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2-часовой морской автомобильный тур по Монтерею и Пасифик-Гроув

Фантастические виды океана на каждом шагу. Это один из лучших побережий! Основные моменты включают исторические здания Монтерея, виды на гавань Рыбацкой пристани, Консервный ряд, мыс Влюбленных и множество удивительных смотровых площадок. Подойдите ближе к оленям (при условии, что они снаружи), песчаным дюнам и кипарисам. Кроме того, посетите Пасифик-Гроув, включая центр города и исторические достопримечательности, если позволят бабочки.
Город: Монтерей и Кармель
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $155.00
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $155.00
Что включено
Tank of gas
Rental of GPS-guided touring car
Tank of gas
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Поблизости есть общественный транспорт
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Водителям должно быть не менее 20 лет старше и должен предъявить действующее водительское удостоверение
  • Минимальный возраст 4 года; дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослого
  • Стоимость указана за автомобиль; выберите 1 взрослого на автомобильный тур во время бронирования (до 2 пассажиров на автомобиль).
  • Все арендаторы должны быть в состоянии прочитать, понять и подписать форму освобождения от ответственности и отказа от ответственности
  • Максимум вес 400 фунтов (180 кг) на машину; каждый гонщик должен быть менее 200 фунтов (90 кг) или водить собственный автомобиль
  • Максимальный рост пассажира 6 футов 3 дюйма (190 см)
  • Один член каждой группы должен предъявить кредитная карта и удостоверение личности государственного образца; эта информация будет использоваться только в случае повреждения или утраты имущества
Политика отмены
Все продажи являются окончательными. Возврат средств при отмене невозможен.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (39)
Sep 2020
The 2-hour tour was just enough to stop at some of the spots while still motoring along and enjoying the scenery. The driving/tour is a true 2 hours after you sign paperwork and get a quick introduction to the vehicle. We had a blast driving around and taking in the sites while getting some history on Monterey. Would recommend to anyone!
Ответ от хоста
Feb 2021
Glad you had a good time, hope to see you again soon.
Sep 2020
The Rating is actually 0!!! And I have video footage of "Andrew" in action. Let's start with, it was my birthday! Headline: Andrew cancelled our PAID reservation because he felt that we would damage the cars, called police and CLAIMED we were disturbing his business!! Facts: 1) We went to breakfast and saw that we would be late for our reservation and called to see if there was anything that could be done. We reserved one car for 2 hours. It was about 10:40am when the call was made and the reservation was for 11:00am 2) We showed up Andrew directed me inside to where we could check in. We arrived around 11:45. We should have about 1 hour and 15 minutes left on the tour. I spoke with a woman who said that the reservation was cancelled by the manager and she would go and get him to find out why? Another customer came in (Melissa) at the same time and shared that she was also late (reservation at 11:30am) by this time it is 12:00pm. The woman proceeds to help her with 2 cars, allowing her to start filling out the information on the clipboards. 3) Andrew storms in hands on his hip, asks why we were there because the order was cancelled and there is nothing left to do and we needed to go. They did not provide us with a printed receipt showing the refund nor did we have an email to show what he said was true. I attempted to speak with the other rep to understand if this was policy. I also asked the other customer (Melissa) a question. Andrew proceeded to call the police because he said we were disturbing HIS business and customers. I thought WE were customers!!! 4) He called the police. I took out my phone and recorded the conversation and his next actions... I will post on Social Media (@AkilahTrinay) and contact corporate. YOU CANNOT USE POLICE AS A WEAPON!!! ANDREW HAS GOT TO GO!!! I hope he is not a representation of SEA Car Tours...We will see if any action is taken.
Ответ от хоста
Feb 2021
You should expect to be dealt with by Police when you threaten and assault staff, we have never had such rude arrogant and abusive customers who could not do anything but threaten and curse at staff.
Aug 2020
Absolutely the most fun we had on our getaway! Victor and Kim (I hope I got their names right) were awesome, friendly and helpful! The GPS was hard to follow at times and we got off track, but who cares??? We popped back on the course and back off. As long as you have a smart phone, there are no worries. I would absolutely encourage everyone to make this experience part of their visit to Monterey! Super easy and fun to drive, so don't be intimidated.

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