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5 Days Cathedral Lakes to Clouds Rest & Half Dome

Начните свой поход в Йосемити с одного из самых знаковых участков тропы Джона Мьюира, проходящей между величественными альпийскими озерами к вершинам Клаудс-Рест и Хаф-Доум! Разбейте первую ночь на Соборных озерах среди духа настоящей высокогорной страны, затем прогуляйтесь по JMT вверх и по Соборному перевалу, любуясь потрясающим видом на альпийские вершины по пути. Разбейте лагерь в районе Санрайз-Лейкс на третью ночь, а оттуда поднимитесь на вершину Облачного отдыха (9926 футов), чтобы полюбоваться одним из самых захватывающих видов на долину Йосемити в парке! Ваше приключение завершится восхождением на вершину Хаф-Доум (8836 футов), а затем вы вернетесь в долину Йосемити по тропе тумана, проходящей через два впечатляющих водопада. Напряженный маршрут этой поездки того стоит! Если вы ищете аутентичные впечатления от Йосемити, это приключение для вас!

Поскольку календарь сбивает с толку, наши даты на 2022 год:
29 5 - 2 06
7 /18 - 22/7
22/7 - 26/7
7/8 - 11/8
15/8 - 19/8
25/8 - 29/8
9/18 - 22 сентября
29 сентября - 3 октября
Город: Йосемитский национальный парк
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $1675.00
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $1675.00
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Путешественники должны иметь высокий уровень физической подготовки
  • Маски для лица требуются для путешественников в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица предоставляются путешественникам.
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и сотрудников.
  • Соблюдение социальной дистанции на протяжении всего опыта.
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением.
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры персонала
  • Проверка температуры у путешественников по прибытии
  • Платные правила пребывания на дому для сотрудников с симптомами заболевания
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
Политика отмены
Если вы отмените как минимум за 7 дней до запланированного времени вылета, вы получите полный возврат средств.
Если вы отмените от 3 до 6 дней до запланированного времени вылета, вы получите возврат 50%. .
Если вы отмените бронирование в течение 2 дней до запланированного вылета, вы получите возмещение в размере 0 %.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (24)
Aug 2019
5 days & 4 nights guided back packing experience in Yosemite National Park. August 8-13, 2019. When I signed up for this trip, the difficulty was rated as "Difficult". I usually look at these things and say "Eh, they are just covering their ass". I can honestly say this was the most difficult hike I have ever experienced personally. Plus, it was my first time with a backpack. The weather was beautiful. The views were unbelievable. The experience was unforgettable. Yosemite has to be seen to be believed. The trip was lead by our 2 guides, Will & Matt. Their knowledge of the trails and park was incredible. Their personalities were terrific. Just right for the mixed bag of good friends and new friends in our group. Really, just a perfect match. Matt prepared all the meals. I was expecting freeze dried MRE's but instead was treated to an actual cooked meal from a different cuisine every night. Which was amazing because all of the food was carried in our backpacks and theirs. Along with all of the pots and pans and cooking tools. By the way, all they ask is that you carry a bear can, they carried EVERYTHING else and you would never know that their pack was probably at least 10 pounds heavier than ours. Matts cooking catered to all the different eating habits in the group from vegetarian to gluten free to your typical carnivore. For breakfast one morning he made a frittata which I had never even heard of. It tasted as good as it looked which was pretty amazing. Matt, if I can offer you one bit of advice on your brownie dessert...Try adding the eggs next time 😜. Will was by his side every meal dicing vegetables, boiling water and helping with the dishes afterwards. He will forever be remembered by me for something much bigger however. I am terribly afraid of exposed heights. He actually got me to the top of Mt. Hoffman, over the top of Clouds Rest (not on the "spine" though, you have to know your limits. He got me over the top about 8' lower where there was a ridge with some rocks on one side of me.) and he got me up to the top of Half Dome where our group was fortunate enough to be the ONLY 8 PEOPLE on the summit for a beautiful sunset AND a delicious macaroni and cheese tortellini dinner with vegetables and sausage! After sunset, dinner and dessert on top of HD, Will did something even more incredible for me..he got me down in the dark!! He has the patience of a saint and guided me every step of the way up and down. I am forever grateful to him for helping me past my fear for at least these 2 occasions. My disappointment in myself would have been immeasurable if I had not listened to him and I sat out the climbs up and down any of those 3 summits. Thank you Will for making my vacation one I am forever proud of and will never forget. Thank you Matt for your tireless efforts around the "stove" even after the late night after HD and for offering me the encouragement I needed to try those summits. Thank you both for your conversations at the "back of the pack". This was a 5 day trip I will remember as long as I live thanks to Matt, Will and great group of new and old friends I shared it with. I would HIGHLY recommend this trip to anyone with a sense of adventure. And lastly, thank you Lasting Adventures for an extremely affordable and fantastic way to see one of our nations most awesome treasures. Rich Blackmore
Aug 2019
Three summits 7/26-30. The park was beautiful by it's own. But we had the most incredible guides in Trey and Kelsey. Our group was 6 random people from all over and Trey had an amazing ability to provide enough entertainment and guidance to suit everyone's different personality and skill level. Trey's meals were absolutely amazing and his knowledge of the locations on the trail and spots to see were absolutely jaw dropping. They absolutely made this trip for me, so grateful. I'm still in contact with members of our group.
Jul 2019
The hike with lasting adventures has been soooo great! and lasting memories it will be :)) Critter (or Gabe:) as a guide was so super knowing of the trails and good places to camp and great food for the camps and that comes saying from a person with French background. I joined a family of five for which the parents where my age and the kids where just a bundle of fun. The guide dosed our walking and pause rate superbly well and we had so much fun and beautiful experiences where the trail side lunches and swimming breaks where just from a dream. Thanks again Lasting Adventures for having me! Thanks above all to Critter you made the trail and the lasting adventures come to life. Also socially it was such a great week hiking. I’ll come back for more :)

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