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Dołącz do nas na Salem Witch Walk na jedyną magiczną trasę Salem. Powitają Cię prawdziwe Czarownice i weźmiesz udział w prawdziwym Magicznym Kręgu. Usiądziesz w naszym Magicznym Ogrodzie, a my nauczymy Cię o współczesnym czarnoksięstwie i historii oskarżonych czarownic z 1692 roku. Otrzymasz Magiczną Torbę z kuponami rabatowymi, informacjami edukacyjnymi i broszurami oraz o każdej ofierze, w tym specjalne Błogosławieństwo które zrobimy w Miejscu Pamięci Procesów Czarownic, gdzie możesz również wezwać swojego przełożonego. Wszyscy nasi goście otrzymują Magiczny Prezent pobłogosławiony przez Lorelei, znaną z Salem Jasnowidzkę Miłości, właścicielkę The Salem Witch Walk i Crow Haven Corner - najstarszy sklep z czarownicami w Salem! Mamy też wodę i trochę cukierków na spacer. Twoi wysoce kompetentni licencjonowani przewodnicy czekają na spotkanie z Tobą w tym jedynym w swoim rodzaju doświadczeniu!
Miasto: Salem
Mon 13 Jan
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Zaczynać od $30.00
Mon 13 Jan
Zaczynać od $30.00
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Czego oczekiwać
Spacer czarownic z Salem
Na początku trasy będziemy rzucać Magiczny Krąg Czarownic, aby pokazać, co robią prawdziwe Czarownice i zebrać energię na błogosławieństwo. Następnie wyruszymy na spacer po historycznym Salem w stanie Massachusetts. Zatrzymamy się na cmentarzu Old Burying Point w Salem, gdzie udzielimy błogosławieństwa niesłusznie oskarżonym. Następnie robimy kilka przystanków w Mieście, aby omówić prawdziwe Czarownice z Salem i ich praktyki. Omówimy sabaty czarownic (święta) i esbaty (rytuały pełni księżyca), podstawowe zasady wierzeń i praktyk wiedźmy z Salem. Wszyscy, którzy wybiorą się na wycieczkę, otrzymają zniżkę w Crow Haven Corner, najstarszym sklepie z czarownicami w Ameryce Północnej.
Zasady anulowania
Wszystkie wyprzedaże się skończyły. W przypadku anulowania nie przysługuje zwrot pieniędzy.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (1000)
ken g
Nov 2013
took the trip with tom he is modern witch the tour was a blend of history and knowledge about how witches lived in the past and today. This tour is not like other tours tom was funny and really into his lifestyle. we were a family of five and since it was late in the season we were the only people in the group, it was like having your own personal tour with a witch. For the low price of 13 dollars a person we had a fun and entertaining day. My children that ranged from 14 to 11 all enjoyed it. after the tour we went out for pizza and reflected on it and for once the kids stayed off the electronics and were into talking about what they saw and learned
Maggie D
Nov 2013
I went to Salem MA, for the first time in October, and took 5 tours, one of which was the Salem Witch Walk. We actually left a ghost tour early to take it and I have to say it was hands down the BEST tour!!! Tom was our guide and he was funny, informative, and quirky. Many of the other tour guides that we walked with tried too hard to be funny and honestly seemed like they were more territorial about the different places than they were knowledgeable. If you go to Salem, make sure you don't miss out on this walk. It also impressed me to learn more about witches today and the misconceptions I had, I also really liked the ritual. Thanks Tom you were AWESOME!
Nov 2013
We booked this review based on a lot of the positive feedback on TripAdvisor. It was partially our error because we thought it would be more on history of Salem, witches, etc. The whole tour was strange and honestly I couldn't wait until it was over. My suggestion is to do your own tour and save the time/money spent on this.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Nov 2013
Dear reviewer, We are disappointed that you didn't enjoy the tour. Yes, it can be cold in November in Salem and we normally don't do the tour after November 10th, but many, many people requested we do it and said they wouldn't mind the chill winds of autumn. You are right in your review that there is much positive feedback about our tour. We welcome you to through some of it again, as you may notice upon rereading that most of the reviews convey a tour that really isn't about the Witch history of 1692, but rather about the modern Witches who live here now. We touch a bit here and there on some of the historical elements of what happened here but only insofar as the bring context to what real Witches practice. Reviews like yours help because people often stop to read them and, when they read the review, they will hopefully see my response. As we state in the description at the top of this TripAdvisor page, which we encourage folks to read along with the reviews, "Other tours in Salem, Massachusetts will teach you about the infamous Witchcraft trials of 1692 but The Salem Witch Walk explores real Witchcraft as practiced by authentic Witches in Salem and throughout the world." That about sums up who we are and we think many countless reviews of our tour see the tour how we see it. We understand that some people will glance over a few reviews, see the words Salem and Witch, not realize that thousands of Witches live here now, and say to themselves, "oh, 1692." But alas, this is not who we are. For 1692, we recommend Jim McCallister's Derby Square Tours. However, for those truly seeking the magical and wondrous world of real Witches, we can't recommend The Salem Witch Walk enough, for the practices explored in our tour are the practices we who created it partake in every day of our lives. Blessings from Salem, Christian Day The Salem Witch Walk

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