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Ostateczna wycieczka podziemna Queen City

Dołącz do nas podczas pieszej wycieczki po Cincinnati, aby poznać ukrytą historię Cincinnati podczas jednej z pięciu najlepszych podziemnych wycieczek w USA. Wybierz się na spacer po Over-the-Rhine, gdzie znajduje się największy zestaw zabytków Ameryki. Odwiedź budynki w dzielnicy Gateway, w których znajdowało się ponad 130 salonów, barów, ogródków piwnych i teatrów. Następnie zejdź poniżej ulic miasta, aby uzyskać wyłączny dostęp do ukrytej krypty, w której pochowano niektórych z pierwszych mieszkańców Cincinnati. Następnie wróć do podziemi, aby odkryć ukryte tunele niezbędne dla dziedzictwa browarniczego Cincinnati w browarze Kauffman.
Wycieczki będą odbywać się w deszczu lub w słońcu!
Miasto: Cincinnati
Sat 08 Mar
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $45.00
Sat 08 Mar
Zaczynać od $45.00
co jest zawarte
Wycieczka piesza prowadzona przez doświadczonego przewodnika
Dodatkowe informacje
  • W pobliżu dostępne są środki transportu publicznego
  • Niezalecane dla osób podróżujących z urazami kręgosłupa
  • Niezalecane dla osób o słabym zdrowiu układu krążenia
  • Odpowiednie dla wszystkie poziomy sprawności fizycznej
Czego oczekiwać
Park Waszyngtona
Trasa będzie przebiegać przez Washington Park.
Za Renem
Ta wycieczka zapewni Ci najlepszy sposób na poznanie tej niesamowitej okolicy.
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (973)
May 2017
Had a great time exploring & learning about Cincinnati's Over-the-Rhine neighborhood. Kevin did an outstanding job with story telling and keeping us safe on the Queen City Underground Tour. There is fascinating history involving the German impact of this once thriving section that in recent times became a crime infested neighborhood....but now in most current time is experiencing a rejuvenation via what is considered a "unique" gentrification. Tour begins with walk-about of the neighborhood and learning about the people, the buildings, the stores/industries, turn of the century topography and demographics. The underground portion first presented is a crypt under the St. Francis of Sephras Church. The second portion of the underground experience is under a former German Brewery... the somewhat narrow & steep steps may be challenging to some. Once down in the belly of the tunnels one sees what is left of what was once a prime enterprise and now dilapidated cavities. But Kevin keeps the history alive with education and entertainment. At the end of the tour one minimally experiences the Moerlein Christian Brewery facility....and then left at their tap room to purchase some brews. We had much fun...and learned lots of history.
May 2017
My husband and I wanted to do something different than our usual weekly date. After finding out about the Queen City Ultimate Underground Tour from the website, we decided that was the uniqueness we were seeking. We thought the tour would not only be interesting as far as history, but also offered a little adventure, which we both enjoy. Our tour began with a walk and history of Over-the-Rhine (OTR). During this tour, we had to admit to each other that we thought we knew Cincinnati history pretty well, but we weren't as informed as we thought. Our tour guide, Evan, was very knowledgeable. Far from boring, Evan shared the history of OTR with enthusiasm and humor. His love of history and the city was evident and this made the tour even more enjoyable. About the middle of the tour, we visited the beautiful St. Francis Seraph Church and had a chance to rest our legs to hear more history, then descend into the church's underground crypt. We've visited many old cemeteries and have never seen epitaphs so well-preserved. The font on the stones was surprisingly beautiful. We then visited a former brewery and descended into the tunnels where lager was made. Since we had never visited a place like this before, our goal of doing or seeing something unique was satisfied. We also had the pleasure of visiting the Christian Morelein Brewery and tap room. As with all good things, the tour was longer than what it seemed - over 2 hours. It was a good value for the price of our tickets. Since there are stairs on the tour and a lot of standing and walking, we were glad that we didn't wear dress shoes or shoes with heels, but sturdy, slip-proof, hiking shoes. We expected the walking, standing and climbing of stairs, so this wasn't a problem for us. We recommend this tour to anyone who is looking for something different to do, loves history and the entertaining stories that sometimes go with it, beer or the making of it.
Apr 2017
We enjoyed the interesting and informative Queen City Underground Tour. We knew little about the Over-the-Rhine area, and enjoyed the tour guides' entertaining stories. Thankfully, we didn't actually spend a lot of time underground, but the trips below were interesting. One spot is a little tricky to navigate down the steps, but manageable. The tour guides were great - Kevin and a woman whose name I can't recall. Fun way to spend a couple of hours!

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