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Вход: Музей естественной истории округа Лос-Анджелес.

Окунитесь в мир природы прошлого и настоящего, посетив Музей естественной истории округа Лос-Анджелес. Познакомьтесь с необычными динозаврами, познакомьтесь с впечатляющей природой, исследуйте интригующие диорамы и полюбуйтесь одной из самых впечатляющих коллекций драгоценных камней и минералов в мире. В музее также есть сезонный павильон бабочек и пауков, а также одна из лучших коллекций окаменелостей в Калифорнии. Идеально подходит как для семей, так и для индивидуальных путешественников, это и развлекательный, и познавательный способ провести день.
Город: Лос-Анджелес
Mon 09 Sep
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Начинается с $14.36
Mon 09 Sep
Начинается с $14.36
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  • Максимум 9 человек на бронирование
Что ожидать
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Spend an enjoyable and educational afternoon exploring the National History Museum of Los Angeles County with a general admission ticket, which offers you access to a wealth of exhibits. First, discover more than 300 fossils, marvel at 20 complete skeletons, and virtually excavate specimens at a series of multimedia stations in the Dinosaur Hall. Here, you can also view the world’s only Tyrannosaurus rex growth series, get a behind-the-scenes look at paleontologists in the Dino Lab, and see dinosaurs come alive at the Dinosaur Encounters show. Then, journey through an epic evolutionary story that spans 65 million years and includes 240 specimens — such as mastodon and whale skeletons — as well as animal dioramas from North America and Africa. Continue on to the Gem and Mineral Hall, which features more than 2,000 individual specimens and a vault containing diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and gold. Find out how LA went from a tiny pueblo to a sprawling metropolis in the Becoming Los Angeles exhibit, and take a stroll past native plant species in the Nature Gardens, where kids and adults can take a closer look at how things grow in the Get Dirty Zone. Before leaving, don’t forget to scope out L.A. creatures scurrying about the Nature Lab, and try your hand at interactive touch-screens that let you explore stories about Los Angeles’ plants and animals.
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Spend an enjoyable and educational afternoon exploring the National History Museum of Los Angeles County with a general admission ticket, which offers you access to a wealth of exhibits. First, discover more than 300 fossils, marvel at 20 complete skeletons, and virtually excavate specimens at a series of multimedia stations in the Dinosaur Hall. Here, you can also view the world’s only Tyrannosaurus rex growth series, get a behind-the-scenes look at paleontologists in the Dino Lab, and see dinosaurs come alive at the Dinosaur Encounters show. Then, journey through an epic evolutionary story that spans 65 million years and includes 240 specimens — such as mastodon and whale skeletons — as well as animal dioramas from North America and Africa. Continue on to the Gem and Mineral Hall, which features more than 2,000 individual specimens and a vault containing diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and gold. Find out how LA went from a tiny pueblo to a sprawling metropolis in the Becoming Los Angeles exhibit, and take a stroll past native plant species in the Nature Gardens, where kids and adults can take a closer look at how things grow in the Get Dirty Zone. Before leaving, don’t forget to scope out L.A. creatures scurrying about the Nature Lab, and try your hand at interactive touch-screens that let you explore stories about Los Angeles’ plants and animals.
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Spend an enjoyable and educational afternoon exploring the National History Museum of Los Angeles County with a general admission ticket, which offers you access to a wealth of exhibits. First, discover more than 300 fossils, marvel at 20 complete skeletons, and virtually excavate specimens at a series of multimedia stations in the Dinosaur Hall. Here, you can also view the world’s only Tyrannosaurus rex growth series, get a behind-the-scenes look at paleontologists in the Dino Lab, and see dinosaurs come alive at the Dinosaur Encounters show. Then, journey through an epic evolutionary story that spans 65 million years and includes 240 specimens — such as mastodon and whale skeletons — as well as animal dioramas from North America and Africa. Continue on to the Gem and Mineral Hall, which features more than 2,000 individual specimens and a vault containing diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and gold. Find out how LA went from a tiny pueblo to a sprawling metropolis in the Becoming Los Angeles exhibit, and take a stroll past native plant species in the Nature Gardens, where kids and adults can take a closer look at how things grow in the Get Dirty Zone. Before leaving, don’t forget to scope out L.A. creatures scurrying about the Nature Lab, and try your hand at interactive touch-screens that let you explore stories about Los Angeles’ plants and animals.
