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Park Narodowy Yosemite i gigantyczne sekwoje 3-dniowa wycieczka z częściowym przewodnikiem (bez zakwaterowania)

Wysokie granitowe klify i gigantyczne sekwoje to główne atrakcje tej wielodniowej wycieczki po Yosemite. To jedyna wycieczka do Doliny Yosemite z San Francisco, podczas której doświadczysz samotności Tuolumne Grove gigantycznych sekwoi, największych żywych istot na Ziemi. Po zapoznaniu się z wycieczką z przewodnikiem po górach Sierra Nevada i parku Yosemite będziesz miał mnóstwo wolnego czasu przez trzy dni i dwie noce na wędrówki, jazdę na rowerze i zwiedzanie we własnym tempie. Zrób niesamowite zdjęcia wodospadów Yosemite, Nevada i Bridalveil, a następnie przejdź do granitowych pomników El Capitan, Half Dome i innych. Możliwość wyboru zakwaterowania. Gwarantowane wyjazdy przez 365 dni w roku.
Miasto: San Francisco
Tue 17 Sep
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $269.00
Tue 17 Sep
Zaczynać od $269.00
co jest zawarte
Opłata za wstęp do Yosemite
Klimatyzowany pojazd
Wszystkie opłaty i podatki
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Niemowlęta i małe dzieci mogą jeździć w wózku dziecięcym lub spacerowym
  • Zwierzęta towarzyszące są dozwolone
  • Środki transportu publicznego są dostępne w pobliżu
  • Podróżujący powinni mieć co najmniej umiarkowany poziom sprawności fizycznej
  • Dokładne miejsca docelowe i trasa mogą się różnić w zależności od pogody, warunków drogowych i uznania przewodnika.
  • Kalifornia prawo wymaga od gości wycieczki przywiezienia fotelika samochodowego dla wszystkich dzieci w wieku poniżej 8 lat i poniżej 4 stóp 9" (1,4 metra) wzrostu. Każdy gość, który nie zapewnia fotelika dla swojego dziecka w czasie wycieczki i nie informuje organizator wycieczki z wyprzedzeniem może nie zostać wpuszczony na pokład wycieczki i nie podlega zwrotowi kosztów.
  • W przypadku odbioru z hotelu wybierz Hilton Union Square, jeśli Twojego hotelu nie ma na liście.
  • Giant Sequoias Grove znajduje się na większej wysokości, a wędrówka zależy od warunków panujących na szlaku, zwłaszcza od października do maja. Lód i śnieg mogą sprawić, że szlak będzie niesprawny chętnie wędrować. Decyzja o tym, czy wędrówka jest bezpieczna, będzie podejmowana każdego dnia. Dlatego nie można zagwarantować wizyty. Jednak chociaż szlak może być zamknięty, goście mogą spędzić więcej czasu w Dolinie Yosemite. Możesz tam zobaczyć wszystkie inne wspaniałe atrakcje Yosemite, w tym El Capitan, Inspiration Point, Half Dome, Yosemite Falls i wiele innych.
  • Dostęp do Sequoia Grove może być utrudniony w miesiącach zimowych, zazwyczaj w październiku do kwietnia, a inne zajęcia mogą zostać zastąpione według uznania przewodnika.
  • W miesiącach zimowych temperatury w Yosemite mogą drastycznie różnić się od tych w San Francisco. Dlatego zaleca się noszenie odzieży zimowej, zwłaszcza butów lub butów z gumową podeszwą i bieżnikiem.
  • Wycieczka zatrzymuje się na śniadanie, lunch iw drodze powrotnej na obiad. Posiłki nie są wliczone w cenę.
  • Łącza audio są dostępne w języku hiszpańskim, portugalskim, włoskim, francuskim, niemieckim, koreańskim, chińskim i japońskim. Określ język w momencie rezerwacji w ramach specjalnych wymagań.
