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Пешеходная экскурсия по Фредерику, штат Мэриленд - перекресток Мэриленда

Я Дон Берджесс, житель Фредерика, заинтересованный в том, чтобы разделить мою страсть к культурному туризму и сохранению исторического наследия, поскольку они способствуют сохранению и созданию «чувства места» города.

Я много лет увлекаюсь историей этого региона, и моя роль Фредерика Тура в Facebook позволяет мне совмещать любовь к старине с моими навыками работы с новыми вещами. Я полупрофессиональный фотограф, который фотографировал, показывал и продавал изображения Фредерика, Харперс-Ферри и других регионов.

Подробнее о туре смотрите в маршруте ниже и на сайте fredericktour.org

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По запросу мы можем предложить тематические экскурсии, такие как церкви, архитектура или Гражданская война. , или даже фотосессии.
Город: Фредерик
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $15.00
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $15.00
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English guide
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Что ожидать
Winchester Hall
Winchester Hall / Frederick Female Seminary / Women's College of Frederick. At this stop, we first provide an overview of Frederick from its founding in 1745 to the Civil War to the present day in order to provide context for all of the stops. See a 180 year old girls school that went through several closures, but still exists today as an important part of our heritage.
Historical Society of Frederick County
Loats Female Orphan Asylum / Protestant Episcopal Orphan Home. This is a short stop about two orphanages operated for 75-100 years by the Lutheran and Episcopal churches. Although long gone, their legacies live on with foundations providing college scholarships for needy youth.
Evangelical Lutheran Church
We will learn about the oldest congregation (almost 300 years) responsible for founding Frederick, see the iconic Twin Spires, and see a photo of the sanctuary with some great German engineering during the Civil War.
Carroll Creek Linear Park
Walk up and down Carroll Creek and see the sights
Baker Park
A great resource for the City of Frederick
Join us for a walk through Historic Downtown Frederick, Maryland. The City of Clustered Spires. Discover the city’s rich historical and cultural heritage — from the early German settlement of “Fredericktowne” in 1745, through bustling industry and devastating floods, to the revitalized city of today. This 2-hour, 1.2-mile walking tour comprises 12 stops and about 60 points of interest. (The tour can be made shorter or longer upon request). We will visit churches whose congregations have worshiped in Frederick for nearly 300 years, places critical to rebellion before the Revolutionary War and secession during the Civil War, buildings that served as part of Frederick’s “One Vast Hospital” for soldiers after the Battles of South Mountain and Antietam, schools that have been a part of Frederick’s legacy for more than 200 years, and recent revitalization efforts ensuring that Frederick thrives into the future. The last stop will be at the "Square Corner" — The Crossroads of Maryland.
Winchester Hall
Winchester Hall / Frederick Female Seminary / Women's College of Frederick. At this stop, we first provide an overview of Frederick from its founding in 1745 to the Civil War to the present day in order to provide context for all of the stops. See a 180 year old girls school that went through several closures, but still exists today as an important part of our heritage.
Historical Society of Frederick County
Loats Female Orphan Asylum / Protestant Episcopal Orphan Home. This is a short stop about two orphanages operated for 75-100 years by the Lutheran and Episcopal churches. Although long gone, their legacies live on with foundations providing college scholarships for needy youth.
Evangelical Lutheran Church
We will learn about the oldest congregation (almost 300 years) responsible for founding Frederick, see the iconic Twin Spires, and see a photo of the sanctuary with some great German engineering during the Civil War.
Carroll Creek Linear Park
Walk up and down Carroll Creek and see the sights
Baker Park
A great resource for the City of Frederick
Join us for a walk through Historic Downtown Frederick, Maryland. The City of Clustered Spires. Discover the city’s rich historical and cultural heritage — from the early German settlement of “Fredericktowne” in 1745, through bustling industry and devastating floods, to the revitalized city of today. This 2-hour, 1.2-mile walking tour comprises 12 stops and about 60 points of interest. (The tour can be made shorter or longer upon request). We will visit churches whose congregations have worshiped in Frederick for nearly 300 years, places critical to rebellion before the Revolutionary War and secession during the Civil War, buildings that served as part of Frederick’s “One Vast Hospital” for soldiers after the Battles of South Mountain and Antietam, schools that have been a part of Frederick’s legacy for more than 200 years, and recent revitalization efforts ensuring that Frederick thrives into the future. The last stop will be at the "Square Corner" — The Crossroads of Maryland.
