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1,5-часовой обзорный круиз с дельфинами из Тампы

Знаете ли вы, что в заливе Тампа обитает более 600 атлантических афалин? В этом 1,5-часовом круизе ваш капитан и гиды научат вас находить дельфинов, и к концу вы станете экспертом. Вы можете выбрать утренний или дневной рейс в соответствии с вашим расписанием.
Город: Тампа
Tue 04 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $30.77
Tue 04 Mar
Начинается с $30.77
Что включено
Bottled water
Professional guide
1.5-hour sightseeing cruise
Live commentary on board
Bottled water
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех уровни физической подготовки
  • В наших турах дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослого
  • Операция Covid-19 Health. Мы уменьшили вместимость наших судов с 45 до 15, чтобы обеспечить социальное дистанцирование каждой группы на лодке. Наши лодки будут дезинфицироваться между каждым отплытием. ВСЕ гости должны постоянно носить маски для лица (носа и рта). В посадке будет отказано любому гостю без покрытия для лица без возмещения стоимости. Мы заботимся о вашем здоровье и здоровье наших сотрудников. Так что спасибо за сотрудничество, мы ценим это.
  • Маски для лица необходимы для путешественников в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица необходимы для гидов в общественных местах
  • Доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук для путешественников и сотрудников
  • Социальное дистанцирование на протяжении всего опыта
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспорт транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гид должен регулярно мыть руки
  • Платная политика пребывания дома для персонала с симптомами
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
  • гости будут разделены на группы с участниками группы
Что ожидать
Tampa Water Taxi Company
After boarding your cruise, you'll travel out in the bay to see pods of friendly Atlantic Bottle-nose dolphins. Your captain will bring you to areas where these dolphins spend their day feeding, playing and raising there young. Just outside Tampa's downtown is the nursery for Tampa Bay's dolphin population where mothers and calves frolic the day away. Your guide will explain the daily life and habits of the dolphin on this 1.5-hour cruise. When your guides spot the pods of dolphins, the boat will stop within 30 feet (10 meters) or less as the guides have ways to get them to come right to the boats. Keep your cameras ready as you will see dolphins closer than you ever thought. You will be a master of dolphin spotting by the end of your cruise! After seeing the dolphins you'll head back to to downtown Tampa, cruising the channels and river and learning about the great city of Tampa.
Our tours are a once in a lifetime experience. The captains spot the dolphins every trip. Keep your cameras at the ready as the dolphins will be closer than you ever thought. Your tour starts out taking you past the homes of the rich and famous on you way to the bay were the dolphins live.
Tampa Water Taxi Company
After boarding your cruise, you'll travel out in the bay to see pods of friendly Atlantic Bottle-nose dolphins. Your captain will bring you to areas where these dolphins spend their day feeding, playing and raising there young. Just outside Tampa's downtown is the nursery for Tampa Bay's dolphin population where mothers and calves frolic the day away. Your guide will explain the daily life and habits of the dolphin on this 1.5-hour cruise. When your guides spot the pods of dolphins, the boat will stop within 30 feet (10 meters) or less as the guides have ways to get them to come right to the boats. Keep your cameras ready as you will see dolphins closer than you ever thought. You will be a master of dolphin spotting by the end of your cruise! After seeing the dolphins you'll head back to to downtown Tampa, cruising the channels and river and learning about the great city of Tampa.
Our tours are a once in a lifetime experience. The captains spot the dolphins every trip. Keep your cameras at the ready as the dolphins will be closer than you ever thought. Your tour starts out taking you past the homes of the rich and famous on you way to the bay were the dolphins live.
Tampa Water Taxi Company
After boarding your cruise, you'll travel out in the bay to see pods of friendly Atlantic Bottle-nose dolphins. Your captain will bring you to areas where these dolphins spend their day feeding, playing and raising there young. Just outside Tampa's downtown is the nursery for Tampa Bay's dolphin population where mothers and calves frolic the day away. Your guide will explain the daily life and habits of the dolphin on this 1.5-hour cruise. When your guides spot the pods of dolphins, the boat will stop within 30 feet (10 meters) or less as the guides have ways to get them to come right to the boats. Keep your cameras ready as you will see dolphins closer than you ever thought. You will be a master of dolphin spotting by the end of your cruise! After seeing the dolphins you'll head back to to downtown Tampa, cruising the channels and river and learning about the great city of Tampa.
Our tours are a once in a lifetime experience. The captains spot the dolphins every trip. Keep your cameras at the ready as the dolphins will be closer than you ever thought. Your tour starts out taking you past the homes of the rich and famous on you way to the bay were the dolphins live.
