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Bilet wstępu do Muzeum Titanica Bransona

Wszyscy znają nazwę Titanic! Wszyscy wiedzą, że Titanic zderzył się z górą lodową! I wszyscy wiedzą, że Titanic zaginął! Siedziała na dnie oceanu przez 75 lat, zanim ją odnaleziono w 1985 roku. W 1986 roku odbyła się druga wyprawa na miejsce wraku, którą współkierował właściciel tego muzeum. Artefakty, które widzisz na całym statku, są PRAWDZIWE i wycenione na ponad 4 miliony dolarów. Wejdziesz jako gość i wyjdziesz jako pasażer Titanica!
Miasto: Bransona
Thu 03 Oct
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Zaczynać od $39.50
Thu 03 Oct
Zaczynać od $39.50
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Wstęp do Muzeum Titanica w Branson
Przewodniki audio dostępne w języku angielskim lub hiszpańskim
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Czego oczekiwać
Muzeum Titanica
Jak cały świat pamięta najsłynniejszy na świecie luksusowy liniowiec, Titanic Museum Attraction w Branson. MO. będzie nadal otwierać drzwi do przeszłości w jedyny w swoim rodzaju sposób – pozwalając „pasażerom” doświadczyć, jak to było spacerować po korytarzach, salonach, kabinach i Wielkich Schodach Titanica w otoczeniu ponad 400 artefaktów bezpośrednio ze statku i jego pasażerów. Gdy odwiedzający dotykają prawdziwej góry lodowej, chodzą po Wielkich Schodach i korytarzach trzeciej klasy, wkładają ręce do wody o temperaturze 28 stopni i próbują stanąć na pochyłych pokładach, dowiadują się, jak to było na RMS Titanic, doświadczając tego z pierwszej ręki . Każdy gość wchodzący na statek otrzyma kartę pokładową prawdziwego pasażera lub załogi Titanica. Poczuj ich duchową obecność w galeriach, w których wystawionych jest ponad 400 osobistych i prywatnych artefaktów. Wiele z nich jest wystawianych po raz pierwszy na świecie. Jest to wycieczka z przewodnikiem.
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Recenzje (851)
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Jan 2021
I loved this whole experience. In the beginning you were given a card with a name of an actual passenger on the ship and a short story about them. Once you toured through the museum you got to figure out if the passenger on your card lived or died. Mine lived! The people who worked there were so nice and friendly. My favorite room was the music room. I would go again.
Jan 2021
An informative and even inspiring experience, and 5 stars for customer service. We and our 5 teen/young adult children toured this museum and were surprised by how much we enjoyed it. Before going, I’ll admit I smirked at the idea of it being anything besides morbid. But I was wrong. Yes, it’s a sobering glimpse into a great tragedy. But it’s also filled with inspiring stories of everyday heroes. The displays and self-guided tour recordings are tastefully done, and the interactive exhibits were pretty cool. Most of all, I appreciated the friendly, informative guides. Ours was the last appointment of the day, yet we never felt rushed one bit. The guides were available but not pushy, friendly without being overly familiar. My one piece of advice: purchase tickets well in advance to get the best discount. We found a great deal on Groupon, but after we paid Groupon said it would take 2+ hours to “process.” Long story short, it didn’t go thru. But the Groupon glitch was probably due to purchasing tickets less than 2 hours in advance. In hindsight, I’d advise purchasing discounted tickets at least 2 days ahead. Then if the voucher doesn’t materialize you can cancel & try a different discount provider (there are several). At the beginning of this self-guided tour, each visitor is equipped with a personal audio device plus a “boarding pass” of one of the passengers. (At the end you’ll learn if you “survived” or not.) We were pretty much left to ourselves to go at our own pace. The first display is an “iceberg” breaking through the wall. It’s cold and wet, just like a real one. As you enter each exhibit area, there are numbers on display that correspond to the recordings available. The numbers are color-coded as red or blue, for children or adults, making the tour suitable for all ages (bring the whole family). The audio device is simple to operate and hangs on a lanyard, leaving your hands free to touch the interactive displays. The tour gives glimpses into what the first, second, and third class passengers experienced. Berths and suites. Chamber pots. Menus and dishes. Deck chairs. There’s a huge scale model of the boat. Lots of photos of the boat under construction. An impressive assortment of actual artifacts from the boat’s survivors. Many photos of actual passengers taken by a man who disembarked before the last leg of Titanic’s journey. The displays on the upper level included a small grand piano and huge pictures of the 8-man band that courageously played “Nearer My God To Thee” as the boat was going down. In the same room, there's a display about the only known black passenger and his family. The cutaway lifeboat replica has several benches available, each with a recording of what a specific passenger may have said. Sitting in the lifeboat was enlightening. So many perished that night because the boats were sent out unfilled, but the risk of being sucked under kept them from backtracking to rescue others. Some of the stories are downright inspiring. The lady who rescued two orphaned boys and reunited them with their mother. The missionary who gave up her seat on a lifeboat for a mother and child. The preacher who begged those struggling in the icy seas around him to trust Jesus Christ until his dying breath. Once we were upstairs and especially near the end of the tour, several guides were stationed to answer questions. Everyone was very friendly, and didn’t rush us one bit. Masks are required everywhere in Branson. As others have mentioned, no pictures or videos are allowed. That’s because pretty much everything on display is on loan from third parties, so the museum must comply with copyright holders’ contracts. Visitors have the option to get a picture on the Grand Staircase, with options for a physical photo plus several downloadable reprints, or (cheaper) access to the downloadable reprints without the physical copy. They put zero pressure on me to purchase, and were gracious when I declined. There's a nice gift shop at the end, from which I got a new kitchen magnet (family tradition for museums). Gotta admit, I thought this would be a terribly morbid, depressing experience. So it was a real surprise to leave inspired by the people who left a legacy of selflessness, courage, and love. Reminds me of something Fred Rogers said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” The museum is open year round, and has continued to see enough visitors to stay profitable even during the pandemic. Even so, we felt like we had the place to ourselves, it was so quiet. (Typical after New Year's in Branson.)
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jan 2021
Morgan, Your kind words will be shared with the Titanic Crew in Branson. Our Best, Titanic Crew
Jan 2021
Lucas was SO GOOD as a tour guide. It was clear he was passionate about the Titanic and had done a lot of research on his own. It wasn’t busy and we were able to take our time. Really enjoyed it!

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