Winchester Hall
Winchester Hall / Frederick Female Seminary / Women's College of Frederick. At this stop, we first provide an overview of Frederick from its founding in 1745 to the Civil War to the present day in order to provide context for all of the stops. See a 180 year old girls school that went through several closures, but still exists today as an important part of our heritage.
Historical Society of Frederick County
Loats Female Orphan Asylum / Protestant Episcopal Orphan Home. This is a short stop about two orphanages operated for 75-100 years by the Lutheran and Episcopal churches. Although long gone, their legacies live on with foundations providing college scholarships for needy youth.
Evangelical Lutheran Church
We will learn about the oldest congregation (almost 300 years) responsible for founding Frederick, see the iconic Twin Spires, and see a photo of the sanctuary with some great German engineering during the Civil War.
Carroll Creek Linear Park
Walk up and down Carroll Creek and see the sights
Baker Park
A great resource for the City of Frederick
Join us for a walk through Historic Downtown Frederick, Maryland. The City of Clustered Spires. Discover the city’s rich historical and cultural heritage — from the early German settlement of “Fredericktowne” in 1745, through bustling industry and devastating floods, to the revitalized city of today. This 2-hour, 1.2-mile walking tour comprises 12 stops and about 60 points of interest. (The tour can be made shorter or longer upon request). We will visit churches whose congregations have worshiped in Frederick for nearly 300 years, places critical to rebellion before the Revolutionary War and secession during the Civil War, buildings that served as part of Frederick’s “One Vast Hospital” for soldiers after the Battles of South Mountain and Antietam, schools that have been a part of Frederick’s legacy for more than 200 years, and recent revitalization efforts ensuring that Frederick thrives into the future. The last stop will be at the "Square Corner" — The Crossroads of Maryland.
Винчестер Холл
Винчестер-холл /Женская семинария Фредерика /Женский колледж Фредерика. На этой остановке мы сначала предоставим обзор Фредерика с момента его основания в 1745 году до гражданской войны и до наших дней, чтобы обеспечить контекст для всех остановок. Посмотрите на 180-летнюю школу для девочек, которая несколько раз закрывалась, но до сих пор существует как важная часть нашего наследия.
Историческое общество округа Фредерик
Женский приют для сирот Лоутс /протестантский епископальный приют для сирот. Это короткая остановка около двух детских домов, которыми в течение 75-100 лет управляли Лютеранская и Епископальная церкви. Хотя их наследие уже давно ушло в прошлое, их наследие живет благодаря фондам, предоставляющим стипендии для колледжей нуждающейся молодежи.
Евангелическо-лютеранская церковь
Мы узнаем о старейшей общине (почти 300 лет), ответственной за основание Фредерика, увидим знаковые Двойные шпили и увидим фотографию святилища с некоторыми великими немецкими инженерами во время Гражданской войны.
Линейный парк Кэрролл-Крик
Прогуляйтесь вверх и вниз по Кэрролл-Крик и осмотрите достопримечательности.
Бейкер Парк
Отличный ресурс для города Фредерик
Присоединяйтесь к нам на прогулку по историческому центру города Фредерик, штат Мэриленд. Город сгруппированных шпилей. Откройте для себя богатое историческое и культурное наследие города — от раннего немецкого поселения «Фредериктаун» в 1745 году, через шумную промышленность и разрушительные наводнения до возрожденного города сегодня. Эта двухчасовая пешеходная экскурсия протяженностью 1,9 мили включает 12 остановок и около 60 достопримечательностей. (Экскурсия может быть сокращена или увеличена по запросу). Мы посетим церкви, прихожане которых поклонялись во Фредерике почти 300 лет, места, критически важные для восстания до Войны за независимость и отделения во время Гражданской войны, здания, которые служили частью «Одного обширного госпиталя» Фридриха для солдат после битв при Саут-Маунтин. и Antietam, школы, которые были частью наследия Фредерика более 200 лет, и недавние усилия по возрождению, обеспечивающие процветание Фредерика в будущем. Последняя остановка будет у «Квадратного угла» — перекрестка Мэриленда.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (36)
Oct 2020
Don was very informative and entertaining. He explained the history of Frederick as it pertains to the Civil War.
Sep 2020
This experience was fantastic. Don was super informative and made learning the history of Frederick so fun! His enthusiasm rubbed off on us. I would highly recommend this tour to anyone in the area. It was really such a great treat.
Sep 2020
Don was extremely knowledgeable and shared incredible stories that I would have never heard. Frederick has a unique history that needs to be heard.

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