Tampa Water Taxi Company
After boarding your cruise, you'll travel out in the bay to see pods of friendly Atlantic Bottle-nose dolphins. Your captain will bring you to areas where these dolphins spend their day feeding, playing and raising there young. Just outside Tampa's downtown is the nursery for Tampa Bay's dolphin population where mothers and calves frolic the day away. Your guide will explain the daily life and habits of the dolphin on this 1.5-hour cruise. When your guides spot the pods of dolphins, the boat will stop within 30 feet (10 meters) or less as the guides have ways to get them to come right to the boats. Keep your cameras ready as you will see dolphins closer than you ever thought. You will be a master of dolphin spotting by the end of your cruise! After seeing the dolphins you'll head back to to downtown Tampa, cruising the channels and river and learning about the great city of Tampa.
Our tours are a once in a lifetime experience. The captains spot the dolphins every trip. Keep your cameras at the ready as the dolphins will be closer than you ever thought. Your tour starts out taking you past the homes of the rich and famous on you way to the bay were the dolphins live.
Tampa Water Taxi Company
After boarding your cruise, you'll travel out in the bay to see pods of friendly Atlantic Bottle-nose dolphins. Your captain will bring you to areas where these dolphins spend their day feeding, playing and raising there young. Just outside Tampa's downtown is the nursery for Tampa Bay's dolphin population where mothers and calves frolic the day away. Your guide will explain the daily life and habits of the dolphin on this 1.5-hour cruise. When your guides spot the pods of dolphins, the boat will stop within 30 feet (10 meters) or less as the guides have ways to get them to come right to the boats. Keep your cameras ready as you will see dolphins closer than you ever thought. You will be a master of dolphin spotting by the end of your cruise! After seeing the dolphins you'll head back to to downtown Tampa, cruising the channels and river and learning about the great city of Tampa.
Our tours are a once in a lifetime experience. The captains spot the dolphins every trip. Keep your cameras at the ready as the dolphins will be closer than you ever thought. Your tour starts out taking you past the homes of the rich and famous on you way to the bay were the dolphins live.
Tampa Water Taxi Company
After boarding your cruise, you'll travel out in the bay to see pods of friendly Atlantic Bottle-nose dolphins. Your captain will bring you to areas where these dolphins spend their day feeding, playing and raising there young. Just outside Tampa's downtown is the nursery for Tampa Bay's dolphin population where mothers and calves frolic the day away. Your guide will explain the daily life and habits of the dolphin on this 1.5-hour cruise. When your guides spot the pods of dolphins, the boat will stop within 30 feet (10 meters) or less as the guides have ways to get them to come right to the boats. Keep your cameras ready as you will see dolphins closer than you ever thought. You will be a master of dolphin spotting by the end of your cruise! After seeing the dolphins you'll head back to to downtown Tampa, cruising the channels and river and learning about the great city of Tampa.
Our tours are a once in a lifetime experience. The captains spot the dolphins every trip. Keep your cameras at the ready as the dolphins will be closer than you ever thought. Your tour starts out taking you past the homes of the rich and famous on you way to the bay were the dolphins live.
Tampa Water Taxi Company
After boarding your cruise, you'll travel out in the bay to see pods of friendly Atlantic Bottle-nose dolphins. Your captain will bring you to areas where these dolphins spend their day feeding, playing and raising there young. Just outside Tampa's downtown is the nursery for Tampa Bay's dolphin population where mothers and calves frolic the day away. Your guide will explain the daily life and habits of the dolphin on this 1.5-hour cruise. When your guides spot the pods of dolphins, the boat will stop within 30 feet (10 meters) or less as the guides have ways to get them to come right to the boats. Keep your cameras ready as you will see dolphins closer than you ever thought. You will be a master of dolphin spotting by the end of your cruise! After seeing the dolphins you'll head back to to downtown Tampa, cruising the channels and river and learning about the great city of Tampa.
Our tours are a once in a lifetime experience. The captains spot the dolphins every trip. Keep your cameras at the ready as the dolphins will be closer than you ever thought. Your tour starts out taking you past the homes of the rich and famous on you way to the bay were the dolphins live.
Tampa Water Taxi Company
After boarding your cruise, you'll travel out in the bay to see pods of friendly Atlantic Bottle-nose dolphins. Your captain will bring you to areas where these dolphins spend their day feeding, playing and raising there young. Just outside Tampa's downtown is the nursery for Tampa Bay's dolphin population where mothers and calves frolic the day away. Your guide will explain the daily life and habits of the dolphin on this 1.5-hour cruise. When your guides spot the pods of dolphins, the boat will stop within 30 feet (10 meters) or less as the guides have ways to get them to come right to the boats. Keep your cameras ready as you will see dolphins closer than you ever thought. You will be a master of dolphin spotting by the end of your cruise! After seeing the dolphins you'll head back to to downtown Tampa, cruising the channels and river and learning about the great city of Tampa.
