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Wycieczka na cmentarz Savannah Bonaventure

Bonawentura nie powinna być tylko trasą koncertową, powinna być piętrowa! Gdy Shannon Scott lub jego utalentowany protoge oprowadzają cię po marzycielskim muzeum sztuki, życia i śmierci na świeżym powietrzu ze spektakularnym naturalnym przepychem, będziesz zachwycony nie tylko głębią historii, ale także ukrytymi znaczeniami sztuki i symboliki, które zdobią groby i jak to wiele z nich łączy się nie tylko z Savannah, ale także z większym światem! Nie ma trasy koncertowej po Savannah bez Bonawentury, a my jesteśmy ekipą fabularną najbardziej oddaną udowodnieniu tej dobrze znanej lokalnej prawdy!
Miasto: Sawanna
Sun 20 Oct
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $25.65
Sun 20 Oct
Zaczynać od $25.65
co jest zawarte
Lokalny przewodnik
Profesjonalny przewodnik
Profesjonalny przewodnik historyka sztuki
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Niemowlęta i małe dzieci mogą jeździć w wózku dziecięcym lub spacerowym
  • Dozwolone zwierzęta towarzyszące
  • Podróżujący powinni mieć co najmniej umiarkowaną poziom sprawności fizycznej
  • Sprawdź Instrukcję parkowania i spotkania
  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich, ale występują nierówne powierzchnie, które mogą wymagać pomocy
  • Działa w każdych warunkach pogodowych , prosimy o odpowiedni ubiór
Czego oczekiwać
Cmentarz Bonawentury
Gospodarz Shannon Scott lub jego wysoko oceniany protegowany oprowadzają Cię po najbardziej pożądanych historycznych częściach cmentarza Bonaventure ze szczegółowymi przystankami obejmującymi historie słynnych zmarłych, posągi, symbolikę, obrzędy pogrzebowe, życie roślinne i wiele więcej. Miejsca nagrobków na ogół obejmują Johnny'ego Mercera, Conrada Aikena, Little Gracie i miejsca szczególne dla scenerii Midnight In The Garden of Good & Evil.
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (703)
Jul 2012
We booked the Bonaventure tour with Scott on the suggestion of a client who had done the daytime tour with him. It was well worth the cost for the tour! Shannon is a great story teller, even if you are not completely convinced of the validity of the stories. It appears obvious that Shannon spends time continuing to research the cemetery, it's residents and history, as well as the history of Savannah. This was a great way to whet our appetites to come back to explore more in the future...either with Shannon or on our own. We also opted for the dinner option that is offered with Shannon at the New Sisters of the South restaurant. The food was mediocre at best, the service less than mediocre and the additional information Shannon shared had nothing to do with the cemetery...rather, it was a little bit of history about the Free Masons and a lot about Shannon's interests in "secret societies." While Shannon is great to chat with, this additional information and the food is not worth the extra expense...not with so many other great dining options available in Savannah.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jul 2012
While I appreciate this client's participation, the review is one of very mixed messages and frankly forces me to question how much they were really paying attention during the tour or the dinner. The Victorian funerary & Secret Society objets d'art on display have everything to do with Bonaventure Cemetery. Granted, some are from other fraternal orders in other states, they are however, related to the same brother & sisterhoods in Savannah, practicing the universal disciplines of those orders. I would contest that few people ever get to see Victorian ritual robes of the Masons or if they have, recognize what they are or understand their purposes or how they might tie into funeral rituals. The same goes for the other relics on hand during the dinner. As to the comment that my event isn't worth the money and that there are superior events to be experienced, I would challenge this individual to name these events and actually find the remark laughable. Let's see, a cemetery authority in Savannah for over 20 years, for the first time in history, offers the public exclusive access to Bonaventure after it closes, stories them for 3 hours, breaks bread with them, sharing Victorian antiques from his personal collection for another hour, and all for $35? I'll let the readers decide on that one, but assure you, it can't be had. In fact, come Fall, for those who do understand the esoteric, educational & entertainment value, the price is going up. As to the service & food at Sisters of The New South? Well, this is something I'm not in control of from minute to minute, so apologies for any discontent. I selected them as my event partner because of the fact that they are authentic long time soul divas preparing that fare in old world ways, as opposed to more televised and corporate versions of that in Savannah. I have confidence in them overall, but like any restaurant, they have their off moments, but other than this one criticism, heard nothing but praise from the evening in question.
Jul 2012
Originally, I had planned to visit Bonaventure Cemetery alone, and just spend some time there wandering around, lost among the live oaks and dead loves. Well, my brother and sister-in-law insisted that I meet Shannon Scott and tour Bonaventure with him. I acquiesced, and now...the experiece was so vivid and incredible that I'll be forever changed by it! Shannon is a wealth of knowledge and passion, and honored the the dead by sharing their stories with me. My nephew, a quiet young man of 16, accompanied me on the tour and was impressed as well. I am from Wichita, Kansas, and I promptly fell in love with the city of Savannah and Bonaventure Cemetery. I recommend this tour to everyone!!!
Jul 2012
Recently I had the pleasure of taking a tour of Bonaventure Cemetery with Shannon Scott. When I planned my trip to Savannah, a tour of Bonaventure was number one on my list of things to do. I was certainly not fact I was inspired to do further reading and make a few visits on my own. Thanks Shannon. Your wealth of information, engaging presentation of historical information as well as stories about some of the 'residents' made Bonaventure 'come alive' for me. I was happy that I took part in the dinner portion of the evening at Soul Sisters of the New South. The dinner was truly delicious and the servers were terrific. I was happy to hear more of your talk and really enjoyed the Q&A session....your knowledge is very impressive. I will definitely do this again when I return to Savannah. Thank you once again.

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