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Bilet wstępu do Muzeum Titanica Bransona

Wszyscy znają nazwę Titanic! Wszyscy wiedzą, że Titanic zderzył się z górą lodową! I wszyscy wiedzą, że Titanic zaginął! Siedziała na dnie oceanu przez 75 lat, zanim ją odnaleziono w 1985 roku. W 1986 roku odbyła się druga wyprawa na miejsce wraku, którą współkierował właściciel tego muzeum. Artefakty, które widzisz na całym statku, są PRAWDZIWE i wycenione na ponad 4 miliony dolarów. Wejdziesz jako gość i wyjdziesz jako pasażer Titanica!
Miasto: Bransona
Sun 22 Sep
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Zaczynać od $39.50
Sun 22 Sep
Zaczynać od $39.50
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Wstęp do Muzeum Titanica w Branson
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Czego oczekiwać
Muzeum Titanica
Jak cały świat pamięta najsłynniejszy na świecie luksusowy liniowiec, Titanic Museum Attraction w Branson. MO. będzie nadal otwierać drzwi do przeszłości w jedyny w swoim rodzaju sposób – pozwalając „pasażerom” doświadczyć, jak to było spacerować po korytarzach, salonach, kabinach i Wielkich Schodach Titanica w otoczeniu ponad 400 artefaktów bezpośrednio ze statku i jego pasażerów. Gdy odwiedzający dotykają prawdziwej góry lodowej, chodzą po Wielkich Schodach i korytarzach trzeciej klasy, wkładają ręce do wody o temperaturze 28 stopni i próbują stanąć na pochyłych pokładach, dowiadują się, jak to było na RMS Titanic, doświadczając tego z pierwszej ręki . Każdy gość wchodzący na statek otrzyma kartę pokładową prawdziwego pasażera lub załogi Titanica. Poczuj ich duchową obecność w galeriach, w których wystawionych jest ponad 400 osobistych i prywatnych artefaktów. Wiele z nich jest wystawianych po raz pierwszy na świecie. Jest to wycieczka z przewodnikiem.
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Recenzje (851)
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Aug 2022
I have seen several Titanic exhibits and this by far was the best and most inclusive. There are so many things to do in Branson and while it was hard to choose I am glad we made this part of our trip. I felt like I was walking through history. It was a very interactive museum like you were experiencing the disaster along with them.
Aug 2022
The titanic museum was both fun and educational. It teaches you the history of the ship, the people and the sinking. But also makes it a fun experience where you get to interact with things. Loved this I could spend all day here
Aug 2022
When I saw the Ukrainian flag, shortly after entering, I was disappointed from a historic standpoint; the flag was created in 1991 & something the actual passengers wouldn't have identified with. The Titanic collection was very good & I enjoyed the actual Titanic Museum in itself, but there was SO MUCH emphasis about Jewish passengers & the Holocaust that I didn't expect to be there. I was disappointed that the museum's primary focus was on them. At the bottom of every sign about Jews, there's a phrase, "Intolerance is a virus, too." I don't believe a mask would help stop that either. There's a small section, near the end, about the preachers on board (all but 1 perished) and how one of them gave up his life vest, while IN the water, & continued preaching for people to give their lives to Jesus. I had never read about them before. I'm glad they had a room dedicated to the musicians! They were amazing, gifted men who all voluntarily perished with the ship. The last song played, according to survivers, was "Nearer my God to Thee".😓
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Aug 2022
The current Ukrainian flag has been in use since 1848 and officially adopted in 1918. It was outlawed when Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union and was brought back in 1991. So the Titanic Ukrainians would have recognized that flag, even though Ukraine was part of Russia in 1912. As for the Jews: We honor 2,208 passengers and crew every day. However, with that many people to honor, we try to shine a spotlight on those passengers that might otherwise have been overlooked among the masses. To do this, we frequently change our focus to a new group of passengers and crew. In 2016 we focused on the musicians aboard (and you still see the remnants of that display in the Music Gallery). Every November we celebrate the Veterans (the military showcard is up year-round). Each March we explore the Irish aboard. The Memorial Gallery holds the remnants of our Religious Christian Heroes display that you enjoyed. Right now, we are focused on the Jews aboard. Which brings us to the Holocaust. WWII began only 27 years after Titanic. Several of the passengers and crew – Jews and not – were involved in WWII and the Holocaust. Some passengers and crew fought during the war or had family or friends who fought or died. Two of the Jewish passengers were closely connected to Anne Frank. One Titanic passenger was a POW held in a concentration camp. One Titanic crewman helped evacuate Dunkirk. One Titanic survivor was arrested as a spy – by both sides of the war! So yes, we have displays involving WWII and the Holocaust. Because they ARE relevant to Titanic. Because Titanic isn’t just a ship that sank in 1912, it’s the people who were there. Over 2,000 Titanic passengers and crew had lives outside 1912, and as a Titanic Museum, we honor those lives – their ENTIRE lives.

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