Our tours are a once in a lifetime experience. The captains spot the dolphins every trip. Keep your cameras at the ready as the dolphins will be closer than you ever thought. Your tour starts out taking you past the homes of the rich and famous on you way to the bay were the dolphins live.
Tampa Water Taxi Company
After boarding your cruise, you'll travel out in the bay to see pods of friendly Atlantic Bottle-nose dolphins. Your captain will bring you to areas where these dolphins spend their day feeding, playing and raising there young. Just outside Tampa's downtown is the nursery for Tampa Bay's dolphin population where mothers and calves frolic the day away. Your guide will explain the daily life and habits of the dolphin on this 1.5-hour cruise. When your guides spot the pods of dolphins, the boat will stop within 30 feet (10 meters) or less as the guides have ways to get them to come right to the boats. Keep your cameras ready as you will see dolphins closer than you ever thought. You will be a master of dolphin spotting by the end of your cruise! After seeing the dolphins you'll head back to to downtown Tampa, cruising the channels and river and learning about the great city of Tampa.
Our tours are a once in a lifetime experience. The captains spot the dolphins every trip. Keep your cameras at the ready as the dolphins will be closer than you ever thought. Your tour starts out taking you past the homes of the rich and famous on you way to the bay were the dolphins live.
Tampa Water Taxi Company
After boarding your cruise, you'll travel out in the bay to see pods of friendly Atlantic Bottle-nose dolphins. Your captain will bring you to areas where these dolphins spend their day feeding, playing and raising there young. Just outside Tampa's downtown is the nursery for Tampa Bay's dolphin population where mothers and calves frolic the day away. Your guide will explain the daily life and habits of the dolphin on this 1.5-hour cruise. When your guides spot the pods of dolphins, the boat will stop within 30 feet (10 meters) or less as the guides have ways to get them to come right to the boats. Keep your cameras ready as you will see dolphins closer than you ever thought. You will be a master of dolphin spotting by the end of your cruise! After seeing the dolphins you'll head back to to downtown Tampa, cruising the channels and river and learning about the great city of Tampa.
Our tours are a once in a lifetime experience. The captains spot the dolphins every trip. Keep your cameras at the ready as the dolphins will be closer than you ever thought. Your tour starts out taking you past the homes of the rich and famous on you way to the bay were the dolphins live.
Tampa Water Taxi Company
After boarding your cruise, you'll travel out in the bay to see pods of friendly Atlantic Bottle-nose dolphins. Your captain will bring you to areas where these dolphins spend their day feeding, playing and raising there young. Just outside Tampa's downtown is the nursery for Tampa Bay's dolphin population where mothers and calves frolic the day away. Your guide will explain the daily life and habits of the dolphin on this 1.5-hour cruise. When your guides spot the pods of dolphins, the boat will stop within 30 feet (10 meters) or less as the guides have ways to get them to come right to the boats. Keep your cameras ready as you will see dolphins closer than you ever thought. You will be a master of dolphin spotting by the end of your cruise! After seeing the dolphins you'll head back to to downtown Tampa, cruising the channels and river and learning about the great city of Tampa.
Our tours are a once in a lifetime experience. The captains spot the dolphins every trip. Keep your cameras at the ready as the dolphins will be closer than you ever thought. Your tour starts out taking you past the homes of the rich and famous on you way to the bay were the dolphins live.
Tampa Water Taxi Company
After boarding your cruise, you'll travel out in the bay to see pods of friendly Atlantic Bottle-nose dolphins. Your captain will bring you to areas where these dolphins spend their day feeding, playing and raising there young. Just outside Tampa's downtown is the nursery for Tampa Bay's dolphin population where mothers and calves frolic the day away. Your guide will explain the daily life and habits of the dolphin on this 1.5-hour cruise. When your guides spot the pods of dolphins, the boat will stop within 30 feet (10 meters) or less as the guides have ways to get them to come right to the boats. Keep your cameras ready as you will see dolphins closer than you ever thought. You will be a master of dolphin spotting by the end of your cruise! After seeing the dolphins you'll head back to to downtown Tampa, cruising the channels and river and learning about the great city of Tampa.
Our tours are a once in a lifetime experience. The captains spot the dolphins every trip. Keep your cameras at the ready as the dolphins will be closer than you ever thought. Your tour starts out taking you past the homes of the rich and famous on you way to the bay were the dolphins live.
