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Музей естественной истории - эксклюзивный тур с гидом

В Американском музее естественной истории, от динозавров до космических камней, собраны одни из самых удивительных артефактов в мире. Эта 2,5-часовая эксклюзивная экскурсия по музею проведет вас через 28 зданий, которые составляют эту культовую достопримечательность. Ваш гид проведет вас по его залам, рассказав о самых интересных моментах.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Thu 27 Mar
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Начинается с $115.54
Thu 27 Mar
Начинается с $115.54
Что включено
Wheelchair Friendly
Professional Tour Guide Exclusively For You
Duration 2.5 Hours
All Entrance Fees
Skip-the-Line Private Museum Tour
Wheelchair Friendly
Professional Tour Guide Exclusively For You
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступен для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Все районы и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Максимум 8 человек на бронирование
  • Примечания: Музей Метрополитен может подвергаться периодические закрытия без предварительного предупреждения руководства музея. Когда это произойдет, мы предоставим гостям подходящую альтернативу, если время открытия музея задерживается более чем на 1 час с начала тура. В этих случаях мы не можем предоставить возмещение или скидки. Для входа на некоторые сайты в этом туре требуется соответствующая одежда. В музей не допускаются большие сумки или чемоданы, через службу безопасности пропускаются только дамские сумки или небольшие пакеты с тонкими сумками. Из-за усиленных мер безопасности на многих аттракционах могут образовываться очереди на экскурсии с пропуском без очереди или без ожидания. В некоторых определенных комнатах внутри музея действует очень тихое или ограниченное право говорить внутри, в этом случае ваш гид предоставит информацию об этих местах, прежде чем войти в определенные комнаты, где действует это правило. Некоторые коллекции могут меняться в течение года.
Что ожидать
American Museum of Natural History
The 33 million objects housed in the museum cover basically all of Earth’s history, so you’ll be lucky to have a knowledgeable guide break it all down for you. Begin with the museum itself as you learn about its story in the majestic Roosevelt Rotunda where you’ll meet the first of many prehistoric creatures on your visit. Your guide will reveal how the dioramas are made as you explore the giant African mammals of the Akeley Hall.  Then move towards the dinosaur exhibits where you’ll explore some of the most complete collections of dinosaur skeletons in the world. From the gargantuan Titanosaur to the more familiar T-Rex, you’ll feel like a kid again as you learn their stories. You’ll then move on to hear about the North American Forests, featuring the giant Sequoia, before gazing up at the giant Blue Whale hanging overhead in the Hall of Ocean Life. Visit some American mammals as you learn about the National Parks of the United States. Finally, blast off beyond our orbit in the Rose Center for Earth and Space to feel unbelievably insignificant facing the mysteries of the cosmos. Where else in New York can you feel like you’ve traveled through time and space without leaving the Upper West Side? 
American Museum of Natural History
The 33 million objects housed in the museum cover basically all of Earth’s history, so you’ll be lucky to have a knowledgeable guide break it all down for you. Begin with the museum itself as you learn about its story in the majestic Roosevelt Rotunda where you’ll meet the first of many prehistoric creatures on your visit. Your guide will reveal how the dioramas are made as you explore the giant African mammals of the Akeley Hall.  Then move towards the dinosaur exhibits where you’ll explore some of the most complete collections of dinosaur skeletons in the world. From the gargantuan Titanosaur to the more familiar T-Rex, you’ll feel like a kid again as you learn their stories. You’ll then move on to hear about the North American Forests, featuring the giant Sequoia, before gazing up at the giant Blue Whale hanging overhead in the Hall of Ocean Life. Visit some American mammals as you learn about the National Parks of the United States. Finally, blast off beyond our orbit in the Rose Center for Earth and Space to feel unbelievably insignificant facing the mysteries of the cosmos. Where else in New York can you feel like you’ve traveled through time and space without leaving the Upper West Side? 
American Museum of Natural History
The 33 million objects housed in the museum cover basically all of Earth’s history, so you’ll be lucky to have a knowledgeable guide break it all down for you. Begin with the museum itself as you learn about its story in the majestic Roosevelt Rotunda where you’ll meet the first of many prehistoric creatures on your visit. Your guide will reveal how the dioramas are made as you explore the giant African mammals of the Akeley Hall.  Then move towards the dinosaur exhibits where you’ll explore some of the most complete collections of dinosaur skeletons in the world. From the gargantuan Titanosaur to the more familiar T-Rex, you’ll feel like a kid again as you learn their stories. You’ll then move on to hear about the North American Forests, featuring the giant Sequoia, before gazing up at the giant Blue Whale hanging overhead in the Hall of Ocean Life. Visit some American mammals as you learn about the National Parks of the United States. Finally, blast off beyond our orbit in the Rose Center for Earth and Space to feel unbelievably insignificant facing the mysteries of the cosmos. Where else in New York can you feel like you’ve traveled through time and space without leaving the Upper West Side? 