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Recenzje (6)
Sep 2019
I paid in full for the 3 day tour to Yosemite. 3 days later they decide to tell me the accomodation isn't available for one of the days I was intending to go and asked if I wanted to cancel, after taking the payment. It has been a month since then and I still haven't received a refund for this. Why take payment and let you book certain days to only tell you later that it isn't available, it's a ridiculous system it should be clear when accomodation is booked up or not. I have been patient but every time I enquire they keep promising it'll be a few more days. I am a student and it is a lot of money for me to be out of pocket for nothing. I managed to book on another tour with another company which was great and I would highly recommend anyone to visit Yosemite but just be careful who you book with and enquire before handing them payments.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Sep 2019
Becky, we regret the frustration that you've experienced. We have not been able to refund your card because, for security reasons, we do not retain guests' cc information. If you will call our office today (415-357-0700) and ask for Gary, I'll personally take the information we need and process your refund immediately. We DO want to get this right for you!
Jul 2019
I booked a tour with Extranomical Tours for a Yosemite 3 day tour – dorm room for July 6th-8th 2019. I was picked up at the Hilton in Union Square after the transport was 20 minutes late for the scheduled arrival. The bus had seats that were dirty and smelled fowl and were in a need of a deep cleaning. The driver Gino was a middle aged man who spoke with a heavy eastern European/Russian accent. This would not be such a big deal, however the driver also was the tour guide for the entire trip. It was very hard to understand and comprehend what he was stating about what we were driving past. My driver for my departure from Yosemite was Jason. I have nothing negative to say about him. There was no personalization throughout the entire trip. In fact, the sight-seeing aspect of the trip felt extremely rushed. The tour group should give more time when stopping at sites/points of interest. They hoard too many people and there is not even a full-time guide. The driver is playing the role of a guide. Such companies should not be operating. When I called customer service to express my concerns, I was met with unknowledgeable associates who were unwilling/unable to communicate on said issues. It was a terrible mistake booking the tour with Extranomical Tours. I have been on numerous tour groups and this was by far the worst one. I will never use this tour group to book again, and would strongly advise you to at least do your research on this tour group.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jul 2019
We were sad to hear that you were disappointed with your tour last week. Thank you for taking my call on Friday. Please know that your comments are taken seriously and that we use them to get better every day. Your primary issue was with the guide on the way to Yosemite. Gino is one of our most experienced (and highly rated) guides but we have passed your comment on so he be more careful with his pronunciation. We are also sensitive to your disappointment about the pace of the tour. We have concluded after many years of running our Total Yosemite Experience that our guests want to see the park's Giant Sequoias, waterfalls, and famous monuments. Doing so requires that we be timely with our scheduled stops. Most guests appreciate this, and we were sorry it didn't feel right to you. I know you told me that you'd already returned home but next time you are in San Francisco, please contact me at [email protected] and I'll make sure you get our best (and at no charge!).
Jun 2019
We took a 3 day Yosemite Tour from San Francisco(SF). Extranomical is not much of a tour company it is more like a travel arranger who picks up guests and drops them off to their destinations. They picked us up from SF and took us to Yosemite barely stopping at one photo stop of around 10 mins. Even though we booked our hotel through them they just dropped us at Yosemite and informed us that they will pick us up after 2 days.. thats it. They also have funny rules that you can’t carry luggage beyond a small backpack each. We found it extremely difficult to manage in such cold climate with a small bag which could barely accommodate a jacket. On the day of our journey back the driver made us wait in the rain till all the passengers who came on a day trip had taken their chosen seat before letting us on the bus. So, we took a 3 day trip and then waited in the rain to get the worst seats. Sounds silly but is true. My take is that because locals usually use their own cars and don’t use tour companies the quality of the tour companies are abysmal. They know that tourists have no options but to use their sub-par services. Use them if you must.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jun 2019
We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed with your trip to Yosemite. Please call our SF office (415-357-0700) and ask for Gary so we can put things right. Readers of your review should know several things about the tour itinerary and logistics: 1) your first day included a 75-minute photo stop at the Tuolumne Giant Redwood trees and 3 additional exploration stops totaling about 3 hours, 2) as a courtesy to the other passengers on your return day, we let them, board, first so their personal possessions are not disturbed--most everyone is understanding about this, 3) all of our tour descriptions and tour itineraries inform overnight guests that their time in the Valley is their own free time and not guided, and 4) our tour coaches are smaller, more intimate transport and have limited space under the seats or in overheads for large suitcases--you had the opportunity when you booked to pay $50 for additional luggage and you did not accept that offer. Anyway, I hope this helps and that you otherwise enjoyed your time in beautiful Yosemite National Park.
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