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Niewolnictwo i kolej podziemna w Nowym Jorku

Poznaj wkład zniewolonych ludzi w Nowy Jork, w tym odważne powstania przeciwko uciskowi. Następnie odkryj ekscytującą historię Kolei Podziemnej, sieci tajnych tras i kryjówek używanych przez zniewolonych Afroamerykanów głównie do ucieczki do wolnych stanów i Kanady.

Odwiedź stanowisko archeologiczne i pomnik poświęcony pamięci zniewolonych Afrykanie w Ameryce kolonialnej. Odwiedź miejsce dawnej stacji kolei podziemnej. Dowiedz się o buntach, porwaniach i dramatycznych ucieczkach, które miały miejsce w czasach amerykańskiego niewolnictwa. Posłuchaj opowieści o odwadze i triumfie oraz odkryj historie prawdziwych nowojorczyków, którzy ryzykowali życiem i majątkiem, aby pomóc ludziom uciec przed niewolnictwem podczas tej historycznej pieszej wycieczki po Nowym Jorku.
Miasto: Nowy Jork
Wed 23 Oct
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Zaczynać od $35.00
Wed 23 Oct
Zaczynać od $35.00
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  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Niemowlęta i małe dzieci mogą jeździć w wózku dziecięcym lub spacerowym
  • Dozwolone zwierzęta towarzyszące
  • Środki transportu publicznego są dostępne w pobliżu
  • Podróżujący powinni mieć przynajmniej umiarkowaną sprawność fizyczną
Czego oczekiwać
Narodowe Muzeum Indian Amerykańskich
(Wizyta z zewnątrz) Zbudowany w 1907 roku, Alexander Hamilton Custom House jest skarbem Beaux-Arts upamiętniającym rozwój handlu i handlu w Nowym Jorku z 3 piętrami dzieł sztuki i artefaktów poświęconych rdzennym Amerykanom.
Park baterii
Od ponad 200 lat The Battery jest nieocenioną częścią historii Nowego Jorku. Dziesięciolecia przed zbudowaniem Ellis Island lub Statuą Wolności spoglądającą z góry na przypływające łodzie, do The Battery przybyły miliony przybyszów z Europy i innych krajów.
Muzeum tawerny Fraunces
(Wizyta zewnętrzna) Miejsce to odegrało znaczącą rolę w historii przed, w trakcie i po rewolucji amerykańskiej.
Wall Street
Prawdziwy mur istniał na ulicy od 1685 do 1699 roku. Serce systemu finansowego i dawne położenie Muru zostało zbudowane przez zniewolonych ludzi.
Plac Foleya
Na Foley Square znajduje się „Triumf ludzkiego ducha”, rzeźba upamiętniająca obecność zniewolonych ludzi w Nowym Jorku.
Pomnik narodowy afrykańskiego miejsca pochówku
African Burial Ground and Memorial to najstarsze i największe znane cmentarzysko wykopaliskowe w Nowym Jorku, dokumentujące życie zniewolonych ludzi w Nowym Jorku.
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Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (300)
Sep 2019
Reduced the mark I had given them from 5 to 1 because even though the substance of the tour is excellent, the organisers’ thirst for money which results in sheer lack of customer service made me do it. I bought a New York Explorer Pass from NYCgo, which was supposed to get me on the tour without having to pay any additional fee. When booking for the tour, I was given the choice between « NYC passes » and « NY explorer pass » among many other choices. As a NY Explorer Pass holder, I chose the latter. I had to provide my credit card details to do the booking, and I was told it wouldn’t be charged because I have a pass. I was charged for the full amount ($37,10) though. In addition to the $200+ I had paid for my pass which was supposed to get me on the tour without any additional fee! When I got back home and realised my credit card was charged for the full amount, I asked the Inside Tour organisers why, and I asked if they could give me a refund. They said I should have chosen “NYC passes instead”. I was shocked to say the least! How was I supposed to known that I should have chosen « NYC passes » especially if my pass is called « NYC explorer pass» and they happen to have « NYC Explorer pass » on their list, which I chose? And most of all, why did they let me go ahead with the booking if I had chosen the wrong option? They let me go ahead with the booking, and when I arrived at the meeting venue, my pass was photographed and I was admitted on the tour. After my request for a refund was rejected by Inside Tour, I contacted NYCgo which sold me the pass, asking if they could give me a list of the places of interest I’ve been to using their pass (every time I would use my pass, they’d scan it and I assume because of that, they have the data somewhere). I explained the problem and I said I wanted to check whether Inside Tour isn’t on the list, and I never got any reply! All in all, as amazing the tour was and as promising the NYCgo passes sounded to me, the people behind those two organisations just do what they do to get your money, regardless of whether they get it legally or not. And they most certainly won’t assist you as a customer. They will reply to you to explain they had to take your money using nonsensical arguments (Inside Tour) or they will simply ignore you (NYCgo). After all, they got your money, and you paid double. It’s NY: you don’t like their below-average customer service, someone else will.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Sep 2019
Thank you for your feedback but your review is both inaccurate and unfair. We NEVER charge customers for selecting the wrong pass company when making their booking or charge them when they make a reservation with a pass. You charged yourself. We did not charge you .Some customers have groups that have some customers with a pass and other customers that do not have one. Those customers will then buy additional retail tickets for members of their group who do not have passes. If you made a selection that involved both buying tickets and then using passes on the tours, that was your choice. We do not stop people from making purchases and have no idea of the circumstances under which they make purchases. However, if you did purchase additional tickets in error, we will investigate the situation and see what options may be available to rectify the situation regarding your erroneous purchase. Thank you again for your feedback.
Sep 2019
Tour guide Damaras, (10 out of 10) Informative easy going knowledgable tour guide who was able to gauge and pitch her information to the group. As a scot it was interesting to hear what actually happened and how it shaped today in USA
Sep 2019
Damaras was an amazing tour guide, a true historian. I've taught college courses on race and considered myself well-informed, but I learned much more than I expected in several hours. Damaras shares stories, pictures, and statistics about the wealth of black and American Indian history from 1619 to 2019 that we don't teach in schools. She is wise, positive, interactive, has a lively pace, is incredibly concise in explaining historical context, and briefly shares her life examples. She encourages questions, notes that she is talking about tough topics in ways that challenge our cultural conditioning and says that people may only be ready to hear part of the story and that's perfectly fine. She exceeded my expectations with her depth of knowledge, and concise language use. Wow! People left the tour inspired to read more history. A passionate educator, great tour for Americans and international visitors. I wish we had a Damaras in every high school in America. She is making a difference in the world.

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