American Museum of Natural History
The 33 million objects housed in the museum cover basically all of Earth’s history, so you’ll be lucky to have a knowledgeable guide break it all down for you. Begin with the museum itself as you learn about its story in the majestic Roosevelt Rotunda where you’ll meet the first of many prehistoric creatures on your visit. Your guide will reveal how the dioramas are made as you explore the giant African mammals of the Akeley Hall.  Then move towards the dinosaur exhibits where you’ll explore some of the most complete collections of dinosaur skeletons in the world. From the gargantuan Titanosaur to the more familiar T-Rex, you’ll feel like a kid again as you learn their stories. You’ll then move on to hear about the North American Forests, featuring the giant Sequoia, before gazing up at the giant Blue Whale hanging overhead in the Hall of Ocean Life. Visit some American mammals as you learn about the National Parks of the United States. Finally, blast off beyond our orbit in the Rose Center for Earth and Space to feel unbelievably insignificant facing the mysteries of the cosmos. Where else in New York can you feel like you’ve traveled through time and space without leaving the Upper West Side? 
American Museum of Natural History
The 33 million objects housed in the museum cover basically all of Earth’s history, so you’ll be lucky to have a knowledgeable guide break it all down for you. Begin with the museum itself as you learn about its story in the majestic Roosevelt Rotunda where you’ll meet the first of many prehistoric creatures on your visit. Your guide will reveal how the dioramas are made as you explore the giant African mammals of the Akeley Hall.  Then move towards the dinosaur exhibits where you’ll explore some of the most complete collections of dinosaur skeletons in the world. From the gargantuan Titanosaur to the more familiar T-Rex, you’ll feel like a kid again as you learn their stories. You’ll then move on to hear about the North American Forests, featuring the giant Sequoia, before gazing up at the giant Blue Whale hanging overhead in the Hall of Ocean Life. Visit some American mammals as you learn about the National Parks of the United States. Finally, blast off beyond our orbit in the Rose Center for Earth and Space to feel unbelievably insignificant facing the mysteries of the cosmos. Where else in New York can you feel like you’ve traveled through time and space without leaving the Upper West Side? 
American Museum of Natural History
The 33 million objects housed in the museum cover basically all of Earth’s history, so you’ll be lucky to have a knowledgeable guide break it all down for you. Begin with the museum itself as you learn about its story in the majestic Roosevelt Rotunda where you’ll meet the first of many prehistoric creatures on your visit. Your guide will reveal how the dioramas are made as you explore the giant African mammals of the Akeley Hall.  Then move towards the dinosaur exhibits where you’ll explore some of the most complete collections of dinosaur skeletons in the world. From the gargantuan Titanosaur to the more familiar T-Rex, you’ll feel like a kid again as you learn their stories. You’ll then move on to hear about the North American Forests, featuring the giant Sequoia, before gazing up at the giant Blue Whale hanging overhead in the Hall of Ocean Life. Visit some American mammals as you learn about the National Parks of the United States. Finally, blast off beyond our orbit in the Rose Center for Earth and Space to feel unbelievably insignificant facing the mysteries of the cosmos. Where else in New York can you feel like you’ve traveled through time and space without leaving the Upper West Side? 
Американский музей естественной истории
33 миллиона экспонатов, хранящихся в музее, охватывают практически всю историю Земли, поэтому вам повезет, если знающий гид расскажет вам обо всем. Начните с самого музея, когда вы узнаете о его истории в величественной Ротонде Рузвельта, где вы встретите первое из многих доисторических существ во время вашего визита. Ваш гид расскажет, как создаются диорамы, когда вы исследуете гигантских африканских млекопитающих в Экли-холле. Затем отправляйтесь к экспонатам динозавров, где вы изучите одну из самых полных коллекций скелетов динозавров в мире. От гигантского Титанозавра до более знакомого T-Rex, вы снова почувствуете себя ребенком, узнавая их истории. Затем вы услышите о лесах Северной Америки с гигантской секвойей, а затем посмотрите на гигантского синего кита, висящего над головой в Зале океанской жизни. Посетите некоторых американских млекопитающих, узнав о национальных парках Соединенных Штатов. Наконец, вылетите за пределы нашей орбиты в Центре Земли и Космоса Роуз, чтобы почувствовать себя невероятно незначительным лицом к лицу с тайнами космоса. Где еще в Нью-Йорке вы можете почувствовать, что путешествовали во времени и пространстве, не покидая Верхний Вест-Сайд?
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Отзывы (98)
Dec 2022
Outstanding tour with Mark. He was so knowledgeable and entertaining, and kept all five of us (parents and children aged 15, 11 and 9) captivated. A must-do private tour when visiting NYC.
Dec 2022
Mark was enthusiastic and informative. He obviously loves the Museum of Natural History and his passion helped bring it to life for me, my wife, and my 9 and 13 year old sons.
Dec 2022
My guide Jeff was fantastic my grandsons 7 and 4 enjoyed inmensely asked zillion questions and lasted dd whole time without even asking for rest! They were ecstatic

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