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Rejs katamaranem o zachodzie słońca i delfinami z czasem na wyspę

Dolphin Watching & Sunset Sail to 2-godzinny rejs na pokładzie katamaranu Island Time Sailing, który odpływa z przystani Lagoon Pontoons w Panama City Beach na Florydzie. Napij się rumu podczas rejsu wzdłuż pięknych wód Zatoki Perskiej w pobliżu wyspy Shell w poszukiwaniu delfinów i dzikiej przyrody. Następnie obserwuj zachód słońca nad horyzontem, słuchając relaksującej muzyki. Gdy łódź wraca do przystani, możesz wziąć udział w zabawnych grach i tańcach. (Uwaga: ta wycieczka rozpoczyna się w Panama City Beach na Florydzie, około 3 godziny na wschód od Pensacola).
Miasto: Panama City Beach
Thu 24 Oct
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $52.43
Thu 24 Oct
Zaczynać od $52.43
co jest zawarte
Wszystkie podatki, opłaty i opłaty manipulacyjne
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Odpowiedni dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Minimalny wiek do picia to 21 lat
  • Nie wolno wnosić jedzenia ani napojów. ZAKAZ ALKOHOLU NA ZEWNĄTRZ.
  • Zakaz palenia
  • Zakaz gumy do żucia
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Regularnie odkażane wysoko- obszary ruchu
  • Sprzęt/sprzęt dezynfekowany między użyciami
  • Przewodnicy zobowiązani do regularnego mycia rąk
  • Nie rezerwujemy pełnych miejsc. Zachowaj uprzejmość i rozwagę podczas poruszania się po łodzi, aby zobaczyć dziką przyrodę i otoczenie.
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (703)
Brad T
Oct 2019
So fun. The crew was amazing. Fun music and relaxed atmosphere. Boarding was quick and easy. Crew brought out hula hoops for the kids on the ride back. Saw lots of dolphins and deer on the beach.
Oct 2019
I was extremely excited about this cruise when I booked it as I was hoping it would be the perfect ending to a wonderful vacation with my kids and elderly mother. We arrived about 40 minutes early and sat behind the booth. Two young girls (one in a bikini) kept running in front of us to go in and out of the booth. They were loud and obnoxious and yet never once spoke to any of the people gathered to wait to board the boat. Finally, we get ready to board and are introduced to the crew and yes, these two girls were part of the actual crew. We boarded the boat and found a seat. We were again introduced to Savannah and Keagan (we were given the same speech about 4 times as to who they were etc) and off we went. They started serving drinks immediately, all of which is fine, however, the boat seemed a bit overcrowded to have so many people drinking and then trying to walk on a moving boat. My son was bumped into several times and one large man almost fell on top of him. So, my son was upset and didn't get to enjoy the trip at all. Towards the end, Keagan had finally put on shorts but then proceeded to climb on the hard deck part of the boat and while on her knees bent over and gave us all a wide glaring shot of her crotch. This was also right in front of my 12 year old son. It was quite inappropriate. Then the dancing started. You can imagine how that went after people had been drinking for two hours and the boat was moving... :( I would recommend either serving drinks after one hour in OR having a separate cruise where no alcohol is served and it is more kid friendly. I was highly disappointed in the cruise and feel I wasted $100 we could have spent elsewhere and had more fun. Unfortunately, I paid cash.
Shelia P
Oct 2019
We took our two grandchildren, ages 12 and 15. All four of us had a wonderful time and have memories forever. The captain and crew was great!

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