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Wycieczki wspinaczkowe w Parku Narodowym Joshua Tree (4 godziny)

Czy jesteś początkującym lub średniozaawansowanym wspinaczem i chcesz się świetnie bawić, próbując wspaniałych tras wspinaczkowych w Parku Narodowym Joshua Tree pod czujnym okiem doświadczonego i certyfikowanego przewodnika wspinaczkowego?

Może masz rodzinę dzieci, które uwielbiają wspinaczkę skałkową?

A może jesteś doświadczonym wspinaczem i szukasz partnera do zdobycia jak największej liczby tras wspinaczkowych podczas wyprawy?

Niezależnie od poziomu doświadczenia, pragnienia lub celów czeka na Ciebie fantastyczna wyprawa wspinaczkowa!!! 4-godzinna wycieczka jest świetna dla osób, które chcą skupić się na wspinaczce skałkowej. Zazwyczaj podejścia są krótkie i odwiedzamy tylko 1-2 formacje skalne, aby większość wycieczki spędzić na wspinaniu się po jak największej liczbie tras!
Miasto: Palm Springs
Sun 20 Oct
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $225.00
Sun 20 Oct
Zaczynać od $225.00
co jest zawarte
Zapewniony sprzęt do wspinaczki skałkowej
Profesjonalnie certyfikowany przewodnik wspinaczki skałkowej i pierwszy ratownik w dziczy
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Podróżujący powinni mieć co najmniej umiarkowany poziom sprawności fizycznej
  • Ceny dla dorosłych dotyczą wszystkich wspinaczy
Zasady anulowania
Wszystkie wyprzedaże się skończyły. W przypadku anulowania nie przysługuje zwrot pieniędzy.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (44)
Jan 2020
My wife gifted me a 4.5 hour rock climbing trip for Christmas while we were in Joshua Tree, and it was the most fun and challenging adventure I've experienced since I can remember. Stone Adventures were incredibly flexible with our reservation when we got snowed in after Joshua Tree got over 6 inches of snow. The staff was the friendliest and went the extra mile to ensure we were accomodated after the unexpected weather came through the area. Alex was a great and supremely knowledgable instructor. We felt very safe in his hands the entire time, and we both learned a ton from him. So thankful that we were able to do our rock climbing adventure with him. I would recommend him as an instructor, and recommend Stone Adventures to anyone!
Jan 2020
I had a single-party climb yesterday (12/31/19) with Tamas at JTNP. I made two outstanding choices regarding yesterday...first, I decided to get out of my comfort zone and do some climbing while at a NP known for it, and secondly, hiring a guide through Stone Adventures! Tamas started by greeting me and discussing options based on the weather, available routes and crowd size. He gave me a few different options with pros/cons to both and allowed me to be part of that decision process. The right decision was made to move to drier and warmer ground. During the entire process, he made sure I was aware of my responsibilities and was comfortable in the climb. He chose a great first ascent that allowed me to gain confidence and become familiar with the process. Our second ascent was a multi-tier climb that was just the right amount above my comfort and experience level. I wanted to be challenged and it was the right amount. Tamas allowed me to take my time, look for my own route and only verbally assisted when he knew I wasn't coming up with a great answer. He gave me tips not only on routes and holds but basic climbing techniques that allowed me to climb a pitch I would've thought was impossible for me. As the day ended, we moved to a short climb area and he had me work my way up two more ascents. By then, I was exhausted from the day and exhilarated from the climbing. Tamas took his time with me and with other climbers during our routes. He made sure that I was comfortable during tier changes and rappelling. I had a great, fun-filled, challenging 4-hour adventure. If I could go back and change anything...I wouldn't! Thanks again to Stone Adventures and especially to Tamas for making my JTNP trip even more memorable.
Aug 2019
I climbed with Annie for 4 hours this past week in Joshua Tree. I had some gym climbing experience but had never done anything outside. Not only did I have a fantastic experience but Annie was an incredible teacher (learned all about crack climbing and jams) and advocate for Joshua Tree. When she wasn't giving me tips she taught me about the park. Hands down one of the best experiences - I will be back!

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