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SIX Show w Branson

SIX® to potężny „zespół wokalny” z udziałem prawdziwych braci, którzy przenoszą muzyczną rozrywkę na zupełnie nowy poziom. Uznani przez krytyków i nazywani „orkiestrą ludzkich głosów” i „mistrzami showmanizmu”, ci wszechstronnie utalentowani bracia nie używają żadnych instrumentów, ale wydaje ci się, że ich słyszysz. Prawdziwi pionierzy współczesnego a cappella, wykorzystują namacalny
rytmiczny bas, napędzającą perkusję w stylu beatboxu i nienaganną mieszankę wokalną, którą rozwijają od dzieciństwa.
Miasto: Bransona
Sun 19 Jan
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Sun 19 Jan
Zaczynać od $48.68
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  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich
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  • Wszystkie obszary i powierzchnie są dostępne dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Odpowiednie dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
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  • Prosimy o poinformowanie o czasie rezerwacji, jeśli wymagany jest wózek inwalidzki
  • Dostępne foteliki dla dzieci i dorosłych
  • Zakaz fotografowania z lampą błyskową i nagrywania filmów
  • Nie jest wymagany żaden określony strój
  • Gotówka i większość głównych kart kredytowych akceptowana w teatrze
  • Zachowanie dystansu społecznego
  • Stacje dezynfekcji rąk
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Regularnie dezynfekuj obszary o dużym natężeniu ruchu
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Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (339)
May 2021
When we attended August 2020 Six was Five and if I recall, one of the brothers had retired. But NO problem. The group is a must see. It is an absolute phenomenal show, no kidding. I cannot see how anyone cannot appreciate the innovation, harmony, and unexpected fun and it's nonstop. Truly beautiful talent. I would rate this show at the very top of the list for those who might want to see a show more than once because of the content and overall greatness. Not a boring minute. Truly worth your time and money. I hope these gentleman remain in Branson.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jun 2021
Thank you for taking time to review our show and sharing with us about your SIX-experience! We love hearing about your time spent with SIX. We appreciate you and can't wait to wow you again in the future. We've been in Branson for 15 years and plan on being here for another 15 years!
May 2021
I won't say that they are not talented, they are, but they would have been far better off with lower volume, it was painful. Also, they would have been far better had they stayed with the Doo-Wop music of the 50's and 60's and tried to keep it close to the originals. Sadly they ruined Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel, it was sad.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jun 2021
JimN1953, Thank you for your praise for our vocal talents. Sadly, it seems our full show failed to wow. We truly love what we do, however we understand that not everyone has the same preferences. We always love hearing from our fans, both what they love and any areas of concern. We are listening and will take your thoughts into careful consideration. Jak's singing of The Sound of Silence has captured many hearts this year and we're truly sad to learn you weren't one of them. We sincerely apologize that our show missed the mark for you. We do appreciate you taking the time to share your concerns with us, and we're taking your feedback into careful review. We hope you'll allow us another opportunity to win you over in the future.
May 2021
Good night nurse, this is the worst show in Branson. I have never walked out of a show in over 15 years until tonight. These men act like teenagers. One of the first jokes was about depends. I don’t know what that audience was on that was loving it. Prideful and cocky boys. I’ll joke about not going to college I think it might’ve done him some good. Also there’s five of them in they’re called six. Tasteless, childish, uncomfortable. If you are upset with a friend send them to six.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jun 2021
andyala... Thank you for your review, however, while we love sharing our love for music and good clean fun, we understand that not everyone has the same preferences. We sincerely apologize that our show missed the mark for you. We do appreciate you taking the time to share your concerns with us, and we're taking your feedback into careful review. We hope you'll allow us another opportunity to win you over in the future.

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