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Park Narodowy Yellowstone — całodniowa wycieczka do dolnej pętli z Jackson Hole

Przeglądaj Yellowstone podczas 11-12 godzinnej wycieczki z lokalnym przewodnikiem. Wyrusz w okolice FROM JACKSON HOLE, WY , by zobaczyć pierwszy park narodowy w Ameryce. Zobacz jego kultową Old Faithful, podziwiaj wodospady Wielkiego Kanionu i szukaj dzikiej przyrody, w tym grizzli, żubrów, szarych wilków i innych. Ta wycieczka obejmuje zarówno lekkie śniadanie, lunch i opłaty za wstęp do parku, jak i korzystanie z lornetki.

W przypadku dat wycieczek PRZED 13 maja, ponieważ wejście południowe jest zamknięte, wycieczki pojadą z Jackson do West Yellowstone wejść przez Zachodnią Bramę. W związku z tym nie będziemy zwiedzać Grand Teton Park od 15 kwietnia do 12 maja.
Miasto: Park Narodowy Grand Teton
Wed 23 Oct
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $345.00
Wed 23 Oct
Zaczynać od $345.00
co jest zawarte
Opłaty za Park Narodowy
Odbiór i dowóz do hotelu w wybranych kwaterach w hotelu Jackson
Indyk, szynka, pieczeń wołowa lub kanapka z warzywami na białym, pszenicznym lub na zakwasie
Lokalny przewodnik
Obiad piknikowy, prosimy o przesłanie tego, co chciałby każdy podróżnik:
śniadanie kontynentalne
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Wszystkie obszary i powierzchnie są dostępne dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Odpowiedni dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Obejmuje umiarkowaną ilość chodzenia
  • Działa w deszczu lub w słońcu; prosimy o odpowiedni ubiór.
  • Minimalny wiek to 6 lat. Prywatne wycieczki mogą być organizowane z młodszymi dziećmi.
  • Wyżywienie: w polu „Specjalne wymagania” napisz, co każdy podróżny chciałby zjeść na lunch: indyk, szynka, pieczona wołowina lub kanapka z warzywami na białym lub pszennym lub na zakwasie chleb ORAZ śniadanie: Burrito z jajkiem na kiełbasie LUB jajkiem na bekonie i burrito z serem LUB jogurtem z owocami.
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Regularnie odkażane obszary o dużym natężeniu ruchu
  • Sprzęt/sprzęt dezynfekowany między użyciami
  • Środki transportu regularnie dezynfekowane
Czego oczekiwać
Park Narodowy Grand Teton
Przejedziemy przez Park Narodowy Grand Teton w drodze do Yellowstone i zrobimy kilka przystanków po drodze. Majestatyczne, budzące podziw pasmo górskie Teton w Górach Skalistych to zachodnia krawędź Grand Teton Park i Jackson Hole. Te nierówne szczyty liczące od 11 000 do 13 000+, bez przedgórza, wznoszą się prosto z doliny Jackson Hole poniżej.
Stary Wierny
Przeżyj erupcję najbardziej kultowego gejzeru na świecie z całą swoją wybuchową chwałą.
Pojemnik z farbą fontannową
Ten wulkaniczny krajobraz, położony w dolnym basenie gejzerów, obejmuje wszystkie 4 rodzaje aktywnych obiektów geotermalnych w jednym miejscu, w tym: gejzery, zbiorniki błotne, gorące źródła i fumarole (ujścia pary).
Górne wodospady
Zobacz, usłysz i poczuj grzmiącą moc rzeki Yellowstone zanurzającej się 109 stóp nad Upper Yellowstone Falls.
Dolina Haydena
Ta piękna, bogata w dziką przyrodę dolina między jeziorem Yellowstone a Upper Falls leży okrakiem nad rzeką Yellowstone i jest głównym siedliskiem żubrów, łosi, niedźwiedzi grizzly, bielików amerykańskich i wilków.
Jezioro Yellowstone
To rozległe jezioro w największym powyżej 7000 stóp w Ameryce Północnej, położone na wysokości 7732 stóp nad poziomem morza i obejmujące 136 mil kwadratowych.
Show 3 więcej przystanków
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (324)
Sep 2021
Our first day in Yellowstone was amazing. Yes, because of the. Breathtaking sights and beauty but the experience was made so special by our guides Gary and Cloyd. I have been on many trips and have never been so impressed with the level of knowledge and how to share it in entertaining stories that kept my attention and interest all day! I literally would do this trip AGAIN!!!
Sep 2021
It is difficult to review this trip because I think the tour itself has potential to be excellent. However, our guide, Diane, was terrible. First off, the reason we picked this tour was because it got excellent reviews and on EVERY email and text it stated Masks would be required whenever on the shuttle bus. It also stated that the bus would be a small group, no larger than nine people. Four of us booked it together so we felt it would be fairly safe in terms of Covid risks. When the shuttle bus arrive it had seats for 20 and by the time everyone was picked up there were 18 passengers plus the guide and a driver. Once everyone was on the bus, our guide, Diane, told us she doesn't like to wear a mask all day, that it is hard on her voice. She said let's take a vote and decide if we need to wear masks or not. Many other passengers felt they did not want to wear masks. I would not have signed up for this if it hadn't stated over and over and over again that masks were mandatory. Shortly after Diane took the vote about the masks we made a stop and a few people on the bus, including me, told Diane we were uncomfortable with the change in policy with regard to masks. When people boarded the bus again Diane put on her mask and announced that it has come to her attention that some people want