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Lot balonem na ogrzane powietrze w kraju wina z Yountville

Przeżyj słynny na całym świecie kraj winiarski z powietrza podczas wczesnej porannej przejażdżki balonem. Następnie wejdź do wygodnego kosza i wzbij się w przestworza, gdy dolina pod tobą się obudzi. Podczas lotu podziwiaj wzgórza, rozległe winnice i eleganckie posiadłości z lotu ptaka. Twój pilot zapewni wgląd w latanie balonem i krajobraz, gdy unosisz się nad tym wszystkim!

* Kraj wina Lot balonem na ogrzane powietrze
* Poznaj słynny na całym świecie kraj wina, wznosząc się ponad to wszystko
Miasto: Napa & Sonoma
Sat 21 Sep
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $338.00
Sat 21 Sep
Zaczynać od $338.00
co jest zawarte
Święto wina musującego po locie z pilotem
Lot balonem na ogrzane powietrze od 40 minut do 1 godziny (w zależności od pogody)
Kawa lub herbata przed lotem
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Niezalecane dla podróżujących z urazami kręgosłupa
  • Niezalecane dla podróżujących w ciąży
  • Niezalecane dla podróżujących ze złym stanem układu krążenia
  • Podróżujący powinni mieć co najmniej umiarkowaną sprawność fizyczną.
  • Minimalny wiek to 8 lat, a minimalny wzrost to 57 cali. To według uznania pilotów, kto może bezpiecznie latać,
  • MUSI podać numer telefonu drogowego w momencie rezerwacji. Brak podania tych informacji spowoduje anulowanie rezerwacji.
  • Goście ważący 118 kg lub więcej zostaną obciążeni dodatkową opłatą w wysokości 275 USD.
  • Osoby, które nurkowały głęboko w ciągu ostatnich kilku dni
  • osoby cierpiące na przewlekły ból, niedawno przebyte urazy lub niedawno przebyte poważne operacje, osoby, które nie są w stanie stać bez pomocy dłużej niż godzinę
  • Ktoś, kto wymaga pomocy przy chodzeniu lub nie może wejść po schodach.
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Płatności zbliżeniowe za napiwki i dodatki
Czego oczekiwać
Napa valley
Potem idzie w dziki błękit. Nasi doświadczeni piloci opowiedzą Ci o barwnej historii latania balonem i najciekawszych regionach!
Nasi doświadczeni piloci opowiedzą Ci o barwnej historii latania balonem i najważniejszych atrakcjach regionu
Zasady anulowania
Jeśli anulujesz co najmniej 4 dni przed planowaną godziną odlotu, otrzymasz pełny zwrot kosztów.
Jeśli anulujesz w ciągu 3 dni od planowanego odlotu, otrzymasz zwrot 0%.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (474)
May 2013
On a wine-themed reunion weekend with my partner and his former college classmates, I was excited to see that a hot-air balloon ride (something high on my "bucket list") was on our agenda. For my partner, not so much. But I told him we WERE doing the balloon ride; and that was that. :) Fast forward to the last day of our weekend trip (which was wonderful!), and us getting up early to board the bus to the Chandon Estate for our adventure. We were all excited and nervous - only 3 of our group of 12 having ever been in a hot air balloon. Little did we know that we would fall in love with the experience - and our pilot- the second we left the ground. My partner, who didn't want to go in the first place, just giggled like a child on Christmas morning. We were all breathless as we floated peacefully into the skies above the beautiful Napa Valley. If we closed our eyes, we wouldn't have even known we were afloat. The silence and serenity was moving. Seeing the same places we had visited all weekend long in this way was so impactful, so much more beautiful - we were so much more "at one" with our surroundings and so much more appreciative of the beauty laid out before us. We were "changed". Add to this the expertise, friendliness and kindheartedness of our pilot, Ken Custis. He made us all feel so safe and comfortable. He educated us about this beautiful valley, where he grew up, pointing out all the wonders below us. He pointed out the rivers, the bay, the skyline of San Francisco in the distance. He told us about his high school (and the rival school), about his childhood in Napa. He described everything he was doing with the balloon - how it worked, where we were headed, how multiple balloons in the air at the same time determined right-of-way and communicated with each other, etc. He was amazing. He brought us down to earth at the end of our journey with ease and skill. Though we all braced ourselves and expected a major "jolt", Ken literally floated us down to earth like a cloud. As we descended and were faced with a train track on one side and the deep depression of a dried-up water reservoir on the other, Ken nailed the landing on the reservoir's narrow levy - barely wider than the balloon's basket. And the Napa Valley Balloons ground crew was already approaching us to assist in guiding us to a grassy field as we touched down in perfect balance. All of us in that basket knew we had just shared, together, one of the most amazing experiences of our lives. We were "connected" by it, forever. Nearly a month later, I still revisit the experience in my mind and in photos...and it still makes me feel like I'm on Cloud 9.
Apr 2013
I can only do so much wine tasting and to have an early morning activity going up in a hot air balloon was very fun, not scarey at all as my wife had feared, and is run by a first rate proprietor and pilot, Gabe.Go into this knowing the balloon ride is weather permitting, so schedule early in your stay. This was very well organized,with a first rate breakfast after the balloon ride. I was most impressed with how Gabe, the Proprietor and his staff want to go above and beyond to make it a great experience. There were complications prior to our particular trip, and Gabe after taking one group up, didn't want to disappoint us, and went out of his way to take a second group up- no small feat. I highly recommend Napa Valley Balloons.
Kathy J
Jun 2012
Napa Valley Balloons Company was AMAZING!! The morning starts off early, but soon becomes absolutely worth every moment of it. The people that we met on our trip were fabulous, everyone to include the Company Staff were friendly (even at 5am) and were very accommodating. We ended up on "Big Blue" balloon with Kim, who was our hot air balloon pilot. He was very knowledgeable and professional, and made a very smooth landing for us, and the flight was terrific. We were fortunate when we had our flight last week on Memorial Day weekend, that we could see San Francisco from our balloon. The flight was a lot of fun and a perfect way to start of a day in the Napa area. FOR A PERFECT DAY, I recommend the Hot Air Balloon ride in the morning, followed by Beau Wine Tours, going to Ceja and O’Brien wineries, and ending with dinner at Bistro Sabor.

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