszej pomocy i bezpieczeństwa wody
Doświadczony kapitan amerykańskiej straży przybrzeżnej
Dodatkowe informacje
  • W pobliżu dostępne są środki transportu publicznego
  • Podróżujący powinni mieć co najmniej umiarkowany poziom sprawności fizycznej
  • Dzieciom musi towarzyszyć osoba dorosła
  • Minimalny wiek to 3 lata
  • Wybrzeże Na Pali: miejsce docelowe zależy od warunków oceanicznych, może być konieczne przekierowanie wycieczki na południe.
  • Snorkeling: zależy od warunków oceanicznych, jeśli wycieczka jest jeśli nie możesz nurkować z rurką, po drodze będzie mnóstwo innych atrakcji!
  • Zabierz ze sobą: ręcznik, krem ​​do opalania bez sprayu, kurtkę przeciwdeszczową, aparaty fotograficzne zabezpieczone przed wodą i wszelkie potrzebne leki, środki ochrony przed alergiami /owadami, których potrzebujesz .
  • Ubierz: kostiumy kąpielowe, lekkie nakrycie głowy, krem ​​przeciwsłoneczny, okulary przeciwsłoneczne, kapelusz. Planuj się zmoczyć. Jesteśmy na wycieczce boso, chyba że stan zdrowia na to nie pozwala, prosimy o poinformowanie swojego kapitana.
  • Menu: Opcja Indyka lub Veggie Wrap. (Proszę określić) Nasza kuchnia przetwarza orzechy, gluten i nabiał. Jeśli masz ekstremalne alergie, przyjdź przygotowany z własnym jedzeniem.
  • ZASADY ANULOWANIA: Aby zmodyfikować, przełożyć lub anulować JAKĄKOLWIEK wycieczkę i otrzymać pełny zwrot pieniędzy, MUSISZ ZADZWONIĆ DO KST 24 godziny przed sprawdzeniem wycieczki - na czas.
  • Brak ciąży, ból pleców, osoby po niedawnych operacjach, osoby z problemami z poruszaniem się
Czego oczekiwać
Wybrzeże Na Pali
Podróżuj wzdłuż tego odległego, niedostępnego, pięknego wybrzeża, poznaj różnorodne życie morskie, zabawiaj się historią i legendami Kauai. Nurkuj nad podwodnym odkryciem rafy tropikalnej
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (662)
Sep 2018
I hate to write a bad review, but this company was so unethical!!!~ We had asked them, that ONLY if they could replace us the next day, would they be able to rebook us without penalty, and their response was yes, IF they could fill the spot they would rebook us on Wednesday. My elder mother really wanted to attend an "old-time" parade in Koloa. When I called again they had been able to book the spot, and would book us on Wednesday. So when I called a third time to confirm for the next day, they said there was nothing in the computer and we would have to be charged another $500 if we wanted to go. No matter what I said, the woman just kept repeating policy and we were out of luck. So they got $1,000 for three passengers, and we were out $500, and they smiled all the way to the bank. I told our concierge what happened, and he was surprised, as they use this company a lot, and they should have rebooked if they were able to fill the spot, and he called them to no avail. So I just ask you to PLEASE do not reward them with your patronage. They were completely unethical, and I have a feeling it was on purpose, like they'd done it before. The woman was too rehearsed in her responses. We went instead on Blue Dolphin and had a wonderful experience. It has a smaller group, it was a double decker catamaran...the captain even ran us under a waterfall near the coast. Blue Dolphin or Captain Andy's PLEASE! I hate to see these small operation gigs railroad vacationers because they know they can!
Rae R
Sep 2018
We had the BEST day on the Lucky Lady - the boat is perfectly set up, the Captain and crew were all fun and looked after us well with information, food and plenty of drinks! We saw over 100 dolphins, 2 sea turtles and of course the indescribably spectacular and beautiful Napali coastline. A super fun and relaxing way to spend the day.
Hayley L
Sep 2018
We arrived at 6:45 AM and our boat left at 7:30 AM - so don't be late! There is free parking near their store and bathrooms onsite. On paper, all of the tours seemed the same but as we walked up to the docks, we saw all of the other tour boats & our Kauai Seas tour boat (Lucky Lady) seemed way better than the others because it had an upper deck for seating and bathrooms on the main level instead of below - so we were very happy with our decision! We weren't sure if we should do a catamaran or a zodiac- but as we left the docks next to a zodiac boat and rode next to a zodiac for part of the journey, we were SO glad to be on the catamaran rather than the zodiac. We love adventures & would've loved to see the sea caves, but we were glad we picked the catamaran. We cruised for 1.5 hours up to the Napali coast with Captain Kaua'i providing commentary. He had great commentary throughout the trip and was very attentive to the groups needs (when he saw people pointing to something onshore, he noticed and would take the time to explain what it was). The rest of the crew (Rico, Julie, and Kamalani) were very friendly and helpful - they walked around with drinks, offered to take photos, collected trash, etc. Breakfast consisted of fruit, little doughnuts, and some different types of bread, and lunch was a make-your-own sandwich bar (sub roll or wheat bread, turkey & ham, variety of cheeses, tomato, lettuce, sauces, and pretzels). We sat on the top dock of the boat and absolutely loved it! the boat never felt crowded which was awesome too. There was a huge pod of dolphins so the captain stopped to let us see them and then as the boat started, they were swimming alongside us! It was amazing! Unfortunately, once we got the Napali Coast, I felt like we didn't really spend a lot of time at the actual coast - it was maybe like 30 minutes total? 45 minutes? We arrived at the snorkel spot between 10 & 10:30 AM, which was after our time cruising along the Napali Coast. I don't know, it just went by very quickly. Maybe I just had set my expectations too high after reading reviews for boat vs. helicopter saying that on the boat tour you get to spend SO much more time on the Napali Coast. At the snorkel spot, the crew noted that the water was murky - they said this normally means sharks, so we went to their backup snorkel spot. For some reason that one didn't work out either, so the crew decided to take us further out to sea to look for some whales, which was fine except we would've preferred spending more time on the Napali Coast. We were grateful for their safety concerns- we didn't want to get in that water if there might be sharks in it- but it was quite a bummer that we didn't get to have the full experience. Between the short time at the Napali Coast and the lack of time in the water, we didn't love the tour and wished we could've gotten some money back because the snorkeling experience is half of what we were paying for and we didn't get to experience it (it is literally called Half Day Napali Snorkel Tour). We loved the crew and maybe if we had been able to snorkel, we would've loved the tour, but it was kinda meh to us. We did the helicopter tour the next day and it was AMAZING. I'm glad we chose Kauai Sea Tours instead of any of the other boat tours because the boat seemed so much better than the others at the dock. Also, if you're trying to decide between morning & afternoon tour, we heard it’s a smoother ride in the morning rather than the afternoon! The people who were seasick stayed inside the covered area and the crew gave them buckets - I also saw the crew dumping some buckets overboard & cleaning them, which was good. I think the people who were seasick closer to the coast got even more seasick as we ventured further out into the ocean which was a bummer for them.

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