Tampa Water Taxi Company
After boarding your cruise, you'll travel out in the bay to see pods of friendly Atlantic Bottle-nose dolphins. Your captain will bring you to areas where these dolphins spend their day feeding, playing and raising there young. Just outside Tampa's downtown is the nursery for Tampa Bay's dolphin population where mothers and calves frolic the day away. Your guide will explain the daily life and habits of the dolphin on this 1.5-hour cruise. When your guides spot the pods of dolphins, the boat will stop within 30 feet (10 meters) or less as the guides have ways to get them to come right to the boats. Keep your cameras ready as you will see dolphins closer than you ever thought. You will be a master of dolphin spotting by the end of your cruise! After seeing the dolphins you'll head back to to downtown Tampa, cruising the channels and river and learning about the great city of Tampa.
Our tours are a once in a lifetime experience. The captains spot the dolphins every trip. Keep your cameras at the ready as the dolphins will be closer than you ever thought. Your tour starts out taking you past the homes of the rich and famous on you way to the bay were the dolphins live.
Tampa Water Taxi Company
After boarding your cruise, you'll travel out in the bay to see pods of friendly Atlantic Bottle-nose dolphins. Your captain will bring you to areas where these dolphins spend their day feeding, playing and raising there young. Just outside Tampa's downtown is the nursery for Tampa Bay's dolphin population where mothers and calves frolic the day away. Your guide will explain the daily life and habits of the dolphin on this 1.5-hour cruise. When your guides spot the pods of dolphins, the boat will stop within 30 feet (10 meters) or less as the guides have ways to get them to come right to the boats. Keep your cameras ready as you will see dolphins closer than you ever thought. You will be a master of dolphin spotting by the end of your cruise! After seeing the dolphins you'll head back to to downtown Tampa, cruising the channels and river and learning about the great city of Tampa.
Our tours are a once in a lifetime experience. The captains spot the dolphins every trip. Keep your cameras at the ready as the dolphins will be closer than you ever thought. Your tour starts out taking you past the homes of the rich and famous on you way to the bay were the dolphins live.
Tampa Water Taxi Company
After boarding your cruise, you'll travel out in the bay to see pods of friendly Atlantic Bottle-nose dolphins. Your captain will bring you to areas where these dolphins spend their day feeding, playing and raising there young. Just outside Tampa's downtown is the nursery for Tampa Bay's dolphin population where mothers and calves frolic the day away. Your guide will explain the daily life and habits of the dolphin on this 1.5-hour cruise. When your guides spot the pods of dolphins, the boat will stop within 30 feet (10 meters) or less as the guides have ways to get them to come right to the boats. Keep your cameras ready as you will see dolphins closer than you ever thought. You will be a master of dolphin spotting by the end of your cruise! After seeing the dolphins you'll head back to to downtown Tampa, cruising the channels and river and learning about the great city of Tampa.
Our tours are a once in a lifetime experience. The captains spot the dolphins every trip. Keep your cameras at the ready as the dolphins will be closer than you ever thought. Your tour starts out taking you past the homes of the rich and famous on you way to the bay were the dolphins live.
Компания водного такси Тампы
После посадки в круиз вы отправитесь в бухту, чтобы увидеть стаи дружелюбных атлантических афалин. Ваш капитан отвезет вас в районы, где эти дельфины проводят свой день, кормясь, играя и выращивая там детенышей. Недалеко от центра города Тампа находится питомник для популяции дельфинов Тампа-Бэй, где матери и детеныши резвятся весь день. Ваш гид расскажет о повседневной жизни и привычках дельфинов в этом 1,5-часовом круизе. Когда ваши гиды заметят стаи дельфинов, лодка остановится в пределах 30 футов (10 метров) или меньше, поскольку у гидов есть способы заставить их подойти прямо к лодкам. Держите свои камеры наготове, так как вы увидите дельфинов ближе, чем вы когда-либо думали. К концу круиза вы станете мастером наблюдения за дельфинами! Увидев дельфинов, вы вернетесь в центр Тампы, совершите круиз по каналам и реке и узнаете о великом городе Тампа.
Наши туры - это незабываемые впечатления. Капитаны замечают дельфинов каждую поездку. Держите свои камеры наготове, так как дельфины будут ближе, чем вы когда-либо думали. Ваш тур начинается с того, что вы проходите мимо домов богатых и знаменитых по пути к заливу, где живут дельфины.
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Отзывы (203)
Dec 2022
We saw the most amazing dolphin courtship behavior- showing off with leaps, playing with a stick and rolling and wrestling- so much fun! Mark was able to get us close while completely respecting the dolphins space. Fantastic trip!
Dec 2022
just going out and seeing the Tampa bay is worth the money! it was a plus to get to see some dolphins and the tour guide was so fun and happy! It was great he gave us water cause it was a really hot day! the boat does have coverings for some shade.
Dec 2022
The weather was perfect and I got to see a good amount of dolphins. My tour guide was awesome and very knowledgeable, which made it even more enjoyable!

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