people to wear masks. Diane then did wear her mask on the bus but didn't enforce others to do so. We were supposed to be picked up at a location in Jackson Hole at 6:30. At 6:30 Diane called to say the bus was running late because they didn't have enough sandwiches for all the passengers on the bus. She said they would be 15 minutes late. After they picked us up they picked up other passengers and it seemed neither the guide nor the driver knew their way around the area to get to the other pick up locations. Since we were running late, Diane decided to change the order of events. She was disorganized and appeared frazzled all day long. The scenery was beautiful and the stops worthwhile. I just wish we had a more organized guide. Our driver Scott was more knowledgable and often took the mic to explain things to us and share stories. Do to out hectic schedule we ended up eating lunch after 1 and eating at a rest area without tables or chairs. The day trip was scheduled to be approximately 12 hours but due to the lack of organization we were gone over 14 hours.
Sep 2021
We went on this trip with recommendations from Trip Advisor. From the beginning, this tour seemed doomed. We received a call 5 minutes after our pick up time from our guide, Diane, saying they were about 10-15 minutes late because they were not given all the lunches. Ok, no problem. We got picked up 10 minutes late, and then went to pick up some of the other guests. Our guide and driver didn't seem to know the downtown Jackson Hole area to find the hotels, and went around in a circle, very confused about where to go. We eventually picked all guests up. Once all the guests were on the bus, our guide then seemed to want to take a vote as to whether it was OK if she didn't wear a mask as it was uncomfortable for her to talk through it all day. A lot of the guests said "sure, no problem, we don't want to wear this face diaper anyway", etc... Well, one of the main reasons we took this tour was that in ALL the literature, emails, texts, etc... it stated that all passengers were required to wear masks. So the guide basically said let's take a vote. So this was a major problem for me and my group. From there, we went to the store to pick the remaining lunch. I mean, why did you tell me you were late because you had to pick up the lunch??? During this time, I confronted Diane and told her that we were uncomfortable on the bus with no masks, and she said she understood and would make sure that masks were worn. She stepped on the bus wearing her mask, and one of the guests told her she didn't need to wear it. She replied that there were others that wanted her and the remaining guests to wear them. To her credit, she kept her mask on the entire trip. However, it was a major effort to get some of the other guests to wear them. I had to remind Diane twice during the trip to ask the guests to continue to wear them, and there was grumbling under the breath of the guests. Most of them did wear them, although many below their nose and it was just a struggle and made me and my party very uncomfortable. Well, since we got lost picking up some guests, and had to go to the store to get the additional lunch, we ended up behind schedule. So Diane and our driver, Scott, decided that there was a good we were going to miss the first Old Faithful eruption, so they decided to do the tour in reverse. Didn't seem like a big deal, because we were assured we would see Old Faithful, which everyone wanted to. At this point, it seemed to throw Diane for a loop, and the rest of the day there didn't seem to be a real schedule. She kept referencing the fact that we were doing this in reverse. It just seemed that there was no plan for anything. We ended up eating lunch at an area for a rest, where we ate on stone pillars that certainly were not made for eating. Diane said at one point that she did these tours once a week, and it sure showed. Her knowledge seemed very limited, she couldn't answer what seemed like simple questions. Now, our driver, Scott, who apparently was a guide on most days, was wonderful. He did grab the microphone a few times to speak about a few things, and it was like night and day when he was speaking. He was smooth, knowledgeable, and gave some great stories. I would have been very happy if he was our guide the entire trip. One additional point about Diane. At one point, she told a story about a park guest that ended up getting mauled by a bear. She began the store with "This one time, an Asian couple", and told the story. I looked at my wife and wondered what the point of saying "Asian couple" was. Would she have said "White couple, or Jewish couple"? You get my point. We have been on many trips through Viator, and have never been disappointed. However, this time I was. I feel that it would have been much better had we had a different guide who was more knowledgeable. Also was very disappointed in the mask situation as described above. Diane seemed like a very nice person, so this is not personal, but it definitely felt as though we did not get the experience we paid for. My recommendation is to make sure that Diane is not your guide.

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