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Spend an enjoyable and educational afternoon exploring the National History Museum of Los Angeles County with a general admission ticket, which offers you access to a wealth of exhibits. First, discover more than 300 fossils, marvel at 20 complete skeletons, and virtually excavate specimens at a series of multimedia stations in the Dinosaur Hall. Here, you can also view the world’s only Tyrannosaurus rex growth series, get a behind-the-scenes look at paleontologists in the Dino Lab, and see dinosaurs come alive at the Dinosaur Encounters show. Then, journey through an epic evolutionary story that spans 65 million years and includes 240 specimens — such as mastodon and whale skeletons — as well as animal dioramas from North America and Africa. Continue on to the Gem and Mineral Hall, which features more than 2,000 individual specimens and a vault containing diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and gold. Find out how LA went from a tiny pueblo to a sprawling metropolis in the Becoming Los Angeles exhibit, and take a stroll past native plant species in the Nature Gardens, where kids and adults can take a closer look at how things grow in the Get Dirty Zone. Before leaving, don’t forget to scope out L.A. creatures scurrying about the Nature Lab, and try your hand at interactive touch-screens that let you explore stories about Los Angeles’ plants and animals.
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Spend an enjoyable and educational afternoon exploring the National History Museum of Los Angeles County with a general admission ticket, which offers you access to a wealth of exhibits. First, discover more than 300 fossils, marvel at 20 complete skeletons, and virtually excavate specimens at a series of multimedia stations in the Dinosaur Hall. Here, you can also view the world’s only Tyrannosaurus rex growth series, get a behind-the-scenes look at paleontologists in the Dino Lab, and see dinosaurs come alive at the Dinosaur Encounters show. Then, journey through an epic evolutionary story that spans 65 million years and includes 240 specimens — such as mastodon and whale skeletons — as well as animal dioramas from North America and Africa. Continue on to the Gem and Mineral Hall, which features more than 2,000 individual specimens and a vault containing diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and gold. Find out how LA went from a tiny pueblo to a sprawling metropolis in the Becoming Los Angeles exhibit, and take a stroll past native plant species in the Nature Gardens, where kids and adults can take a closer look at how things grow in the Get Dirty Zone. Before leaving, don’t forget to scope out L.A. creatures scurrying about the Nature Lab, and try your hand at interactive touch-screens that let you explore stories about Los Angeles’ plants and animals.
Музей естественной истории округа Лос-Анджелес
Проведите приятный и познавательный день, изучая Национальный исторический музей округа Лос-Анджелес, воспользовавшись общим входным билетом, который дает вам доступ к множеству экспонатов. Во-первых, откройте более 300 окаменелостей, полюбуйтесь 20 полными скелетами и виртуально раскопайте образцы на нескольких мультимедийных станциях в Зале динозавров. Здесь вы также можете просмотреть единственную в мире серию наблюдений за ростом тираннозавра, заглянуть за кулисы палеонтологов в Dino Lab и увидеть, как динозавры оживают на шоу Dinosaur Encounters. Затем совершите путешествие по эпической эволюционной истории, которая охватывает 65 миллионов лет и включает в себя 240 образцов, таких как скелеты мастодонтов и китов, а также диорамы животных из Северной Америки и Африки. Пройдите в Зал драгоценных камней и минералов, в котором представлено более 2000 отдельных образцов и хранилище с бриллиантами, рубинами, сапфирами и золотом. Узнайте, как Лос-Анджелес превратился из крошечного пуэбло в огромный мегаполис, на выставке «Становление Лос-Анджелеса» и прогуляйтесь среди местных видов растений в Природных садах, где дети и взрослые могут поближе познакомиться с тем, как растут вещи, в разделе Get Dirty. Зона. Перед отъездом не забудьте посмотреть на лос-анджелесских существ, снующих по Лаборатории природы, и попробовать свои силы в интерактивных сенсорных экранах, которые позволяют вам исследовать истории о растениях и животных Лос-Анджелеса.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (28)
Aug 2022
This was our first visit. The building that the museum is in is beautiful I loved the architecture. The museum itself is nice. They have an impressive collection of gems and minerals and dinosaurs.
Jul 2022
We had the best time! Our Grandson is a Dino nut! He wanted his picture taken by each one! He was in his glory and so were we watching him experience the displays!
Jul 2022
My boyfriend and I have always wanted to dress up and go to a museum. We both grew up going to the Natural History Museum so it was so memorable walking around such a sweet, memorable place with him!!

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